Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2024/25

451 - Degree in Veterinary Science

28415 - Scientific English for Veterinary Science

Syllabus Information

Academic year:
28415 - Scientific English for Veterinary Science
Faculty / School:
105 - Facultad de Veterinaria
451 - Degree in Veterinary Science
5 and 4 and 3 and 2
First semester
Subject type:

1. General information

The subject is designed taking as a starting point an intermediate level of English equivalent to or higher than B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Classes are taught entirely in English.
-The main objective is to improve the student's level of oral and written English by adapting it to the audience and the purpose of the speech in different professional and academic contexts related to veterinary studies and profession. The aim is for the student to develop communication strategies and techniques to prepare, process, interpret and present scientific data and to be able to make use of bibliographic information published in English in their field of knowledge.
These objectives are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda. ( More specifically, this subject contributes directly to the achievement of Goal 4 of the SDGs, through Objective 4.4.

2. Learning results

Upon completion of the subject, the student will be able to:
- Use scientific terminology related to the studies and profession of veterinary sciences in academic and professional contexts.
- Understand and interpret specialized texts related to veterinary studies and profession written in English, at a speed that allows them to make a natural and daily use of the bibliography of their specialty published in this language.
- Distinguish and make use of the appropriate register to communicate in the different environments in which scientific communication takes place.
- Produce brief writings in English on topics related to their academic activity, using specialized lexis and rhetorical functions appropriate to the purpose of the communicative act.
- Understand the overall meaning of a lecture or talk given in English on topics related to their studies and future profession.
- Take part in a debate or conversation on topics related to their veterinary studies.
- Appreciate the existing differences between the general use of the English language and its variants in a scientific academic context, and distinguish written academic English from other texts of the same subject matter that have a communicative purpose different from that corresponding to scientific communication among professionals of a certain area of knowledge.

3. Syllabus

Contents are divided into 20 units that are distributed as follows:

1.Describing qualifications in Higher Education. Identifying and defining the different sciences and subjects composing the veterinary degree. Naming and describing activities and jobs related to the veterinary profession. Assignment: essay on veterinary studies and profession based on reading available texts. Lexical exercises. Translation sentences.

2. Describing physical features. External characteristics of animals. Rhetorical functions: physical description and classifying techniques. Linguistic content: degrees of generalization, comparative structures, shortened relative clauses. Assignment:
Reading comprehension and vocabulary exercises. Practice with relative clauses.

3. Naming statements. Identifying and recognizing common terms used for animals. Defining common terms used to denote sex and age of animals. Defining common terms used to denote birthing and grouping of animals. Primary data in clinical histories. Rhetorical functions: definition. Assignment: lexical exercises.

4. Describing shapes, properties, size, dimension and colour. Assignment: translation exercise. Using prefixes, suffixes and roots in deducing meaning.

5. Expressing similarities and differences. Rhetorical functions: comparing and contrasting. Linguistic content: comparison and contrast. Introducing physical examination, surgical wear and basic clinical material terminology. Assignment:
Comparison and contrast exercises. Summarizing texts. Common suffixes in medical contexts.

6. Formal vs Informal definitions. Basic components of a formal definition. Assignment: defining exercises. Basic laboratory material.

7. Learning anatomical terminology: general directional terms, directional terms for limbs. Plans of section. Rhetorical functions: definition and description Linguistic content: basic anatomical terminology, adjectives and nouns. Use of prefixes, suffixes and roots in anatomical terminology. Assignment: Exercises applying formal anatomical terminology.

8. Describing structures. Verbs associated with structures: composition, location and direction. Relationship between elements. Assignment: using verbs in descriptions of anatomical structures and location. Translation exercises.

9. The musculoskeletal system terminology. Describing bone anatomy terms. Common diseases and disorders affecting the musculoskeletal system. Frequent traumatological problems. Assignment: Lexical and translation exercises.

10. Practicing description of structure, location and relationship between parts. Describing function. Different types of digestive systems: components and function description. Assignment: reading comprehension exercise. Common verbs and
adjectives used in function description. Assignment: lexical exercises. Description of organ functions.

11. Describing process. Sequencing the steps in the process description. Internal anatomy and physiology: The heart cycle and the digestion process. Linguistic content: Markers of time sequence. Time clauses. Causality and result. Assignment: Description of process: life cycle.

12. Practicing physical, function and process description. The respiratory and nervous system components, location and function. Common signs of respiratory and neurological disease. Irregular plurals. Common acronyms and abbreviations.
Assignment: reading comprehension exercises based on Case studies.

13. Applying previous knowledge and context in text comprehension. The urinary and reproductive systems in mammals. Assignment: reading comprehension exercises based on case studies.

14. Deducing the meaning of words through context. Feeding farm animals. The constituents of foods. Food requirements. Linguistic content: Passive sentences. Use of defective verbs (may, might, should).Assignment: Understanding authentic written material. Paragraph writing. Oral summary of written texts. Causality and result relationships. Assignment: matching causes and effects.

15. Describing symptoms. The causes of ill health. Linguistic contents: common abbreviations, prefixes, suffixes and roots used in clinical contexts. Common terms used in signs and symptoms description. Assignment: understanding and summarizing written texts. Translation exercise.

16- Livestock health: describing pests and diseases. Rhetorical functions: Classification. Instructions. Linguistic content: Statements of frequency. Statements of probability and tendency. Using text information in answering questions.

17- Veterinary tools and techniques. Small versus large animals veterinary clinics. Review of formal clinical terminology. Lexical exercise on veterinary clinical material and techniques.

18- Presenting Veterinary Case Studies. Use of texts information in answering questions. Linguistic content: Making deductions.

19- General review of basic laboratory, surgical and medical material used by veterinary practitioners. Practicing with common acronyms and abbreviations used in the veterinary profession. Describing terms and equipment for the basic physical examination. Recognizing and defining terms associated with pharmacology and drugs used in various treatments, pathological procedures and processes, and with different types of surgery and the instruments used. Recognizing and defining terms associated with laboratory analysis, radiographic and imaging procedures. Lexical exercise on laboratory, surgical and medical equipment.

20- ANNEXES: Suffixes, prefixes and roots. Linking words and phrases.



4. Academic activities

60 hours of practical classroom teaching in 30 sessions of 2 hours each.
The subject has a fundamentally practical orientation, through activities based on the concepts learned in the classroom sessions, which require constant active participation of the students. To this end, prior to each session, participants will be provided with the subject materials (through the Moodle platform) to optimize teacher-student contact time.

During each session, the contents corresponding to the topic will be presented through practical examples using authentic material taken from oral and written texts related to topics of interest in the field of veterinary sciences, dedicating approximately 30-40 minutes to their development. The rest of the session will be dedicated to oral practice and the solving of doubts.

Students must also invest a reasonable number of hours of self-study and carry out written exercises related to the topics developed in the classroom, in which all the knowledge acquired will be put into practice. Weekly monitoring of these assignments will allow for ongoing assessment of learning progress.



5. Assessment system

Learning progress will be assessed through attendance and active participation in the classroom sessions and will take into account the fulfilment of the assigned individual tasks, adaptation to generic conventions, structure, variety, grammatical correctness and use of technical vocabulary and progress in oral communication through classroom activities.
Overall test
All students will be evaluated by a global test at the end of the face-to-face sessions period. Previously, the student will be provided with a test of identical characteristics, so that they is aware of the type of test and the level of demand. The test will consist of the following parts:
- Use of specialized lexicon and ability to deduce the meaning of technical words used in veterinary studies and profession (25%).
- Writing paragraphs of scientific/biomedical content from the information provided, applying the morphosyntactic, semantic and discursive structures characteristic of scientific language (30%).
- Reformulation of the information applying the acquired knowledge of synonymy, use of connectors, abbreviations and different formulas to express the characteristic functions of scientific language (15%).
- Comprehension of authentic texts in the veterinary field, applying techniques of deduction of meaning through context, comprehension of complex nominal compounds, knowledge of compound word formation (prefixes, suffixes, roots) and knowledge of the textual structure depending on the communicative function of the selected text (20%).
- Use of key words in English when searching for information online. (10%).

In order to pass the subject, the student must obtain a minimum of 60% of the maximum grade in each of the sections.

Oral test
Students who have not demonstrated this skill in the practical classes will be required to take an oral exam, consisting of a 10-15 minute interview in which topics related to the academic and professional veterinary activity will be discussed.

6. Sustainable Development Goals

4 - Quality Education
10 - Reduction of Inequalities
17 - Partnerships for the Goals

Curso Académico: 2024/25

451 - Graduado en Veterinaria

28415 - Inglés científico para veterinaria

Información del Plan Docente

Año académico:
28415 - Inglés científico para veterinaria
Centro académico:
105 - Facultad de Veterinaria
451 - Graduado en Veterinaria
4 y 5 y 2 y 3
Periodo de impartición:
Primer semestre
Clase de asignatura:

1. Información básica de la asignatura

La asignatura está diseñada tomando como punto de partida un nivel intermedio de inglés equivalente o superior al B1 del Marco Europeo de Referencia. Las clases se imparten íntegramente en inglés.
-El objetivo principal es mejorar el nivel de inglés oral y escrito del estudiante adaptándolo a la audiencia y a la finalidad del discurso en diferentes contextos profesionales y académicos vinculados a los estudios y profesión veterinaria. Se busca desarrollar estrategias y técnicas de comunicación para preparar, procesar, interpretar y presentar datos de carácter científico y poder hacer uso de la información bibliográfica de su ámbito de conocimiento publicada en inglés.
Estos planteamientos y objetivos están alineados con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de la Agenda 2030 de Naciones Unidas ( Más concretamente, esta materia contribuye de forma directa a la consecución del objetivo 4 de los ODS, a través de la Meta 4.4.

2. Resultados de aprendizaje

Al superar esta asignatura, el estudiante deberá ser capaz de:
• Utilizar la terminología científica vinculada a los estudios y profesión de las ciencias veterinarias en contextos académicos y profesionales.
• Comprender e interpretar textos especializados vinculados a los estudios y profesión veterinaria escritos en inglés, a una velocidad que les permita hacer un uso natural y cotidiano de la bibliografía de su especialidad publicada en esta lengua.
• Distinguir y hacer uso del registro adecuado para comunicarse en los distintos ámbitos en los que se produce la comunicación científica.
• Elaborar breves escritos en inglés sobre temas relacionados con su actividad académica, utilizando un léxico especializado y las funciones retóricas adecuadas a la finalidad del acto comunicativo.
• Comprender el significado global de una conferencia o charla impartida en inglés sobre temas relacionados con sus estudios y futura profesión.
• Tomar parte en un debate o conversación sobre temas relacionados con sus estudios de Veterinaria.
• Apreciar las diferencias existentes entre el uso general de la lengua inglesa y la variantes de la misma en un contexto académico científico, y distinguir el inglés académico escrito de otros textos de la misma temática que tienen una finalidad comunicativa distinta de la correspondiente a la comunicación científica entre profesionales de una determinada área de conocimiento.

3. Programa de la asignatura

Contents are divided into 20 units that are distributed as follows:

1.Describing qualifications in Higher Education. Identifying and defining the different sciences and subjects composing the veterinary degree. Naming and describing activities and jobs related to the veterinary profession. Assignment: essay on veterinary studies and profession based on reading available texts. Lexical exercises. Translation sentences.

2. Describing physical features. External characteristics of animals. Rhetorical functions: physical description and classifying techniques. Linguistic content: degrees of generalization, comparative structures, shortened relative clauses. Assignment:
reading comprehension and vocabulary exercises. Practice with relative clauses.

3. Naming statements. Identifying and recognizing common terms used for animals. Defining common terms used to denote sex and age of animals. Defining common terms used to denote birthing and grouping of animals. Primary data in clinical histories.Rhetorical functions: definition. Assignment: lexical exercises.

4. Describing shapes, properties, size, dimension and colour. Assignment: translation exercise. Using prefixes, suffixes and roots in deducing meaning.

5. Expressing similarities and differences. Rhetorical functions: comparing and contrasting. Linguistic content: comparison and contrast. Introducing physical examination, surgical wear and basic clinical material terminology. Assignment:
Comparison and contrast exercises. Summarizing texts. Common suffixes in medical contexts.

6. Formal vs Informal definitions. Basic components of a formal definition. Assignment: defining exercises. Basic laboratory material.

7. Learning anatomical terminology: general directional terms, directional terms for limbs. Planes of section. Rhetorical functions: definition and description Linguistic content: basic anatomical terminology, adjectives and nouns. Locative statements.Use of prefixes, suffixes and roots in anatomical terminology. Assignment: Exercises applying formal anatomical terminology.

8. Describing structures. Verbs associated with structures: composition, location and direction. Relationship between elements. Assignment: using verbs in descriptions of anatomical structures and location. Translation exercises.

9. The musculoskeletal system terminology. Describing bone anatomy terms. Common diseases and disorders affecting the musculoskeletal system. Frequent traumatological problems. Assignment: Lexical and translation exercises.

10. Practicing description of structure, location and relationship between parts. Describing function. Different types of digestive systems: components and function description. Assignment: reading comprehension exercise. Common verbs and
adjectives used in function description. Assignment: lexical exercises. Description of organ functions.

11. Describing process. Sequencing the steps in the process description. Internal anatomy and physiology: The heart cycle and the digestion process. Linguistic content: Markers of time sequence.Time clauses. Causality and result. Assignment: Description of process: life cycle.

12. Practicing physical, function and process description. The respiratory and nervous system components, location and function. Common signs of respiratory and neurological disease. Irregular plurals. Common acronyms and abbreviations.
Assignment: reading comprehension exercises based on Case studies.

13. Applying previous knowledge and context in text comprehension. The urinary and reproductive systems in mammals.Assignment: reading comprehension exercises based on Case studies.

14. Deducing the meaning of words through context. Feeding farm animals. The constituents of foods. Food requirements. Linguistic content: Passive sentences. Use of defective verbs (may, might, should).Assignment: Understanding authentic written material. Paragraph writing. Oral summary of written texts. Causality and result relationships. Assignment: matching causes and effects.

15. Describing symptoms. The causes of ill health. Linguistic contents: common abbreviations, prefixes, suffixes and roots used in clinical contexts. Common terms used in signs and symptoms description. Assignment: understanding and summarizing written texts. Translation exercise.

16. Livestock health: describing pests and diseases. Rhetorical functions: Classification. Instructions. Linguistic content: Statements of frequency. Statements of probability and tendency. Using text information in answering questions.

17. Veterinary tools and techniques. Small versus large animals veterinary clinics. Review of formal clinical terminology. Lexical exercise on veterinary clinical material and techniques.

18. Presenting Veterinary Case Studies. Use of texts information in answering questions. Linguistic content: Making deductions.

19. General review of basic laboratory, surgical and medical material used by veterinary practitioners. Practicing with common acronyms and abbreviations used in the veterinary profession. Describing terms and equipment for the basic physical examination. Recognizing and defining terms associated with pharmacology and drugs used in various treatments, pathological procedures and processes, and with different types of surgery and the instrumental used. Recognizing and defining terms associated with laboratory analysis, radiographic and imaging procedures. Lexical exercise on laboratory, surgical and medical equipment.

20. ANNEXES: Suffixes, prefixes and roots. Linking words and phrases.

4. Actividades académicas

60 horas de docencia práctica presencial en 30 sesiones de 2 horas.
La asignatura tiene una orientación fundamentalmente práctica, mediante actividades basadas en los conceptos aprendidos en las sesiones presenciales, que requieren una constante participación activa de los estudiantes. Para ello, previamente a cada sesión, se facilitará a los participantes (a través de la plataforma Moodle) los materiales del tema para optimizar el tiempo de contacto profesor-estudiante.

Durante cada sesión, se expondrán los contenidos correspondientes al tema a través de ejemplos prácticos utilizando material auténtico tomado de textos orales y escritos relacionados con temas de interés en el ámbito de las ciencias veterinarias dedicando aproximadamente 30-40 minutos a su desarrollo. El resto de la sesión estará dedicada a la práctica oral y a la resolución de dudas.

Los estudiantes deberán, asimismo, invertir un razonable número de horas de estudio autónomo y realizar ejercicios escritos relacionados con los temas desarrollados en el aula, en los que se pondrán en práctica todos los conocimientos adquiridos. La supervisión semanal de estos trabajos permitirá evaluar el progreso en el aprendizaje de forma continuada.

5. Sistema de evaluación

Se valorará la evolución del aprendizaje a través de la asistencia y participación activa en las sesiones presenciales y se tendrá en cuenta el cumplimiento de las tareas individuales asignadas, la adecuación a las convenciones genéricas, estructura, variedad, corrección gramatical y uso de vocabulario técnico y el progreso en comunicación oral mediante actividades en el aula.
Prueba global
Todos los estudiantes serán evaluados mediante una prueba global al finalizar el período de sesiones presenciales. Previamente se facilitará al estudiante un examen de idénticas características, para que conozca el tipo de prueba y el nivel de exigencia. La prueba constará de las siguientes partes:
- Uso de léxico especializado y capacidad de deducir el significado de palabras técnicas utilizadas en los estudios y profesión veterinaria (25%).
- Redacción de párrafos de contenido científico/biomédico a partir de información proporcionada, aplicando las estructuras morfosintácticas, semánticas y discursivas características del lenguaje científico (30%).
- Reformulación de la información aplicando los conocimientos adquiridos de sinonimia, uso de conectores, abreviaturas y distintas fórmulas para expresión de las funciones características del lenguaje científico (15%).
- Comprensión de textos auténticos del ámbito veterinario, aplicando técnicas de deducción de significado a través del contexto, comprensión de compuestos nominales complejos, conocimientos sobre formación de palabras compuestas (prefijos, sufijos, raíces) y su conocimiento de la estructura textual dependiendo de la función comunicativa del texto seleccionado (20%).
- Utilización de palabras clave en inglés en la búsqueda de información online. (10%).

Para superar la asignatura el estudiante deberá obtener un mínimo del 60% de la puntuación máxima en cada uno de los apartados señalados.

Prueba oral
Los estudiantes que en las clases prácticas no hayan demostrado esta destreza, deberán hacer un examen oral, consistente en una entrevista de 10-15 minutos de duración en la que se tratarán temas relacionados con la actividad académica y profesional veterinaria.

6. Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible

4 - Educación de Calidad
10 - Reducción de las Desigualdades
17 - Alianzas para lograr los Objetivos