Academic Year:
417 - Degree in Economics
27450 - Banking and Financial Markets
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
27450 - Banking and Financial Markets
Faculty / School:
109 - Facultad de Economía y Empresa
417 - Degree in Economics
3 and 4
Second semester
Subject type:
1. General information
The main objective of this subject is, on the one hand, to familiarize the student with the different products offered by banks to their customers, as well as with the characteristics of each one of them, and their repercussions on the decision making process of investment and financing decisions.
On the other hand, knowledge and understanding of the different financial markets that are commonly used in the framework of the economic-financial business activity.
These approaches and goals are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations (, in particular, the activities planned in the subject will contribute to the achievement of objective 4.3, 4.4 and 4.7 of Goal 4, objective 5.5 of Goal 5 and objective 8.5 of Goal 8.
2. Learning results
- To know the nature and functioning of banking institutions and financial markets and their relationship with the economic, legal and social environment
- To understand the importance of the financial activity of the banking company and the financial markets.
- To know the operation and applications of the main passive operations of banking, in particular: support instruments, collection and payment instruments and savings instruments
- To know the operation and applications of the main lending operations of banking, in particular, short and long term financing instruments
- To know the institutional framework within which financial markets operate.
- To know and perform the operations carried out in the financial markets.
- To know the criteria of Fundamental and Technical Analysis in order to value in the market the corresponding listed companies
-To analyse the profitability/risk ratio in the decisions of the operations carried out in the financial markets.
3. Syllabus
1.1 Financial institutions.
1.2 Financial assets.
1.3 Financial intermediaries.
2.1 Savings instruments.
2.2 Collection and payment instruments.
3.1 Short-term financing instruments.
3.2 Long-term financing instruments.
4.1 Introduction.
4.2 Financial markets.
4.3 Stock market operations.
5.1 Fundamental analysis.
5.2 Technical analysis.
6.1 Financial futures.
6.2 Financial options.
4. Academic activities
The calendar of classroom sessions, both theoretical and practical, will be made public on the web and on the bulletin board of the different faculties and other activities will be communicated by the responsible teacher through the appropriate means.
Theoretical sessions
They are necessary for the student to understand the basic concepts of the subject and therefore, the teacher's exposition will prevail, although always promoting student participation.
In these sessions, student participation will be encouraged to discuss the most important concepts analysed in each session
The student will have at their disposal the recommended bibliography for each of the topics covered and is expected to review it in detail before attending the corresponding session.
Problem and case solving sessions on blackboard and in computer classrooms:
Every week, in addition to the participatory theory session, students will have a problem-solving session and cases. In connection with these problem and case solving sessions, students are expected to participate particularly actively thanks to the benefit of splitting the groups.
In the learning process, the student's individual study is fundamental.
Master classes: 30 hours
Practical classes: 20 hours
Assessment tests. 2h
In principle, the teaching methodology and its evaluation is planned to be based on face-to-face classes . However, if circumstances so require, they may be carried out online.
5. Assessment system
In the first call the student can choose between:
Continuous assessment:
A theoretical-practical written test and a group work are proposed. The written test will be taken at the end of Topic 6. The test will take place on the days set aside by the Center for such tests at the end of the semester.
The test will be written and will consist of theoretical and practical questions. The theoretical questions may be open-ended or multiple-choice.
The practical questions will be in line with the practical cases proposed in class throughout the subject.
As for the group work, it will consist of the practices that will be carried out in the computer classrooms in which they will have to solve practical cases of banking institutions and financial markets and management of asset portfolios and financial derivatives.
The weight distribution of the different tests is as follows:
Written test: 80%
Group work (Practical Cases): 20%
It is necessary to obtain a minimum grade of 4 points in the written test in order to pass the subject by continuous evaluation.
Global Assessment
Students who do not opt for continuous assessment or who do not pass the subject by this procedure or who wish to improve their grade, will have the right to sit the overall test, with the best of the grades obtained prevailing in all cases.
The global test consists of a theoretical-practical test, which will be held on the date and time established in the official call. This test will consist of the resolution of practical exercises on the topics of the subject and questions of theoretical content that may be open or multiple choice. To pass the subject the student must obtain in the exam a grade equal to or higher than 5 out of 10.
In the second call, the evaluation will be carried out only by means of the global evaluation system, by a final exam of theoretical-practical content ( ). This test will consist of the resolution of practical exercises on the subject and questions of theoretical content that may be open or multiple choice.
In accordance with the Regulations of the Learning Assessment Standards of the University of Zaragoza (Governing Council Agreement of December 22, 2010), the results obtained by the student will be graded according to the following numerical scale from 0 to 10, with one decimal place, to which the corresponding qualitative grade may be added: 0-4,9: Fail (SS).
5,0-6,9: Pass (AP). 7,0-8,9: Notable (NT).
9,0-10: Outstanding (SB).
Assessment Criteria:
The aspects that will be taken into account when setting the grades of the written tests will be, among others, the precision and clarity in the theoretical definition of the terms and financial products, the correct use of technical language related to markets, financial products and other concepts object of study of the subject and the correctness in the approach and resolution of the practical questions. Case studies will be followed up on a weekly basis.
6. Sustainable Development Goals
4 - Quality Education
5 - Gender Equality
8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth