Academic Year:
26687 - English in Primary Education III
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
26687 - English in Primary Education III
Faculty / School:
107 - Facultad de Educación
202 - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación
301 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
298 - Degree in Primary School Education
299 - Degree in Primary School Education
300 - Degree in Primary School Education
First semester
Subject type:
1. General information
The main goal of this subject is for students to improve their communicative competence in English, both written and oral, with special emphasis on the academic English register, as well as for students to acquire professional competencies for their future employment through the English language. The assessment will measure proficiency in listening, speaking, readingand writing skills (level B2+ / C1).
2. Learning results
The student, in order to pass this subject, must demonstrate the following results ...
1. Comprehends globally and in great detail a wide variety of texts with a certain level of demand, recognizing in them implicit meanings, appreciating stylistic distinctions and deducing part of the information, including the author's intentionality.
2. Writes clear texts in English that are well structured and detailed and deal with topics of a certain complexity, highlighting the important aspects, presenting points of view at a certain length, adapting the style to the receiver and showing a correct use of the mechanisms of organization, articulation and cohesion.
3. They have a broad lexical repertoire and maintains a consistently high degree of grammatical correctness.
4. Interact with all types of speakers with correctness, good pronunciation and a sufficient degree of fluency and naturalness, so that communication does not involve any effort on the part of any interlocutor.
5. Can understand the essential ideas and many details of spoken discourse from speakers of different backgrounds (both native speakers from different English-speaking countries and non-native speakers), even when such discourse deals with abstract topics (provided these are reasonably familiar) or offers complex lines of argument.
3. Syllabus
The planning of the different learning activities will be structured around topics that are of special interest to the students' studies and professional development, mainly:
1. Learning (stages in education, cross-curricular topics, multiple intelligences, learning to learn, learning a second language...)
2. Mass media (social networks, blogs, news channels, TV series, advertising, media manipulation....)
3. Living abroad (society and culture in English-speaking countries, working abroad, culture shock, traveling...)
4. Children around the World (early education around the world, children's stories, developed and developing countries, values and storytelling...)
4. Academic activities
1. Recognition of the formal and academic aspects of written and oral texts. Observation, reflection and problem solving activities
2. Extensive and intensive reading and critical analysis of texts
3. Auditions and video viewing. Grammatical, pragmatic and discourse comprehension and analysis tasks
4. Communicative activities (simulations, debates, presentations, video lectures)
6. Search, selection and organization of information
7. Practice of the writing process, peer editing and self-correction with rubrics and checklists
8. Practice with online resources to promote independent learning
9. Problem posing of classroom learning activities
10. Project-based learning
5. Assessment system
Modality A:
Achievement Assessment (50%): Speaking: 10 % / Writing: 10 % / Reading: 10 % / Listening: 10 % / Use of English and Vocabulary: 10 %
Proficiency Assessment (50%): Speaking: 10 % / Writing: 10 % / Reading: 10 % / Listening: 10 % / Use of English and Vocabulary: 10 %
Modality B:
Students who opt for Modality B will only be evaluated through a global exam that will have the following percentages: Speaking: 20 % / Writing: 20 % / Reading: 20 % / Listening: 20 % / Use of English and Vocabulary: 20 %
All students, including students of 5th and 6th call, have the right to opt for Mode B even if they have already been assessed in Mode A. If the final examination mark is higher than the result of averaging this mark with the marks obtained in the Mode A assessment tests, the student will have the right to obtain the final examination mark.
A grade equal to or higher than 50% must be obtained in each of the individual parts.
Finally, it must be taken into account that the Regulations of the Norms of Coexistence of the University of Zaragoza will be applicable to the irregularities committed in the evaluation tests by means of academic fraud, as well as the application of article 30 of the Regulations of the Norms of Evaluation of Learning in relation to irregular practices other than academic fraud.
6. Sustainable Development Goals
1 - End of Poverty
4 - Quality Education
10 - Reduction of Inequalities