Academic Year:
63138 - Trainer skills
Teaching Plan Information
Academic Year:
63138 - Trainer skills
Faculty / School:
107 - Facultad de Educación
330 - Complementos de formación Máster/Doctorado
573 - Master's in Lifelong Lerning: Introduction to Research
573 - Master's in Lifelong Lerning: Introduction to Research: 1
330 - Complementos de formación Máster/Doctorado: XX
First semester
Subject Type:
330 - ENG/Complementos de Formación
573 - Optional
1.1. Aims of the course
The purpose of this subject is to know, analyze and reflect on the main topics of research on the competencies that characterize, in general, a good trainer, both the so-called specific and the personal and transversal. In addition, the contents and activities included in the subject favor the self-knowledge of the participating student as a supposed (or real) trainer. Topics: training models, teacher thinking, mental representations, attitudes, beliefs, personal competencies, cross-cutting competencies, ethics, social responsibility, resilience, stress and conflict.
1.2. Context and importance of this course in the degree
The meaning of this subject in the master's degree is primarily introductory, since the content of it refers to the professional and personal competence profile that, in general, the trainer of the 21st century is demanded and on which it has already been generated a considerable amount of research, but which, in order to enrich and realize, will require other more specific inputs. However, this is a subject in our ordeal in a future researcher on lifelong learning. If life is learning, the trainer is the catalyst for it; consequently, knowledge and study of it will lead to more appropriate and optimal learning.
The introductory nature is also due to the use of a subject offered in the first semester, when the participating student has not yet had the opportunity to acquire the skills that he is expected to achieve in compulsory subjects, including in the "Research Foundations" module. The apprenticeships acquired in the said module will greatly promote the design and implementation of research processes that at the time of the present subject, "Trainer's Competencies" are still in the process of being acquired. For this reason, the approximation of the design of an investigation will be made only as regards justification and objective of the investigation.
1.3. Recommendations to take this course
Be interested in the relevance of training and education in general (formal or non-formal) and to know and investigate the many professional and personal competences that a person who intends to dedicate himself, or already does, to training must possess. Optimal skills as a trainer will result in a greater and better achievement of the best learnings by people who benefit from this teaching-learning process, regardless of age, situation and other personal characteristics and Sociocultural.
2.1. Competences
CG 04 Collect information and analyze it with scientific tools and guarantees.
E5 Analyze the most common problems in the field of Learning throughout life, recognizing and assessing the theoretical and empirical foundation of them and the solutions provided.
CG 06 Plan processes for the analysis of current educational reality characterized by the complexity derived from the diverse sources of the apprentices, the new learning objectives or the incorporation of technologies.
EC 01 - Use theoretical knowledge related to research in Social Sciences to analyze different research, identifying the relevant elements related to the methodology used in them.
EC 02 – Start in the design of investigations, raising a research problem and addressing the most relevant tasks within it: delimiting the objectives, the hypotheses (if necessary), the participants, the variables, the instruments and the procedure.
2.2. Learning goals
· Know the training models of trainers, as well as the differential characteristics of each of them. Analyze them reflexively and critically.
· Identify the most appropriate personal and professional skills in different training contexts and adequately justify their rationale.
· Know the profile of personal competences in the role of trainer, as well as the relevance of them in different contexts.
· Communicate and defend to others your strengths as a trainer.
· Reflect on the social and ethical responsibilities associated with being a trainer
· Identify the main topics related to research in the field of the trainer's competencies, and can be studied in a specific research.
· To argue the use of various general conflict resolution strategies in different training contexts.
· Justify and propose the objectives of a research paper on a topic related to the competencies of the trainer.
3. Assessment (1st and 2nd call)
3.1. Assessment tasks (description of tasks, marking system and assessment criteria)
The evaluation of the subject matter will include a number of activities that will be carried out throughout the development of the matter.
The activities on which the final rating will be based, as well as the percentage of each of them, are as follows:
Reading of texts (at least one reading per teacher with teaching in the subject), of which will be presented in writing, in paper format or through Moodle, a summary and reflective-critical comment on its contents, relating, in each case, to the previously presented in-person session or through the digital platform. 30% ?
Elaboration and defense, oral or written, of own thinking about any of the readings or contents presented in session presence. 50%
* The presentation of readings or any task submitted orally or in writing shall take into account the following aspects: well-structured personal discourse, use of professional and scientific terminology, presentation, spelling and clear and grammatically correct wording; quotations, references and bibliography, if applicable, in line with spelling standards. ·
Attendance and participation in discussions generated in class or at Moodle. 20%
Attendance at sessions or participation in tasks shall not be considered sufficient to obtain the qualification of approval, and all the evaluation activities envisaged and demonstrating in each of them an achievement of the at least enough goals.
- If the subject is taught by more than one teacher, each of them will assess their part of the subject, with percentage in the final grade equivalent to their teaching responsibility in number of credits / hours.
- Overall evaluation (according to current regulations, for people who do not attend the sessions and have not submitted in a timely manner the activities listed in Moddle and that are specified as mandatory for attendees, as well as those listed as compulsory persons also for persons who have not been able to attend any session on each side; and those who want to improve their qualification)
It will consist of an assembly test divided into three parts:
a written test on knowledge of key terms and/or topics in the subject and on which the student will reflect in relation to the readings of the subject.
Elaboration and a general research approach on a topic covered by the matter, justifying the choice and delining purpose and objectives.
**The overall evaluation test would be conducted on the official exam call date to be made public from The Faculty of Education.
Total or partial fraud or plagiarism in any of the evaluation tests will lead to the suspension of the subject with the minimum grade, in addition to the disciplinary sanctions that the guarantee commission adopts for these cases.
4. Methodology, learning tasks, syllabus and resources
4.1. Methodological overview
- Exhibition of contents by the teacher/ Lecture
- Review/analysis of reports and materials
- Elaboration of brief work
- Discussion groups
- Collaborative/cooperative learning
- Guided discovery
4.2. Learning tasks
Training activity
A01 - Lecture, 15 h.
A02 - Troubleshooting problems and cases, 7 h.
A02 - Individual or group teaching papers, 8 h.
A04 - Exhibition of content by students, 2 h
A05 - Discussion/exchange and information contrast groups ----- 0 h.
A06 - Study/ Supplementary Readings, 20 h
A07 - Discussion/follow-up of jobs, 35 h
A08 -. Evaluation tests, 2 h
4.3. Syllabus
1. The personal and professional competencies of the trainer.
2. Social responsibility.
3. Implicit beliefs and theories of the formator and his reflection in practice.
4. Socio-emotional dimensions of the trainer's profile. Present and future: Motivation, teacher satisfaction, assertiveness
5. Personal professional ethics
6. Resilience building
7. Stress and conflict