Academic Year:
274 - Degree in Social Work
26160 - Work, Social Rights and Social Movements in Modern Society (19th and 20th Centuries)
Teaching Plan Information
Academic Year:
26160 - Work, Social Rights and Social Movements in Modern Society (19th and 20th Centuries)
Faculty / School:
108 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y del Trabajo
274 - Degree in Social Work
4 and 3
Second semester
Subject Type:
1.3. Recommendations to take this course
DEPARTMENT: Applied Economics
AREA OF KNOWLEDGE: History and Economic Institutions.
DEGREE: Degree in Social Work.
WEEKS OF CLASS: The 25 hours of theory and 25 hours of type 2 practices will be completed in 10 weeks.
Website (virtual platform) : Moodle II
On-site classes: To have an option for the summative evaluation, attendance at the theoretical and practical classes will be mandatory.
Prerequisites (previous knowledge and/or skills): Those acquired in previous courses.
Language: Spanish.
3. Assessment (1st and 2nd call)
3.1. Assessment tasks (description of tasks, marking system and assessment criteria)
Students must demonstrate that they have achieved the expected learning outcomes through the following evaluation activities.
Face-to-face option. Summative evaluation: developed throughout the course by the students through the different activities proposed by the teacher. These activities will consist of:
1. Theoretical classes which will require active participation in them, commenting on the materials provided by the teaching staff (texts, slides, etc.). Evaluation through a test in which questions of the type argumentative and multiple choice (multiple choice, true or false, etc.) at the end of the semester (5 points).
2. Type 2 practical classes and active participation in them:
The practical classes will be organized from one or several readings or articles by several specialists, read and worked on previously by the students, on topics of the subject. Likewise, in some sessions they will work with documentaries and other graphic documents. The purpose is to generate a debate of ideas and contrast thesis and opinions of diverse authorship on a theme of the program, historiographical problem and/or theoretical approach to social movements, etc. The Students must prepare for each session a summary of the article (abstract type), a brief section focused on the
commentary on the theses and main ideas of the text and a brief critical commentary where an assessment of the grade is made success of the specialist in approaching the subject. The evaluation of type 2 activities will be based on tasks individuals and/or groups on the aforementioned materials carried out both in class and outside the classroom, in tests of type test (multiple choice, true or false, etc.) and in argumentative tests (4.5 points). individual worksheets
and/or group activities carried out in the practice classes will be uploaded as homework to the moodle course when requested by the faculty.
3. Type 6 practical classes:
During the semester, the summative evaluation students must carry out a bibliographic recovery work on one of the program topics of the subject (0.5 points).
"The approach, methodology and evaluation of this guide is prepared to be the same in any scenario
of teaching They will be adjusted to the socio-sanitary conditions of each moment, as well as to the indications given by the competent authorities.
Non-face-to-face option.
At the end of the semester, students must take a test that will combine argumentative and multiple choice questions (multiple choice, true or false, etc.) of the theoretical and practical contents and of the texts or specialized readings worked on by the rest of the group in the theoretical and practical classes of type 2. To pass the subject, it will be necessary pass each of the two parts of the exam, being the percentage value of each of them the following: 50% corresponds to the theoretical contents and 45% to the questions related to the readings worked on in the type 2 practices. The remaining 5% of the final grade corresponds to type 6 work. Single-assessment students You must also present a bibliographic recovery work on one of the program's topics.
"The approach, methodology and evaluation of this guide is prepared to be the same in any scenario
of teaching They will be adjusted to the socio-sanitary conditions of each moment, as well as to the indications given by the competent authorities.
Evaluation tests:
Evaluation activities:
Summative evaluation:
Type 2 practices: 45%
Internship type 6: work: 5%
Type 1: 50% theory
Single evaluation:
Final evaluation in the official call for activities related to type 2 practices: 45%.
Type 6 practices: written work 5%.
Final evaluation in the official call for activities related to theoretical teaching: 50%.
Evaluation criteria:
Comprehension of subject knowledge
Practical application capacity.
Capacity for teamwork.
Ability to organize and transmit ideas.
Capacity for oral and written expression.
Non-face-to-face evaluation:
Final exam: 95% and type 6 written practice work, 5%.
Evaluation criteria:
Comprehension of the knowledge of the subject.
Practical application capacity.
Ability to organize and transmit ideas.
Ability of written expression.
4. Methodology, learning tasks, syllabus and resources
4.1. Methodological overview
4.1. General methodological presentation
The learning process that has been designed for this subject is based on the following:
The development of the subject is structured around two axes: the explanatory classes and the sessions in which they are used.
Active learning methodologies
Explanatory classes:
They consist of the orderly exposition of the content of the subject by the teaching staff, which will offer a vision of the topics of the subject presenting facts, events, historiographical problems, principles or theories about the conflict, repertoires of collective action, etc. In addition, teachers will use resources such as written texts and other teaching methods (slides), always seeking the active participation of students.
Active methodologies:
- The analysis of texts or documents: the teaching staff will provide various materials on the different contained explained in theory classes, such as period texts, graphs, statistical tables that serve as a pretext for illustrate the contents, theses and theories formulated and to start a reflective process on a specific topic. Likewise, all these materials constitute a training base in order to start small research projects, providing or viewing the base data on which the researchers build their interpretations in relation to the dynamics of labor relations.
-Analysis of specialized texts on different topics. Practical classes that will be organized from a series of readings or articles by various specialists previously read by the students. The purpose is to generate a debate. of ideas and contrast theses and opinions of various authors on different topics or historiographical problems. The Students must prepare for each session a summary of the article (abstract type), a brief section focused on the commentary on the theses and main ideas of the text and a brief critical commentary where an assessment of the grade is made of success of the author / author in approaching the topic.
4.2. Learning tasks
Activities related to the following contents:
· Contents related to the construction of Citizenship.
· Contents related to the economic and social transformations that occurred in the stage Contemporary: Characteristics of the labor market. The new precariat. The use of time. The reinvidication of care work, etc.
· Content related to the consequences of these phenomena: class society (social inequalities, marginalization, social mobility) and changes in the organization of work and labor markets in the contemporary stage.
· Contents related to the history of the great social movements of the 20th century: protests, actions collective policies, spaces, networks and channels of communication, ideology, aspects corresponding to both spontaneous as well as planned, organized and cosmopolitan repertoires.
· Contents related to the new social movements: old and new feminisms, student movements, environmentalist, global movements, etc.
· Content related to the different forms of expression of social conflict.
· Contents related to the role of social movements in political and social transformation.
· Content related to the synergy of social movements.
4.3. Syllabus
The program offered to students to help them achieve the expected results includes the following blocks and thematic units:
Topic 1: Work and social issue. The construction of citizenship.
Topic 2: Work in the 20th century.
Topic 3. The concept of social movement. Types and functions.
Topic 4: Labor movements.
Topic 5: The new social movements: Feminism.
Topic 6: The new social movements: The Movement for Civil Rights in the USA. The student movement ?May 68?. The sixties in the USA. The sixties in Eastern Europe.
Topic 7: The new social movements: Transnational movements. The outraged. Environmentalism and pacifism. Peasant movements.
4.4. Course planning and calendar
Calendar of face-to-face theory and practical sessions:.
It will be developed in accordance with the timetable and calendar of the center. Any modification or novelty
communicated at the beginning of the course and/or throughout the semester.
The theoretical and practical summative evaluation tests will be communicated to the students at the beginning of the semester.
The final exam schedule will be officially published at the beginning of the academic year.