Academic Year:
460 - Master's in Gender Relations
68800 - Gender perspectives
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
68800 - Gender perspectives
Faculty / School:
108 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y del Trabajo
460 - Master's in Gender Relations
First semester
Subject type:
1. General information
The subject is approached in an interdisciplinary way, from a global theoretical vision, and explores the basic concepts envisaged in the programme (subject, otherness, identity, roles, power, intersectionality, social reality, etc.); it insists on the importance of the socialisation process in the construction of gender stereotypes and roles; and it approaches the exercise of power, historically male, so that the roots of inequalities between women and men are reflected upon.
2. Learning results
In accordance with what is established in the Degree's Verification Report, the initial version of the degree project, students must demonstrate the following results in order to pass this subject:
1. Understand what the sex-gender system involves.
2. Differentiate between the concepts of Subject, Alterity and Identity.
3. Can reflect on the construction of the masculine and the feminine in social reality and in different social discourses.
4. Recognises linguistic sexism and identifies examples of sexism in texts and images.
5. Applies inclusive, non-sexist language.
6. Relates power structures to gender and applies theories of power to discrimination against women.
7. Can talk about the process of socialisation, roles and stereotypes, and reflect on and influence role change.
3. Syllabus
Subject, otherness and identity (2 credits. Department of French Philology).
- Gender: a category of analysis.
- The discourse-creating Subject: the sexuation of writing.
- The Other: between subject and identity.
- The identity debate: the polemic of a concept. The construction of the masculine vs. the feminine.
- Discourse theory.
Gender, Culture and Society (2 credits. Sociology Area)
- The sex-gender system
- Gender as a social computer: social inequality and heteronormativity.
- Production and reproduction from a gender perspective.
- The tension between the public and the private: women and the public/private and domestic space, the world of care.
- Concept, origin and main elements of the intersectionality paradigm.
Representations and discourses on gender and equality: a view from social exclusion and social work (1 credit. Area of Social Work) Epistemological notes.
- Epistemological notes: How do we know? What do we see and what do we not see?
- Differences between representations, imaginaries, perceptions, opinions and attitudes.
- Normative subject and hypothesis about the nature of hate and discrimination.
Image and representations of gender in the discourses of the present (1 credit. Area of Social Psychology)
- The power of words to construct the world. Sexism and language. Inclusive, non-sexist language.
- Presence and representations of gender in the media. The image of women and the feminine. New representations to change stereotypes.
4. Academic activities
The activities are divided into:
- Theoretical and expository sessions
- Sessions with practical content: analysis of texts, essays, debates, group dynamics, etc., in accordance with the contents of the programme.
- Use of audiovisual resources and various practical activities in the classroom to encourage debate and participation. The aim is to encourage students to investigate various issues as they delve deeper into the theoretical presentations.
- Individual research-reflection work to apply the contents dealt with in the module, under the tutoring of the teaching staff as required.
The sessions will be taught in accordance with the established academic calendar. The activities to be carried out, as well as their dates, will be indicated on the subject's website on Moodle.
5. Assessment system
Students must demonstrate that they have achieved the intended learning outcomes through the following assessment activities
Continuous assessment
At the end of the course, students will present an individual work of research and personal reflection from a gender perspective on a cultural product. This work will include the analysis of images and text.
Those who have attended all the sessions will obtain the final grade based on the work carried out, valued out of 10 points.
When, despite opting for continuous assessment, students are unable to attend some of the sessions, the lecturer in charge will indicate the activity that will make up for the absences (summary or commentary on theoretical texts). In the event of not reaching 80% of the total number of face-to-face sessions, the global assessment must be carried out.
Absences that are not made up will be deducted 0.5 points from the final mark.
Single assessment
Students who do not attend the face-to-face sessions will have to write and present orally, in the official call, an individual research work and personal reflection from a gender perspective on a cultural product. This work will include the analysis of images and text.
In addition, the student will have to write critical summaries of 4 theoretical texts (one for each area of knowledge).
Evaluation criteria:
Accuracy and precision
Mastery and appropriate use of concepts
Knowledge of the topics covered
Analysis and coherence
Ability to synthesise and relate concepts to specific cases.
Expository capacity
Capacity for critical reasoning and organised expression of ideas.
Writing and spelling
6. Sustainable Development Goals
5 - Gender Equality
10 - Reduction of Inequalities