Academic Year:
63283 - Instructional and Curricular Design in Physical Education
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
63283 - Instructional and Curricular Design in Physical Education
Faculty / School:
202 - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación
584 - Master's Degree in Teaching Compulsory Secondary Education
585 - Master's Degree in Teaching Compulsory Secondary Education
First semester
Subject type:
1. General information
Subject of 6 ECTS is part of the specific training of the Physical Education specialty of the Master's degree
These approaches and goals are aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations Agenda 2030 (, such that the acquisition of the subject learning results provides training and competence to contribute to some extent to their achievement: Goal 4: Quality education.
2. Learning results
1. Describe the provisions of the official Spanish and Aragonese documents referring to the curriculum of Physical Education, as fundamental reference frameworks for the programming of these subjects.
2. Critically comment on these provisions, situating the curricular and psychoeducational principles on which are based, the choices they make and the margin of decision they leave for subsequent levels of curricular specification and adaptation.
3. Describe and analyse the different teaching-learning methodologies related to Physical Education, placing them in their corresponding epistemological framework.
4. Recognize teaching-learning methodologies, assessing their relevance according to the conditions that may arise and, if necessary, adapting them to achieve more effective teaching.
5. Elaborate an argued basic proposal of annual sequencing of contents for Physical Education.
3. Syllabus
Thematic block 1. Curricular design in Physical Education.
Physical education in the educational system
The Physical Education curriculum. First level of curricular specification.
Didactic programming and classroom programming. Second and third level of curricular concretion.
Thematic block 2. Instructional design in Physical Education.
Pedagogical models
Teaching skills
Motivational strategies
4. Academic activities
Due to the variety of contents that the subject presents, different methodological options will be used in the classroom sessions, which will combine the following:
5. Assessment system
1- Continuous assessment system:
For students who attend class continuously, the evaluation will be carried out by means of two tests:
a. Portfolio of evidence (30%). It will be composed by the evidences, tasks and elements developed during the classes and that will evidence the use of the sessions.
b. Directed programming work (70%). See explanatory document in Moodle.
In order to pass the subject, students must pass both tests with a minimum grade of 5 points.
2.- Global evaluation system.
For those students who do not attend 80% of the class sessions, the evaluation will be carried out as follows
a. Theoretical and applied knowledge exam (30%). This knowledge test will require answering theoretical and practical application questions related to the contents of the subject that have been developed during the class sessions.
b. Directed programming work (individual) (70%). See explanatory document in Moodle.
In order to pass the subject, students must pass both tests with a minimum grade of 5 points. This system of global evaluation will be applied in the second call, as well as in the tests of the fifth and sixth call as well.
Finally, it must be taken into account that the Regulations of the Rules of Coexistence of the University of Zaragoza will apply to irregularities committed in the assessment tests through academic fraud, as well as the application of article 30 of the Regulations of the Rules of Learning Assessment in relation to irregular practices other than academic fraud.