Academic Year:
63209 - Internships I
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
63209 - Internships I
Faculty / School:
107 - Facultad de Educación
202 - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación
301 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
584 - Master's Degree in Teaching Compulsory Secondary Education
585 - Master's Degree in Teaching Compulsory Secondary Education
586 - Master's Degree in Teaching Compulsory Secondary Education
590 - University Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Geography and History
591 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Philosophy
592 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Business and Economics
593 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Mathematics
594 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Technology and Computer Science
595 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Biology and Geology
596 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specialization in Physics and Chemistry
597 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Spanish Language and Literature. Latin and Greek
598 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specialization in Foreign Language: French
599 - Master's Degree in Foreign Language Teaching: English
600 - University Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Music and Dance
601 - University Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Industrial and Construction Processes
602 - University Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Administration, Marketing, Tourism, Services to the Community and FOL
603 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Sanitary, Chemical, Environmental and Health Processes Agri-food
First semester
Subject type:
External Placements
1. General information
The objective of this subject is to introduce students to the acquisition of the necessary competences to work in a secondary school, professional training center, other special education, adult education or, where appropriate, in a special education center.
General objectives
Acquire knowledge of the real functioning of educational centres through observation, the search for information and the contrast of ideas and opinions.
Coordinate and integrate subject content with the experiential learning of this subject.
Know the functioning and organization of an educational center, as well as its official documents, and the different types of programs, plans and projects that can be developed
Approach the functions and performance of the teaching profession.
2. Learning results
1. Describe, analyse and evaluate the documents of organization and operation of an educational center, as well as its link with the legal documents of state and autonomous character.
2. Recognize and analyse the functioning of the governing bodies and pedagogical coordination of the practice center, contrasting it with the regulations.
3. Recognize and identify in the classroom context the characteristics of students from the perspective of personality development, teaching and learning processes and their motivations.
4. Analyse the different strategies and actions that are carried out in the educational center where the internship takes place for the educational community as a whole.
5. Describe and analyse the relationships and interactions that take place in the classroom, understood as a formative and social group with its own dynamics.
6. Analyse situations observed in the school from the achieved theoretical knowledge
4. Academic activities
1. With the University tutor:
Initial meeting in which the program of activities, teaching guide, and other important issues will be explained.
Final meeting to provide guidance on the final report.
2. In the educational centre:
Reading and analysis of institutional documents.
Interviews and/or work sessions with representatives of collegiate bodies.
Observation and analysis of spaces (classrooms, common areas, library, workshops...).
Working session(s) with the school tutor (may include attendance at one of the classrooms in which they works)
Observation of the life in classroom
5. Assessment system
a) Components.
Given the eminently practical and applied nature of this subject the evaluation will have several components. The student must demonstrate that they have achieved the intended learning results through the following assessment activities:
1.- Compulsory face-to-face activities, a prerequisite for the evaluation of the subject:
2.- Drafting of the internship report (assessment done by the university tutor):
a. Brief contextualization of the center [1-2 pages]
b. DIARY/ANECDOTARY in which the most relevant activities carried out will be summarized [1-3 pages].
c. CONCEPTUAL MAP of the DOCUMENTS and/or projects of the center [3-5 p.]
d. ANALYSIS AND EVALUATION of one of these center documents [2-4 pages]
e. Analysis and evaluation of PARTICIPATION AND RELATIONSHIP CHANNELS existing in the center between the different personal elements. It can be prepared as a concept map with a brief description [2-3 pages]
f. Analysis and evaluation of TUTORIAL ACTION: reception, coexistence in the school,... [2-3 p.]
g. GOOD PRACTICES related to education [2-3 pages]
Format: PDF or hard copy (as requested by the university tutor), 15-25 pages, properly structured and with the adequate layout. Single spacing and 6 pt. paragraph spacing. Typeface: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Deposit of the report.
Adequacy and correctness of the planned content, 60%
Analytical, critical and self-critical capacity 20%
Justification of the reflections made, 10%
Academic quality: discourse organization, formal correctness, technical vocabulary, adequate use of primary and secondary sources, citations and references, 10%
b) Assessment criteria: The evaluation of the school's teaching staff will account for 50% of the final grade. The evaluation of the university´s teaching staff will account for 50% of the final grade. The overall grade will require that both parts are passed.
c) Continuous assessment: The Quality Assurance Committee of the Master's Degree in Teaching, at the meeting of June 24, 2011, agreed that all the Practicum subjects of the different specialties would be subject to Article 9.4 of the Regulations of Learning Assessment Standards of the University of Zaragoza (agreement of December 22, 2010). According to item 4: "Exceptionally, those subjects that due to their special practical or clinical dimension and in which students must necessarily demonstrate their knowledge or skills in facilities or locations outside the conventional classroom, may be evaluated only by the continuous evaluation modality. This exceptionality must be declared by the Quality Assurance Committee of the degree program and will have the approval of the Undergraduate Studies Committee, applying, in any case, only to the practical dimension of the subject".
d) Second and next calls: The same criteria used for the first call.
e)Copying, fraud or plagiarism
Finally, it must be taken into account that the Regulations of the Rules of Coexistence of the University of Zaragoza will be applicable to irregularities committed in the evaluation tests through academic fraud, as well as the application of article 30 of the Regulations of the Rules of Evaluation of Learning in relation to irregular practices other than academic fraud.
6. Sustainable Development Goals
4 - Quality Education