Academic Year:
63201 - Educational Processes and Contexts
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
63201 - Educational Processes and Contexts
Faculty / School:
107 - Facultad de Educación
202 - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación
301 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
584 - Master's Degree in Teaching Compulsory Secondary Education
585 - Master's Degree in Teaching Compulsory Secondary Education
586 - Master's Degree in Teaching Compulsory Secondary Education
590 - University Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Geography and History
591 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Philosophy
592 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Business and Economics
593 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Mathematics
594 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Technology and Computer Science
595 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Biology and Geology
596 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specialization in Physics and Chemistry
597 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Spanish Language and Literature. Latin and Greek
598 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specialization in Foreign Language: French
599 - Master's Degree in Foreign Language Teaching: English
600 - University Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Music and Dance
601 - University Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Industrial and Construction Processes
602 - University Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Administration, Marketing, Tourism, Services to the Community and FOL
603 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Sanitary, Chemical, Environmental and Health Processes Agri-food
First semester
Subject type:
1. General information
This subject provides the future teacher with the necessary competencies to integrate into the teaching profession and provides a general knowledge of the teaching-learning processes in a reflective and critical way, based on the most relevant principles and theories, in the normative and temporal frameworks. In this subject, common to all specialties, the student will learn concepts and theories related to General Didactics and School Organization.
Objectives of the subject
- It is proposed to know and understand the functioning of a Spanish educational center, and that this functioning depends on the legislation in force, the socioeconomic, political and cultural context in which it is located and the participation and involvement of its educational agents: families, students, teachers and local, regional and state administration.
- To know the most relevant concepts, theories, models and practices of the teaching-learning processes.
- To have the ability to know, understand and act in the face of common situations that arise in the teaching processes.
- To be able to incorporate teaching methodologies that favour participation, motivation, diversity, ICT integration and innovation.
2. Learning results
In order to pass this subject, the students shall demonstrate they has acquired the following results:
- Analyse and evaluate the fundamentals of curriculum design based on different models and theories and, in particular, those of competency-based design.
- Identify and design strategies that seek the success of all students, avoid exclusion and discrimination, and address educational situations in students with different abilities and different learning paces.
- Analyse and value assessment as another element in the teaching-learning processes and as a tool to improve them.
- Analyse and evaluate teaching-learning processes in virtual contexts.
- Know and structure processes to adequately develop information resources and strategies, tutoring, and academic and career guidance.
- Know the Spanish educational system and its evolution within the framework of the European Union and the State of the
Autonomous Communities.
- Identify, recognize and apply the regulations related to secondary schools, as well as their structure and processes
- Analyse and value the relationships between the school institution, the family and the community for the development of integral education
3. Syllabus
1. The Spanish Educational System and its legislative references.
2. Structure of Secondary Education, Professional Training and Language, Artistic and Sports Education.
3. Educational centres: structure and processes.
4. Attention to diversity from an inclusive perspective.
5. Contemporary history of Didactics: from the New School to digital competencies.
6. Methodology and educational resources for secondary education.
7. Evaluation in the teaching-learning process: what, who, when and how to evaluate?
4. Academic activities
The learning process that has been designed for this subject is based on the theoretical-practical development of the thematic nuclei that make up the contents of the subject, giving them an integrating character through the different activities and tasks. These will be supported by the class sessions of the tutored work, both individual and group, and of the autonomous individual work . In addition, the support of the virtual platform may be used by the teacher as a means of access to information, documentation and materials and contact between students and between them and the teaching staff. The delivery of the works will have a common deadline for all specialties and in each of them the group works will be presented.
The planning of the activities of the subject includes:
Face-to-face hours:
Theoretical expository-participative classes, seminars and group meetings with the teacher,
Practical classes, case analysis, reading and review of articles and educational regulations, approximation to Good Educational Practices in Secondary Education, etc
Evaluation test
Non-attendance hours:
Autonomous work
Group work
5. Assessment system
In this subject there is no continuous evaluation, therefore, all students must take the exam and submit and present the dossier. However, a continuous and formative evaluation of the directed work is contemplated, which with the follow-up and accompaniment of the teaching staff allows the students to detect and correct their mistakes before the written test and the final delivery of the practical work.
1.- Written exam, maximum time of duration: 80 minutes (50% grade):
Two parts:
a. 20 multiple choice questions: correct item: 0.3 points, wrong item: -0.1 points (6 points)
b. Development of a theoretical topic of the subject to choose among three possibilities, maximum one sheet (4 points).
2.- Directed work (40% grade):
Development of a group proposal of teaching application throughout the term focused on subjects of the specialty (small group between 3 and 5 students). The outline of the work will be hosted in Moodle and will focus on the development of an innovation proposal contextualized in curricular content, cross-cutting or interdisciplinary topics proposed by teachers and students or focused on an SDG linked to Secondary Education according to the specialty.
The work will be evaluated based on the rubric hosted in Moodle and the teacher's support for the follow-up of tasks and the resolution of doubts. Those who cannot attend the practical sessions will have to elaborate the proposal for teaching application in a group or, in exceptional cases, individually authorized by the teacher. In the first week of the term, the teacher will communicate in writing or in Moodle the breakdown of the tasks included in the evaluation and the schedule for their delivery.
3.- Exhibition Directed work (10% grade):
During the last weeks of the term, group work will be presented to the rest of the class to be evaluated by the faculty, as well as self- and co-evaluated by the students
-Written examination: 50% of the overall grade.
-Dossier: 40% of the overall grade.
-Exhibition: 10% of the overall grade.
A grade of 5 out of 10 is required for the evaluation of each of the instruments used to be considered. The objective test will consider the grading criteria set forth above. For the evaluation of the dossier, the criteria present in the rubric of the work will be followed..
In compliance with the general evaluation regulations of the UZ, those who are eligible or request to be evaluated through global test will sit for it on the date indicated in the academic calendar. This global test will consist of a part of objective test and another part of practical application in a format similar to the proposed group work.
The characteristics and contents are the same as those of the first one. The parts passed in the first call will be saved for the second call. Those who, in the first call, have not passed any of the parts of the global test mentioned above, must sit and pass that part in the second call.
Theoretical-practical written exam: 100% of the overall grade
Finally, it must be taken into account that the Regulations of the Rules of Coexistence of the University of Zaragoza will be applicable to irregularities committed in the evaluation tests through academic fraud, as well as the application of article 30 of the Regulations of the Rules of Evaluation of Learning in relation to irregular practices other than academic fraud.
6. Sustainable Development Goals
4 - Quality Education
5 - Gender Equality
16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions