30650 - Undergraduate Dissertation
432 - Joint Law - Business Administration and Management Programme
End of Grade Dissertation
1. General information
The Degree Final Project (DFP) is mandatory for all students of the degree in Business Administration and Management . Its goal is to deepen in topics related to the different areas of the degree integrating the knowledge, specific competencies, transversal competencies and skills acquired throughout the curriculum and applying them to the treatment of the model and topic of the degree final project.
The modalities that the DFP may take are those that appear in the regulations of each of the centers in which the degree is taught.
In any case, the DFP will be materialized in a report or project in written form that will be accompanied, if necessary, by the appropriate material and will be defended in the terms established in the corresponding regulations.
These approaches and goals are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 agenda and certain specific goals (https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/es/ ), contributing to some extent to their achievement: Goals 1-17 (the completion of the TFG may include disciplines and subjects related to all SDGs).
5. Assessment system
The assessment of the Degree Final Project consists of two parts: the written report of the project, which accounts for 80% of the grade; and the presentation and defence of the project, which accounts for the remaining 20% of the grade.
Working memory
The DFP will be materialized in a report or project in written form in Spanish that will be accompanied, if necessary, by material deemed appropriate. Specially designed for the students of the ADE group in English of the Faculty of Economics and Business of Zaragoza, the DFP can be materialized in a written report in English that will be accompanied, in its case, by the material deemed appropriate. Any ADE student in Spanish may present and defend the DFP in English if he/she so wishes, for which it is an indispensable requirement to have the approval of the Director(s) of the same.
It would be advisable for the student to submit the thesis report to the director(s), at least 15 school days prior to the start of the deposit deadline (the deadlines for deposit and defense are published on the Center's website).
Defense of the work
The defense of the Degree Final Project will be carried out in accordance with the corresponding regulations published on the website of the corresponding Faculty.
For possible claims to the grade, the procedure established in the current regulations of the University of Zaragoza will be followed.
Assessment criteria:
The assessment criteria for passing the DFP are as follows:
1. CONTENT OF THE PAPER (Maximum 8 points).
The following elements will be assessed:
1.1. Approach, justification and objectives of the work. (Maximum 2 points)
1.2. Scientific-technical content. (Maximum 4 points)
1.3. Discussion of results and conclusions. (Maximum 2 points)
The following elements will be assessed:
2.1- Presentation and presentation (maximum 1 point)
2.2- Discussion of the work and answers to the questions posed (maximum 1 point)
In those cases in which the student carries out irregular practices in the completion of the DFP or in the assessment tests (e.g. plagiarism), the provisions of article 30 of the University of Zaragoza's Learning Assessment Regulations (Agreement of 22 December 2010 of the Governing Council) will be taken into account. To verify this, will arbitrate the appropriate procedures to ensure that the student's own contribution exceeds 80% of the finalcontent of the DFP deposited.
For the DFP to be considered a subject taken in English on the academic transcript of the students of the ADE in English group of the Zaragoza Faculty of Economics and Business, they must complete both the written work and the defence of the work (oral presentation and debate with the members of the panel) in English.}
In order to facilitate and objectify the evaluation of the TFG, an assessment rubric may be used, which will be published in the web pages of the centers that agree to use it.