Company profile
The evaluation activities planned for this subject in this center will have the following weighting:
Part 1.
- Practical work 25% (minimum 1 points to be able to add up the score for the exam)
- Exam 15% (minimum 1 points to be able to add up the score for papers). Questions related to visits to companies or talks included in the activities of the subject may be included.
- In global assessment theoretical-practical exam 50%
Part 2.
- Practical work 25% (minimum 1 points to be able to add up the score for the exam)
- Exam 25% (minimum 1 points to be able to add up the score for papers). Questions related to visits to companies or talks included in the activities of the subject may be included.
- In global assessment theoretical-practical exam 50%
Defense profile
The student will be able to pass the total of the subject by the continuous assessment procedure. The student must demonstrate that they have achieved the expected learning results through the assessment activities that will be distributed throughout the term.
- Practical works. Its weight in the final grade is 40%.
- 3 partial theoretical tests. Its weight in the final grade is 60% (20% for each of the tests).
The final continuous assessment grade (100%) will be calculated according to the specific weight of each continuous assessment test . In order to pass the subject, the student must obtain a final grade of 5 or higher. In addition, in order to pass the subject through continuous evaluation, the average grade obtained in the partial theoretical tests must be equal to orhigher than 5.
Students who do not pass the subject by continuous evaluation or who would like to improve their grade, will have the right to take the overall test set in the academic calendar, prevailing, in any case, the best of the grades obtained. In the global assessment, the assessment instruments will have the following weighting:
- Practical work 40%.
- Global theoretical test 60%.
The final grade for overall assessment (100%) will be calculated according to the specific weight of each assessment instrument.
In order to pass the subject, the student must obtain a final grade of 5 or higher. In this case, to pass the subject the grade obtained in the overall theoretical test must be equal to or higher than 5.
Students who do not pass the subject in the first exam may sit for a Global Test set in the academic calendar for the second exam. In the global assessment, the assessment instruments will have the following weighting:
- Practical work 40%.
- Global theoretical test 60%.
The final grade for overall assessment (100%) will be calculated according to the specific weight of each assessment instrument.
In order to pass the subject, the student must obtain a final grade of 5 or higher. In this case, to pass the subject the grade obtained in the overall theoretical test must be equal to or higher than 5.
Assessment instruments: