29820 - Fluid Mechanics
110 - Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
326 - Escuela Universitaria Politécnica de Teruel
440 - Bachelor's Degree in Electronic and Automatic Engineering
444 - Bachelor's Degree in Electronic and Automatic Engineering
1. General information
The subject belongs to the group of compulsory disciplines of the industrial branch, and presents basic knowledge of the Fluid Mechanics adapted to the needs of the graduate engineer in Electronics and Automation. Given the generalist nature of the course,, the program is broad and deals mainly with basic aspects that will provide a solid foundation and technical-scientific rigor.
Previous knowledge of Physics and Mathematics is required. In particular, it is necessary to know: the origin and meaning of forces and moments; properties of and operations with vectors and matrices; calculation of derivatives (total and partial) and integrals (definite and indefinite; surface and volume); differential operators such as the vector operator nabla in its different forms; physical meaning and manipulation of differential and integral equations.
Continued study and work are fundamental for the structured acquisition of knowledge and the passing of this subject.
5. Assessment system
Rios Ebro Campus (Zaragoza)
Continuous assessment
The continuous assessment is in addition to the ordinary exams, and consists of 3 controls throughout the teaching period , which weigh 100% of the grade (subject to conditions, see below); the scheduled dates are announced at the beginning of the term in the Digital Teaching Ring. A control can group several subjects, which are evaluated independently.
Students may, during the term, obtain increments to this grade for interventions and participation in class (positive), which are added to this final grade.
The check may be a combination of: short theory questions; longer theory questions (e.g., a half-page demonstration or development); short questions of a practical nature; directly related questions; and questions of a practical nature; questions directly related to the lab practicals; or a problem.
A form can be available at the beginning of the term, as well as the scripts of the practices and the reports, written by the student and in his own handwriting.
To pass the subject through continuous assessment it is necessary to pass each of the six subjects; or, if N subjects are failed, the average of the totality of the controls must be at least 5+0.5*N. The class positives add up to to calculate this limit. There is no retaking of failed controls. The passed controls do not eliminate subject matter for the official examof the call.
Global test in official calls:
Students can pass the subject through the continuous assessment procedure described above. The student who does not pass the subject in this way will be evaluated by means of an exam, to be taken on officialdates , which consists of three parts:
- Theory, with (approximately) 8 questions that can be purely theory or a brief practical application; Problems, with 2 longer problems;
- Practices, with about 5 questions related to them.
The final grade for the subject is calculated as follows:
The same material is available for the exam as for continuous assessment.
Teruel Campus.
Continuous assessment
The continuous assessment is additional to the ordinary exams, and consists of several tests to be carried out throughout the term that weigh 85% of the grade (subject to conditions, see below), plus a practice grade (which weighs 15%). The grade of is obtained from the evaluaassessment tion of a practical work (which weighs 10%) and the practical scripts (which weighs 5%).
Students may, during the term, obtain additions to this grade for interventions and participation in class ('positives'), which are added to this final grade.
The controls last approximately one hour. The check may be a combination of: short theory questions; longer theory questions (e.g., a half-page demonstration or development); short questions of a practicalnature ; or a problem.
In the controls you can have a form, of increasing size throughout the term, which can not have figures, deductions, demonstrations or descriptive text.
In order to pass the subject by means of continuous assessment, the following conditions are necessary:
- The average grade of controls (weight 85%) and practices (weight 15%) must be at least 5.
- Obtain a minimum grade of 4 in each one of the tests and in the practicals. There is no 'repayment' of suspended controls.Passed controls do not eliminate subject matter for the official exam call.
Global test in official calls
Students can pass the subject through the continuous assessment procedure described above. The student who does not pass the subject in this way will be evaluated by means of an exam, to be taken at the following official calls, which will include:
- Theory, with several questions that can be purely theoretical or a brief practical application;
- Problems;
- Practices, with several questions related to internships. Only for those who have not achieved a 4 in the practical part in continuous assessment.
The final grade for the subject is calculated as follows:
Final_grade = 0.25*Theory + 0.65*Problems + 0.1*Practicals + Class_Positives
The same material is available for the exam as for continuous assessment.