Academic Year:
419 - Degree in Geography and Land Management
28330 - Countryside in Land Management
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
28330 - Countryside in Land Management
Faculty / School:
103 - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
419 - Degree in Geography and Land Management
Second semester
Subject type:
1. General information
The approach of the subject is integrative and methodological as it requires previous knowledge and skills acquired in various subjects taken during the Degree that are combined and used with a new approach and results applicable to land use planning.
The general goal is to acquire sufficient skills to carry out landscape studies from the different perspectives and methodologies that are of interest and necessary for land use planning.
These approaches are aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
* Goal 2:
* Goal 5:
* Goal 6:
* Goal 7:
* Goal 8:
* Goal 9:
* Goal 11:
* Goal 12:
* Goal 13:
* Goal 15:
* Goal 16:
* Goal 17:
There is a demand for professional and research work in this area to which the degree program can respond by means of this subject
It is advisable to have passed the subjects of fundamentals, applications and tools and techniques.
2. Learning results
1. Demonstrate understanding of the concept of landscape, identify its various components and perspectives
2. Demonstrate knowledge of the main processes that explain landscape transformations and their implications in spatial planning
3. Demonstrate critical handling and interpretation of sources of information on landscape components 4. Skillfully handle the different methods of landscape analysis and interpretation for land use planning
5. Demonstrate competence in the use of geographic techniques and tools to address studies and mapping of landscape applied to land use planning
6. To produce a landscape technical report applying the knowledge acquired
7. Be able to find, analyze and interpret landscape information with good judgment
8. Demonstrate the ability to transmit information, problems and solutions on landscape and land use planning at public
9. Successfully develop a work on landscape and land management in teams
10. Demonstrate the ability to take an active and coherent stance on current landscape issues
3. Syllabus
1. Introduction to landscape in land use planning: concept, dimensions, landmarks in Spain and services
2. Landscape mapping, analysis and characterization
3. Landscape diagnosis: quality, fragility and suitability
4. Social participation and landscape
5. Landscape planning
4. Academic activities
The theoretical-practical sessions that introduce each topic are oriented to formulate the concepts, sources, methods and techniques necessary to achieve the results and competencies proposed. In each of the sections of the syllabus, practical learning tasks included in the learning portfolio will be carried out as well as practices within the framework of the technical report of the selected area of study; in this way there will be a coordination between theoretical and practicallearning.
a) theoretical and practical sessions in the classroom
b) problem and case solving sessions
c) laboratory practices.
c) special practices: field work
d) practical work
e) personal study
f) evaluation
5. Assessment system
I Call for Proposals
a) Continuous assessment system
1. Individual written test (20%): Theoretical and practical knowledge questionnaire. Questions, both developmental and short answer, on the contents of the program. It is mandatory to pass this test in order to mediate with the other tests of evaluation.
Criteria: clarity of exposition, precision in the use of concepts and resolution of practical exercises, synthesis capacity, level of understanding and assimilation of concepts and contents, ability to interrelate information.
2. Submission of learning portfolios (10%)
The results of the different practical tasks will be compiled in the portfolio.
Criteria: adequate use of sources and techniques, quality of the presentation of texts, sheets, graphs and maps, clarity of exposition, precise use of scientific language, integration of environmental components, correctness of results.
3. Delivery of individual and/or small group work (65%).
A technical report with cartography and diagnosis of the landscape of a sector of Aragon will be carried out.
Criteria: adequate use of sources and techniques, quality of the presentation of texts, data sheets, graphs and maps, clarity of exposition, precise use of scientific language, rigor in interpretation and results.
4. Active participation in the different academic activities (5%).
Criteria: contributions and questions, adequately formulated, on the different topics covered in the theoretical and practical sessions and in the field work.
Global assessment test
It is similar to continuous assessment except that active participation is not assessed so the value of the tests is: Individual written test (25% final grade). Delivery of learning portfolios (10%). Delivery of individual and/or group work in(65%).
II Call for Proposals
Global assessment test
6. Sustainable Development Goals
11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
13 - Climate Action
15 - Life on Land