Academic Year:
28081 - Historical Spanish Grammar I
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
28081 - Historical Spanish Grammar I
Faculty / School:
103 - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
427 - Degree in Spanish
580 - Degree in Spanish
First semester
Subject type:
1. General information
It includes the strategies and knowledge necessary for students to be able to assess the main problems affecting linguistic changes, especially of a phonetic and phonological nature, and to be able to describe and analyse them. Thus, they can approach from a diachronic perspective the linguistic characterization (phonetic and phonological) of texts belonging to previous stages of the history of the language.
An advanced instrumental command of Spanish is required. Non-native students must have at least a B2 level of Spanish.
2. Learning results
1. Know the fundamental concepts related to phonetic and phonological change and value the different theoretical approaches.
2. Manage the techniques of phonetic and phonological analysis from a diachronic perspective.
3. Know and manage the relevant bibliography on diachronic phonetics and phonology, as well as the existing documentary corpus(on paper or accessible on the web).
4. Be able to identify and explain the phonetic changes from Latin to current Spanish.
5. Know how to explain the phonological changes from Latin to medieval Spanish and the subsequent readjustment of the consonant system of the Golden Age.
6. Be able to interpret, from a chronological point of view, the value of the spellings and the phase in the phonetic evolution that corresponds to different documentary samples of the history of Spanish.
7. Be able to critically review works related to diachronic phonetics and phonology.
3. Syllabus
1. Linguistic change. External and internal factors.
2. Phonetic-phonological change. Typology of phonic changes and their impact on the system.
3. Phonetic laws and their exceptions. Etymology. Phonetic laws from the Neogrammatics to the present day. Cultisms and semicultisms.
4. From the Latin vowel system to that of Spanish. General.
5. Particularities in the evolution of the vowel system. Vowel inflections, Romance diphthongation, apocope, 6. The consonant system. General.
9. Particularities in the evolution of the consonant system. Palatalizations. Consonant variation.
10. Generalities in the evolution of the consonant system. Phonological readjustment in the Golden Ages.
11. History of spelling
4. Academic activities
1. Active and participatory methodology to develop the critical spirit and reflection of the students. Theoretical classes will be used for the presentation of basic knowledge, which will be completed with the recommended readings. Some of these reading will be compulsory (selected by the faculty who will bear in mind, the interests of the students as far as possible). Self-study and autonomous study will be encouraged.
2. Face-to-face classes of theoretical content. Practical face-to-face classes: problem and case solving, diachronic comments . Bibliographic consultations and required readings. Individual study, preparation of practices and seminars. Tutoring.
Assessment activities:
5. Assessment system
First call
Global assessment test (on the date established in the academic calendar)
Written test.
a) Characteristics. Written test on the contents of the subject, according to the syllabus. It will account for 100% of the total grade and will consist of a theoretical part (40%) and a practical part (60%).
b) Assessment criteria: The degree of accuracy, clarity and concreteness of the answers will be assessed, as well as the required correctness of the written presentation. To average the final grade, the minimum grade on this test must be 4.0 (out of 10).
Second call
Global assessment test (to be taken on the date established in the academic calendar).
Identical to the global assessment test of the first call.
6. Sustainable Development Goals
4 - Quality Education
5 - Gender Equality
17 - Partnerships for the Goals