27650 - Commercial Simulation
450 - Degree in Marketing and Market Research
1. General information
The main goal of this subject is to place the student in the commercial decision making process in an environment of commercial simulation, which is a simplified representation of reality. Nowadays it is important for marketing and market research students to apply the knowledge acquired in the degree to a situation thatis close to the commercial reality they might encounter in a real company.
These approaches and goals are aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations Agenda 2030 (https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/es/), in such a way that the acquisition of the learning results of the subject provides training and competence to contribute to some extent to their achievement: Goal 4: Quality Education.
Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
In order to take this subject, it is recommended to have taken Introduction to Marketing, Introduction to Marketing Research and the four marketing variables of the third year. In addition, for a proper use of it is advisable to regularly attend the theoretical and practical classes and actively participate in them.
4. Academic activities
The training activities are divided into the following hours:
Master classes: 10 hours
Practical classes: 40 hours
Personal Study: 72 hours
Assessment tests. 3 hours
The initial classes explain the basic aspects of the operation of the business simulation environment and the development of the programmed learning activities. In the rest of the classes, students work in groups to make decisions about the assigned company, prepare the corresponding reports and present the final report orally.
The necessary support material for the classes will be made available to the student at the ADD. This material should be completed by the student with the explanations given by the teacher throughout the development of the classes.
5. Assessment system
In the FIRST CALL, there are two possible assessment systems:
1. Continuous assessment It requires the student to be part of a working group.
Continuous evaluation activities:
A1. Initial knowledge (1 point): It will consist of questions that will assess initial knowledge of the simulation game.
A2. Participation in practical activities in class (0.5 points): It will be calculated by dividing the number of group activities in in which the student has participated in class by the number of total activities.
A3. Interim report (0.5 points)
A4. Position in the game (2 points): 1st position: 2 points; 2nd: 1.80 points; 3rd: 1.60 points; 4th: 1.40 points; 5th: 1.20 points; 6th and following: 1 point.
A5. Final report (3 points): It will consist of a written report on the strategies adopted by the company (2 points) and oral presentation of the same (1 point).
A6. Final knowledge (3 points): It will consist of questions on aspects related to the operation of the simulationgame.
The dates for each activity will be indicated in the subject calendar.
In order for a student to be evaluated by the continuous evaluation system, it is necessary that they obtain the following minimum scores : A2: 0.35 points; A4: 1 point; A5: 1.5 points; A6: 1 point.
If a student fulfills the conditions for the continuous evaluation, the sum of the scores obtained in the activities will be added up, so that the student will have passed the course if the sum is equal or higher than 5 points. If the score obtained is less than 5 points it will have to be evaluated through the global evaluation system.
2. Global assessment:
It will consist of a final exam consisting of two parts: the first part will be a series of questions on the theoretical and practical contents of the functioning of the business game and the second part will deal with the practice of makingdecisions in the business game.
The first part will have a maximum score of 4 points and the second part will have a maximum score of 6 points. To pass the subject, it is necessary to obtain a score of at least 2 points in the first part and 3 points in the second part. If when correcting the first part the minimum score to pass the course is not obtained, the second part will not be evaluated, and the grade of the first part will be posted on . If the minimum grade for the first part is exceeded, the second part will be evaluated. If in the second part the minimum score is not reached, the grade of the first part will be recorded. If in the second part exceeds the minimum grade, the grade to be recorded in the minutes will be the sum of the score obtained in both parts.
The evaluation will be carried out only by means of a final exam that will follow the same characteristics as those established for the global evaluation system in the first call.