Academic Year:
450 - Degree in Marketing and Market Research
27634 - Corporate Communication
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
27634 - Corporate Communication
Faculty / School:
109 - Facultad de Economía y Empresa
450 - Degree in Marketing and Market Research
First semester
Subject type:
1. General information
This subject aims to deepen the role of corporate communication in the image and reputation of organizations. It is intended to enable students to design and develop corporate communication plans.
Finally, the aim is for the student to analyze, evaluate and make decisions regarding corporate communication, appropriate to the specific situation of a company.
These approaches and goals are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda of United Nations (, specifically, the planned activities contribute to the achievement of the goals: 5: Gender Equality, 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, and 12: Responsible Production and Consumption .
It is recommended to have passed the subjects "Introduction to Marketing", "Introduction to Marketing Research" and "Decisions on Commercial Communication".
2. Learning results
Understand the relevance of corporate communication.
Differentiate and interrelate the concepts of identity, image and reputation.
Understand the public relations planning process.
Know the most appropriate methods and instruments for crisis communication.
Know the techniques of public relations with the media.
Know how to critically assess and analyze corporate communication activities developed by organizations, proposing alternative strategies and actions.
Solve and develop individually and/or in teams, activities and works related to the contents of the subject and plan them to better achieve the objectives set and optimize time.
Communicate rigorously, orally and in writing, knowledge, ideas and results of the activities and works carried out.
All of the above will be carried out in accordance with the values of ethics and good professional practices, as well as the values of democracy and respect.
3. Syllabus
UNIT 1: Identity, Image and Corporate Reputation
1.- Corporate Identity
2.- Corporate image
3.- Corporate reputation
UNIT 2: Corporate Image Measurement
1.- Image audit
2.- Permanent Corporate Image Observatory
UNIT 3: Corporate Visual Identity
1.- Concepts and strategies
2.- Basic elements and principles
3.- The corporate identity manual
UNIT 4: PR: The PR Process
1.- Concept and theories
2.- The public relations process
3.- PR on line
UNIT 5: Crisis Communication
1.- Crisis Analysis
2.- Crisis communication strategy
3.- The crisis communication plan
UNIT 6: Media Relations
1.- Introduction
2.- Media PR techniques
4. Academic activities
The learning process is based on the following activities:
Participative master classes. They will provide theoretical knowledge, accompanied by practical examplesto facilitate their understanding and application.
Resolution and presentation of case studies, elaboration of assignments, search for examples, commentary and evaluation of readings and news, and discussion of current issues.
Tutorial activities and/or seminars: students will be able to supervise the work done and clarify doubts about the contents of the subject.
Autonomous work: includes activities of analysis of the contents, resolution of the practical activities, realization of works, and search and analysis of information, among others.
Evaluation activities
The teaching methodology and its evaluation is planned to be based on face-to-face classes. No however, if circumstances require it, it may be done online.
5. Assessment system
The evaluation of the subject for the first OFFICIAL CALL will be carried out through a SYSTEM OF CONTINUOUS EVALUATION that consists of the following activities:
Work 1 (T1): will consist of the completion and delivery by the student of two interactive team activities consisting of a seminar on Part I and a seminar on Part II. The work done in these activities will be presented and discussed in the practical sessions. It represents 80% of the grade (60% of the grade is for the work handed in and 20% for the presentations and debates carried out in the practical classes, which will be graded individually).
Work 2 (T2): will consist of individual or team activities in the theoretical-practical sessions consisting of the search for examples, the resolution and presentation of practical cases, the discussion of some current topic and/or comments and evaluation of readings and news. The results achieved will be discussed in class.
It represents 20% of the grade.
In order for the student to pass the subject, it will be necessary that he/she completes ALL the activities (T1 and T2) and obtains at least a 5 out of 10. In addition, in order to average these activities, you must obtain a minimum grade of 3 out of 10 in each of the activities that make up T1.
Students who do not opt for the Continuous Evaluation, do not pass it or wish to improve their grade, must take a GLOBAL TEST, written or oral, in which the learning objectives will be evaluated through theoretical-practical questions and practical questions. This test will take place on the official date established by the Center.
In the second round, the evaluation will be carried out through a GLOBAL TEST, written or oral, which will have the same characteristics as the global test of the first call.
The detection of plagiarism in an activity will result in a grade of 0 points.
6. Sustainable Development Goals
4 - Quality Education
8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
12 - Responsible Production and Consumption