Academic Year:
450 - Degree in Marketing and Market Research
27626 - Commercial Distribution Management
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
27626 - Commercial Distribution Management
Faculty / School:
109 - Facultad de Economía y Empresa
450 - Degree in Marketing and Market Research
Second semester
Subject type:
1. General information
The main goal of this subject is that the student learns to make decisions in commercial distribution in the company and in the economic environment, considering it as a marketing variable that can be controlled by the companies
organizations. The general goal is to familiarize the student with the terms, strategic alternatives, relativedecisions and foreseeable consequences of commercial distribution.
These approaches and goals are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda of United Nations (, specifically, the activities planned in the subject will contribute to the achievement of SDG 5 Gender Equality, SDG 8 Economic Growth, employment and decent work, and SDG 12, Responsible Production and Consumption.
2. Learning results
RA1. To know the nature of commercial distribution, its origins, its importance, its evolution and its actuality.
RA2. To know the commercial distribution systems and their components.
RA3. To know the different commercial formats, their objectives and differentiation fundamentals.
RA4. To know the organizational structures of the distribution channels.
RA5. To know commercial distribution strategies and their management ways.
RA6. To know the fundamentals of commercial logistics and its management.
RA7. Recognize interior policies and competitive environments in the commercial distribution sector.
RA8. Orally transmit knowledge and ideas of commercial distribution and know how to defend them in public.
3. Syllabus
UNIT 1. The Nature of Commercial Distribution
UNIT 2. The Commercial Distribution System
UNIT 3. The Distribution Offer. Sales Formats and Systems
UNIT 4. The Nature of Distribution Channels
UNIT 5. Distribution Channel Management
UNIT 6. Spatial Organization and Logistics of Commercial Distribution
UNIT 7. Domestic Trade Organization
4. Academic activities
Master classes: 30 hours
Practical classes: 30 hours
Personal Study: 90 hours
Assessment tests. 2h
6 ECTS = 150 hours
The teaching methodology and its evaluation will be based on face-to-face classes. No however, if circumstances require it, it may be done online.
5. Assessment system
In the TWO official CALL, the subject will be evaluated by means of a GLOBAL system. This system will consist of:
Completion of a written test divided into two parts:
Part I: It will deal with the theoretical and theoretical-practical aspects reflected in the subject syllabus. It represents 60% (6 points) of the final grade. A minimum score of 3 out of 6 points must be obtained to add the grade obtained in Part II (P).
Part II (P): It will deal with the contents developed in the practical sessions of the subject throughout the semester.
It represents 40% (4 points) of the final grade. A minimum score of 2 points must be obtained out of the 4 established to add up the grade obtained in Part I.
Those students who wish to do so can anticipate Part II by doing all the activities proposed during the semester (A). These activities will be carried out in groups: digital commerce development workshop (presence in the classroom/laboratory required) and/or work on the application of the concepts analyzed in the subject to a real situation (this second option can be done individually). A minimum score of 2 points must be obtained out of the 4 established to add up the grade obtained in Part I.
Students who have taken A and have not attained the minimum grade required must take Part II of the comprehensive examination (P) in addition to Part I.
Students who take A's may, in both exams, keep the grade obtained, as long as it is higher than the minimum grade indicated.
Assessment Criteria:
In order to pass the course a grade higher than 5 points must be obtained in the sum of T + P or T + A, being essential to pass the minimum grades established in each part. Thus, at least 3 points must be obtained in the part T, and 2 points in the P/A parts.
6. Sustainable Development Goals
5 - Gender Equality
8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
12 - Responsible Production and Consumption