Academic Year:
450 - Degree in Marketing and Market Research
27624 - Product and Brand Management
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
27624 - Product and Brand Management
Faculty / School:
109 - Facultad de Economía y Empresa
450 - Degree in Marketing and Market Research
First semester
Subject type:
1. General information
The main goal is for the student to know the main functions of product and brand management, and to be able to analyze, evaluate and propose decisions related to both aspects. Specifically, the subject aims to familiarize the student with the tasks performed by the product manager within the company, or with the related figures who are responsible for the management of the products that are marketed in the markets.
These approaches and goals are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda of United Nations (, specifically, the activities planned in the subject will contribute to the achievement of the goals:
- Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
- Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
- Goal 12: Responsible Production and Consumption
2. Learning results
The student, in order to pass this subject, must demonstrate the following results...
Identify the main functions in product management
Recognize the main attributes of a product and describe the most relevant characteristics in its management Explain the concepts of identity, image and brand value and propose to companies strategies and systems for monitoring and controlling their brands.
Identify and propose differentiation and positioning actions
Identify the different phases of new product development and explain the peculiarities of management in each of these phases.
To understand the different ways of analyzing a product portfolio and their application
Recognizing the existence of different product life cycles and their strategic implications
Solve and develop individually and/or in teams, activities and works related to the contents of the subject and plan them to better achieve the goals set.
Effective and efficient time management, as well as the ability to perform under pressure
Communicate rigorously in oral and written form, knowledge, ideas and results of the activities and works carried out.
All of the above will be carried out in accordance with the values of ethics and good professional practices, as well as the values of democracy and respect.
3. Syllabus
UNIT 1: Product concept and direction
1.1 Functions in product management
1.2 Product management in the company
UNIT 2: New product management
2.1 Internal organization for development
2.2 New product development phases
UNIT 3: Product positioning and control
3.1 Segmentation and coverage strategies
3.2 Differentiation and positioning
3.3 Monitoring and control
UNIT 4: Analysis of product attributes
4.1 Policy on packaging, packing and labeling
4.2 Quality, design and service support
4.3 The brand
UNIT 5: Identity and Brand Image
5.1 Identity and brand image
5.2 Brand value
5.3 Brand strategies and portfolio
5.4 Monitoring and control
UNIT 6: Product portfolio
6.1 Concept and dimensions
6.2 Portfolio analysis
6.3 Product portfolio strategies
4. Academic activities
Participative lectures: will provide the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical examples to facilitate its understanding and application.
Practical classes in which exercises and cases related to each topic will be developed.
Conferences: in which external professionals contribute their vision on product and brand management within the organizations they work for.
Tutorial activities: it will be possible to supervise the work done by the students, clarify doubts about the theoretical and practical contents of the subject and/or carry out specific practices applied to the theoretical contents.
Autonomous work: includes activities of study of the theoretical and practical contents, resolution of the practical activities.
Assessment activities.
In principle, the teaching methodology and its evaluation is planned to be based on face-to-face classes . However, if circumstances so require, they may be carried out online.
5. Assessment system
In both the FIRST and SECOND CALL, the evaluation system will be carried out by means of an OVERALL test structured in two parts:
a) Work 1 (T1): Written work on the launching of a new product to the market. It will be carried out preferably in groups of students and exceptionally on an individual basis if recommended by the faculty. The student body must submit a report in written format. The paper will be graded from 0 to 10 points. Criteria for evaluation:
- Adequacy of information sources.
- Correct application of the contents of the subject.
- Depth and coherence in the arguments used.
- Written communication skills.
Delivery date: the delivery of the work may follow one of the following two procedures: 1) deliver an interim report (approximately in the middle of the trimester, 20% evaluation of T1) and the final paper (last weeks of class, 80% evaluation of T1). Specific dates and details will be provided in class and will be mandatory for group work, or 2) on the official date specified in the school's official exam schedule.
b) Written test (E1). It will deal with the theoretical, practical and theoretical-practical contents of the subject. It will contain mostly short questions (open-ended or multiple-choice questions) and application exercises. A section of the written test (valued with 10% of the E1 test) will deal specifically with the activities of special interest for the subject.
These activities will focus on specific aspects of interest for the subject (e.g. social media account management , lectures, workshops, etc.) and will be taught by the faculty or experts in each subject preferably during class hours and will be announced well in advance. Students who participate in them and make their evaluation (i.e. short test at the end of each session), will not have to answer the specific section on the activities of special interest in the written test and if they do so, they will only have to do it to raise the mark obtained in these activities previously. At together, the E1 test will be graded with a grade from 0 to 10 points. Assessment criteria:
- Adequacy of the answers to the theoretical and practical contents of the subject.
- Accuracy, appropriate use of terminology and clarity of exposition.
- Correct written expression, proper presentation and spelling.
The written test will take place on the official date specified in the center's examination calendar.
Levels of demand in the criteria of both tests:
-Poor-insufficient: does not know or includes none or few of the required resources and/or skills and does not develop them or does so with great imprecision.
-Adequate: includes several of the required resources and/or skills and develops them with correctness and sufficient skill -Exemplary-excellent: includes most or all of the required resources and/or skills, knows, develops and manages them with clarity, precision, interest and great skill .
Three criteria must be met in order to pass the subject: (1) that the grade of the written test (E1) is higher than 4.5 points, (2) that the grade of the paper (T1) is higher than 4.5 points, and (3) that the final grade that weights the written test (E1) and the paper (T1) is higher than 5. In case all criteria are met, the final grade obtained by the student would be as follows: 30% x Grade (T1) + 70% x Grade (E1). If any of the criteria is not met, the final grade obtained will be the corresponding to the lowest grade, either in the work (T1) or in the written test (E1).
It is foreseen that these tests will be performed in person, but if health circumstances require it, they will be performed online.
6. Sustainable Development Goals
9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
12 - Responsible Production and Consumption