Academic Year:
449 - Degree in Finance and Accounting
27528 - Stock Market and Market Analysis
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
27528 - Stock Market and Market Analysis
Faculty / School:
109 - Facultad de Economía y Empresa
449 - Degree in Finance and Accounting
Second semester
Subject type:
1. General information
The main goal of this subject is for the student to be able to know how stock exchanges work and the necessary tools to be able to perform an appropriate stock market analysis.
This knowledge of the stock markets is the beginning for the student to be able to make stock market investments and to be able to manage equity portfolios.
These approaches and goals are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations Agenda 2030 (, specifically, the activities planned in the subject will contribute to the achievement of goals 4: Quality education and 8: Decent work and economic growth.
2. Learning results
The student, in order to pass this subject, must demonstrate that:
1- Is able to understand the institutional framework in which the stock market operates.
2- It is capable of making Stock Indexes.
3- Is able to perform the most relevant stock market operations, such as:
a) Determine the Theoretical Value of the rights in capital increases.
b) To be able to arbitrage in the market between rights and shares.
c) To operate in the stock markets.
4- Is able to know the criteria of Fundamental Analysis in order to value in the market the corresponding listed companies.
5- Is able to know and apply technical analysis techniques to make investments in the market.
6- Is able to know and apply the technical analysis to value the market movements and the corresponding listed securities.
7- Is able to analyze the profitability/risk ratio in the stock market decisions that have been made.
3. Syllabus
Thematic Module I. Financial Markets and Institutional Framework
Unit 1.- Financial System
Unit 2.- Shares, Company Financing and Shareholder Remuneration
Unit 3.- Stock Markets
Thematic Module II. Stock Exchange Operations
Unit 4.- Contracting Systems
Unit 5.- Capital increases
Unit 6.- Other Stock Exchange Transactions
Unit 7.- Main Stock Exchanges and Stock Indexes
Unit 8. Credit operations and CFDs
Thematic Module III. Stock market valuation
Unit 9.- Fundamental Analysis
Unit 10.- Technical and Graphical Analysis
4. Academic activities
The teaching-learning process of 150 hours of student work is distributed between 60 face-to-face hours and 90 hours of autonomous work.
The 60 hours of classroom work are distributed in 30 hours of participative lectures and 30 hours of computer practices with resolution of problems and cases on the computer. The master classes will also be developed with the support of computer tools.
In principle, the teaching methodology and its evaluation is planned to be based on face-to-face classes . However, if circumstances so require, they may be carried out online.
5. Assessment system
The subject will be evaluated by continuous evaluation or global evaluation during the first call and by global evaluation during the second call.
Students who do not opt for continuous evaluation or who do not pass the course by this procedure may use the global evaluation system.
Students who wish to improve the grade obtained in the continuous evaluation may do so by taking the first call of the global evaluation (keeping the better of the two grades).
Continuous Assessment:
It consists of two written tests and a series of individual and/or group activities that will be part of 2 to 4 practical evaluation blocks.
First written test (Modules I and II): 4.5 points
Second written test (Module III): 3 points
Voluntary internships: 2.5 points
To pass the subject through continuous evaluation, the student must obtain between the two written tests and the voluntary practices a total of 5 points and the sum of the two written tests must not be less than 3.5 out of 7.5 possible points. A student who does not reach this minimum will be considered as failed, regardless of the grades achieved in the voluntary internships.
Global Assessment:
It will consist of a final written test. This test will consist of theoretical and practical questions that will refer to the contents of the three thematic blocks of the program.
Assessment Criteria:
Voluntary internships: specific criteria to be made public
Written tests: appropriate application of the practical tools together with an adequate relationship with the theory.
6. Sustainable Development Goals
4 - Quality Education
8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth