27527 - Business Tax Planning
2. Learning results
The student, in order to pass this subject, must demonstrate the following results...
1. Knows the taxation of the different types of companies -individual or corporate, cooperative or limited company-, and assess globally the tax incentives or disincentives that may affect them.
2. Can describe the taxation of company profits, the tax incentives for various types of company behaviour and assess them globally in order to choose the most appropriate company behaviour.
3. Is able to describe the taxation of the various assets, real and financial, and to assess globally the tax incentives or disincentives that may affect the investor in each of them.
4. Can describe the taxation of the different types of family, -marriage, cohabitation, with children, without children, etc.-, and globally assess the tax incentives or disincentives that may affect them in the Income Tax of Individuals and Inheritance and Gift Taxes.
5. Knows the principles that regulate taxation in the international field: -principle of residence and principle of the source- and is able to analyse the incidence of taxation on the choice of residence or the location of the economic activity.
3. Syllabus
Part one: methodology
1. Introduction
2. Tax planning methodology
Part two: personal tax planning
3. The choice between different savings instruments
4. Differentiated taxation of the family unit
5. The transfer of personal assets
6. Personal strategies in a multinational context
Part three: corporate tax planning
7. The choice of company form
8. The going concern (I): remuneration strategies and amortization systems
9. The going concern (II): financing and investment
10. Investment localization in a multinational context
4. Academic activities
Master classes: 30 hours
Presentation of topics, bibliographic orientation and questions and problems posed by the teacher Practical classes: 30 hours
Resolution and presentation/discussion in class of the questions and problems previously proposed by the professor, and participation in seminars given by external experts (linked to the tax consultancy) within the framework of the Program Expertia
Personal Study, Tutoring and Test Taking: 90 hours
6 ECTS = 150 hours
In principle, the teaching methodology and its evaluation is planned to be based on face-to-face classes . However, if circumstances so require, they may be carried out online.
5. Assessment system
The subject will be evaluated by continuous and/or global evaluation in the first call and by global evaluation in the second call.
1. Continuous assessment (optional system exclusively for the first call of the course) by means of:
- Activities for the evaluation of students throughout the course, especially resolution and presentation/discussion in class of exercises and practical cases carried out in groups. The number of deliveries throughout the course will be approximately 8. The grade of this activity will represent 40 percent of the so-called average grade of the continuous evaluation (Nprom) for the students who take advantage of this system. A minimum of 4 must be achieved to be eligible for the written test described below.
However, the absence of the student(justified or not) in more than two of the classes of resolution of the exercises in group will suppose the exclusion of the continuous evaluation system.
- An individual written test, prior to the first call, which will deal with the fundamentally practical contents of the subject . The score for this individual test (Nind) represents, for the students who have opted for this system, the other 60 percent of the average grade of thecontinuous evaluation (Nprom) in this first call. Therefore, NProm = (40% * group exercise grade + 60% * written test grade, Nind).
In order to average with the previous part, a 4 must be achieved in this individual test (i.e., Nind >= 4).
If the 4 is not reached, the student will have to take the global test if he/she intends to pass the subject in the first call. In the event that the student does not take the global test, the grade in the first exam report will reflect this 'no-show' status.
- If the student obtains an mark in the individual written test (Nind) higher than the average mark (Nprom) of the continuous assessment, the mark of the written test (Nind) shall prevail, but may not exceed the average mark (NProm) by more than one point.
That is, in this case(Nind > Nprom), the prevailing note = minimum[Nind , (Nprom + 1)]
- In the same way, if the individual written test grade (Nind) is below the average grade (NProm), the average grade (NProm) will prevail, without it being able to exceed by more than one point the grade of the written test (Nind).
That is, in this case(Nind < Nprom), the prevailing note = minimum[Nprom , (Nind + 1)]
2. A global test taken during the examination period of each of the two sessions of the course. Its content will be mainly practical. Students who do not opt for continuous evaluation, or who do not pass the course by this procedure (in the first call), or who would like to improve their grade, will have the right to take aglobal test , prevailing in any case, the best of the grades obtained.
Assessment criteria
In each of the assessment activities (group exercises, individual test of the continuous assessment, general tests), it will be measured to what extent the student has achieved the intended goals, i.e. that he/she is able to describe, with due precision (terminology and mastery of the contents), how taxation affects various activities of the individual, such as investment in different assets, different family situations or the lucrative transfer of personal wealth, as well as the different company operations covered in the programme, and is then able to assess from a broad economic perspective the overall effects of taxation on these activities or operations. The answers must be sufficiently justified at , taking into account the quality of the student's economic and tax arguments.