Academic Year:
449 - Degree in Finance and Accounting
27516 - Spanish Economy
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
27516 - Spanish Economy
Faculty / School:
109 - Facultad de Economía y Empresa
449 - Degree in Finance and Accounting
Second semester
Subject type:
1. General information
The main goal of this subject is for the student to know, analyze and interpret the Spanish economic reality at medium and long term, providing a joint vision of its different economic and institutional aspects. The aim of is to make it possible in the future to provide adequate advice to institutions and companies on the analysis of the Spanisheconomic situation for the financial and accounting areas of organizations.
To this end, the subject analyzes the Spanish economic growth and the factors that make it possible, the productive activities by economic sectors and the institutional aspects of the Spanish economy.
These approaches and goals are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda of theUnited Nations (, in particular, the activities foreseen in the subject provide training and competency to contribute to some extent to their achievement, especially in relation to Goal 4 (quality education), goals 4 and 7.
2. Learning results
The student, in order to pass this subject, must demonstrate the following results:
1. Define the main growth factors of the Spanish economy.
2. Describe the main productive sectors of the Spanish economy.
3. Explain the functioning of the financial system in the context of the national economy.
4. Correct use of economic and statistical indicators.
5. Handle and adequately interpret the reports of the main national and international economic institutions.
6. Precise delimitation of economic macromagnitudes.
7. Synthesize and integrate the acquired knowledge.
8. Apply the contents to the resolution of cases or practical assumptions obtained from the economic reality.
9. Make decisions based on the conclusions derived from the analyses performed.
10. Adapt the knowledge acquired to new situations, new scenarios and, in short, to the current situation
economic performance of the Spanish economy at different moments in time.
3. Syllabus
Unit 1: Indicators and sources for the study of the Spanish economy
Unit 2: Formation of the Spanish economy
Unit 3: Economic growth and structural change in Spain since 1960
Unit 4: Spain in the Economic and Monetary Union and growth and crisis in the 21st century
Unit 5: Demographics and Human Capital
Unit 6: Labor market
Unit 7: Innovation and technological change
Unit 8: Production structure
Unit 9: Public Sector
Unit 10: Financial system
4. Academic activities
Master classes: 30 hours
Theoretical sessions in which the contents of the subject will be explained. The master class is expected to be participatory, and is expected to encourage debates and solve problems and doubts that may arise for the student.
Practical classes: 30 hours
Resolution and presentation of problems and case studies, and interactive sessions to encourage their involvement in the discussion and interpretation of the materials presented by the teacher.
Personal Study: 88 hours
Students must complete the work in the course with personal study, regular consultation of the indicated bibliography and additional homework.
Assessment tests. 1 exam of 2 hours
6 ECTS = 150 hours
In principle, the teaching methodology and its evaluation is planned to be based on face-to-face classes . However, if necessary for health reasons, face-to-face classes may be taught online.
5. Assessment system
The subject will be evaluated by means of a GLOBAL evaluation system in both ordinary and extraordinary call.
In the ordinary call: the evaluation of the subject will be carried out by means of a written Global test of 10 points, according to the official calendar established in the center. The test will consist of a theoretical-practical exercise in which the student will have to solve different questions related to the subject studied. The test may combine open-ended questions and/or multiple-choice questions. In the case of open-ended questions, which will have limited space, three aspects will be assessed in addition to the contents of the subject: the structuring of the contents, the degree of completeness of the contents and the absence of formal errors (spelling, grammatical, etc.). The result of the test will be the final grade obtained in the subject.
However, the student who wishes to do so may take a written test to be held towards the middle of the semester.
It will consist of a theoretical-practical exercise of 10 points, in which the student will have to solve different questions related to subject matter already studied before the date of the test. This test may represent, in case of obtaining a minimum grade of 4, up to 50% of the final grade of the subject.
Students who do not achieve a minimum grade of 4 on this test, or who have chosen not to take it, or who wish to improve their grade, will be examined in the overall written test of the whole subject. Otherwise, only the questions related to the subject taken after the mid-term exam will be evaluated.
In the extraordinary call: on the date set by the Center, there will be a 10-point written Global test, which will consist of a theoretical-practical exercise in which the student will have to solve different questions related to the subject coursed.
6. Sustainable Development Goals
4 - Quality Education