Academic Year:
27334 - Business Decisions
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
27334 - Business Decisions
Faculty / School:
109 - Facultad de Economía y Empresa
228 - Facultad de Empresa y Gestión Pública
448 - Degree in Business Administration and Management
458 - Degree in Business Administration and Management
First semester
Subject type:
1. General information
The main objective of this subject is to introduce the student to making business decisions in a business game, which represents a simplified representation of reality of a dynamic nature. In this way, students apply some of the knowledge acquired in the degree in a simulated business situation that forces them to make decisions and face their consequences.
These approaches and objectives are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the agenda 2030 and certain specific goals (, contributing to a certain extent to their achievement:
Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Target Indicator 4.4.: By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship.
To take the subject, it is recommended to have taken Introduction to Marketing, Introduction to Market Research and Commercial Management I. In addition, for adequate use of it, it is necessary that the student continually attends classes, actively getting involved in the same.
2. Learning results
Apply management knowledge obtained during previous courses in a virtual environment to commercialize products in different markets.
Analyse macroeconomic and microeconomic data provided in the virtual environment of the business game.
Make the correct decisions to commercialize products in competitive conditions, looking for the best performance in the virtual environment of the game.
Observe the consequences of the management decisions on the virtual environment of the game. Develop skills related to team work and work with deadlines.
Prepare and explain the activities to be carried out during the business game.
3. Syllabus
Explanation of the business simulation game functioning
Learning how to operate the game on the computer
Development of tools to help manage the company
Decision-making for the commercialization of the company’s products
- Analysis of the economic and business information
- R&D+i decisions
- Decisions on providers
- HR decisions
- Marketing decisions
Preparation and presentation of a report about the decision-making
4. Academic activities
Activities are divided into the following hours:
Theory classes: 10 hours
Practices: 40 hours
Personal study: 72 hours
Assessment: 3 hours
In the first classes of the subject, the teacher explains the fundamental aspects of the operation of the business game in which the subject is framed. In the rest of the classes, students work in groups analyzing information and making decisions about the main management areas of the company that they have been assigned. In addition, they develop tools to help them make decisions and explain and present the decisions made during the management carried out to market the company's products in the different markets.
The support material necessary for classes will be made available to students on Moodle. This material is a support base that students must complete with the explanations that the teacher will make, especially in the first weeks of class. In addition, students must develop their own material as the teaching-learning process takes place.
5. Assessment system
In the FIRST SITTING, there are two main evaluation systems:
1. Continuous assessment:
It requires the students to necessarily join a team and be part of it during the period that activities take place. A company of the game environment will be assigned to each team.
Individual and group activities of the continuous assessment:
The days for each assessment activity will be indicated in the course schedule.
A. Business simulation game initial knowledge (individual: 1.25 points)
This activity will consist of a series of questions that will assess the initial knowledge of a student about the business simulation game.
B. Decision-making in the game (group: 2.5 points)
The score obtained for each company/team will be multiplied for each student by a factor ‘F’. This factor takes the value ‘F=1’ if the student has participated, at least, in the 75% of the classes devoted to decision-making (including trial moves), and takes the value ‘F=0’ if the student has not participated, at least, in the 75% of the classes devoted to decision-making (including trial moves).
C. Written report of decision-making (group: 2.5 points)
D. Business simulation game final knowledge (individual: 3 points)
This activity will consist of a series of questions –including multiple choice and short questions– about the issues regarding the operation of the game and are aimed at evaluating the individual final knowledge of each student about the business simulation game.
E. Presentation of decision-making (individual: 0.75 points)
Group activities B and C require active participation in the group so that members of a team can remove any member from the team if they are not participating actively enough in the group activities. Those students who have been removed from a team will have to do the global assessment.
If the student meets the conditions for the continuous assessment system, the final assessment will be calculated as the sum of the scores obtained in the activities. Students will pass the subject if the sum is equal to or higher than 5 points. If the sum is less than 5 points, students will have to be evaluated through the global assessment system.
2. Global Assessment:
This will consist of a final exam consisting of two parts: the first part will include a number of questions about the theoretical-practical contents of the operation of the business game and the second one will refer to the practice of decision-making in the business game.
The first part will have a maximum score of 4.5 points and the second of 5.5 points. A minimum of 2.5 points will be required in each part to pass the subject. Should a student not achieve the minimum score in the first part, the second part will not be corrected, and the mark of the first part will be published officially. Should a student achieve the minimum score in the first part, the second part will be corrected. If the minimum score in the second part is not obtained, the mark of the first part will be published officially. If the student also exceeds the minimum score (in the second part), the sum of the scores of each part will be published.
The assessment will only consist of a written final exam with the same characteristics as those established for the global assessment in the first sitting.
6. Sustainable Development Goals
4 - Quality Education