Academic Year:
26604 - Teacher and Education
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
26604 - Teacher and Education
Faculty / School:
107 - Facultad de Educación
202 - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación
301 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
298 - Degree in Primary School Education
299 - Degree in Primary School Education
300 - Degree in Primary School Education
First semester
Subject type:
Basic Education
1. General information
The main goal of this subject is that students learn to structure the professionalizing references of tutoring both in its theoretical (principles and models) and practical (instruments, techniques and strategies) nature. The aim is to align tutorial action with the whole of educational action from different spheres, levels and dimensions, promoting and guaranteeing the construction of authentic educational relationships by and for people. A basic introduction to research, guidance, and evaluation is proposed with the aim of deconstructing the initial assumptions of the students and reconstructing a well-founded professional action with meaning and educational projection. Specifically, this includes those processes of educational accompaniment that are transversal and community-based, involving a comprehensive tutorial action.
2. Learning results
1. Critically analyzes the meaning of education, its possibilities and limits, in today's society
2. Identifies and understands the basic epistemological and methodological references in educational research
3. Knows, plans and applies the basic actions derived from the functions of the teacher-tutor and relates them to specific actionsthat imply a good professional practice, from its ethical reference
4. Designs educational evaluation processes, in particular those involving the teaching staff, i.e., those circumscribed to the evaluation of centers, programs and teachers
5. Identifies and understands the theoretical and methodological principles of educational evaluation
3. Syllabus
Unit 1. The teacher and educational research
1.1. Epistemological overview
1.2. Modalities and design of educational research
Unit 2. The teacher and mentoring
2.1- Duties of the mentor teacher
2.2- Organization and development of the tutorial action
2.3- Tutoring, communication and family
Unit 3. The teacher and evaluation
3.1- Types of evaluation
3.2- Evaluation instruments (rubric, etc.) and evaluation tools (portfolio, etc.)
3.3- Design, plan and evaluate teaching and learning in the classroom
4. Academic activities
Lectures: sessions for the presentation and explanation of the course syllabus: 30 hours
Problems and cases: sessions of development and resolution of practical cases, exposition of the products of the portfolio of evaluation: 30 hours
Independent study and work (individual and team work), seminars and academic tutoring sessions: 84 hours Assessment tests: 6 hours
The activities are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals to the extent that the processes of educational guidance and evaluation of the tutorial action ensure quality education (Goal 4) in an ethical and programmatic sense (Goals 3 and 10). A critical analysis of the meaning of education, its possibilities, and limitations within contemporary society will be required from the imperative of sustainability (learning outcome 1), working transversally on the rest of the learning outcomes and the entire program content.
5. Assessment system
Continuous Assessment
It will consist of two evaluation instruments:
- A) Final test. Integrated by the minimum contents of the program of the subject (50% of the final grade). The format can be adjusted by the faculty, and will be specified from the first session of the subject. In the case of a written format , at least 50% of the test will be common for all teaching groups of the same center. In the case of an oral format or co-assessment modalities, the design of the tests will integrate the minimum contents agreed upon by the teaching team of all the teaching groups of the same center, in correspondence to the common part of the written test. The evaluation criteria will be correctness, relevance and conceptual rigor.
- B) Assessment portfolio. Composed by the products of the learning activities (40% of the final grade ) and by a self-evaluation report of the learning processes (10% of the final grade). The criteria for evaluation will be formal correctness, rigor, coherence, openness and multi-referentiality.
It is compulsory to pass both assessment instruments in order to pass the subject.
Global assessment
It will consist of a two-part examination:
- A) Test similar to the continuous evaluation test and with the same evaluation criteria (50% of the final grade).
- B) Resolution of a practical case that will share the evaluation criteria of the evaluation portfolio (50% of the final grade).
Students must pass the two parts of the exam in order to pass the subject.
The second call will follow the global assessment method.
Fifth and sixth calls
The students involved should be aware that their evaluation is being conducted in front of a panel of judges. They may also opt for to take the test together with the rest of the reference group. In all cases, the same general requirements and evaluationcriteria of will be applied.
It must be taken into account that the Regulations of the Rules of Coexistence of the University of Zaragoza will apply to irregularities committed in the assessment tests by means of academic fraud, as well as the application of article 30 of the Regulations of the Rules of Learning Assessment in relation to irregular practices other than academic fraud.
6. Sustainable Development Goals
3 - Good Health & Well-Being
4 - Quality Education
10 - Reduction of Inequalities