26578 - Undergraduate Dissertation
301 - Degree in Nursery School Education
302 - Degree in Nursery School Education
303 - Degree in Nursery School Education
End of Grade Dissertation
1. General information
The main goal of the subject is to deepen in topics related to the different areas of the degree, integrating the knowledge and competences acquired throughout the curriculum and applying them to the chosen topic. and specifically:
Integrate the competences of the different subjects studied in the degree and be able to apply the knowledge to professional practice.
To understand learning as a global, complex and transcendent fact, being able to critically reflect on educational ideas and practices.
Use and apply Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to learn, communicate and share knowledge in different contexts.
Organize their own continuing education and motivate the improvement of teaching quality.
Research on one's own professional practice.
Seek, manage, process, analyze and communicate information effectively, critically and creatively.
The Final Degree Project is a fourth-year subject that contributes to consolidate and integrate the knowledge, skills and attitudes acquired by the student during his or her undergraduate studies.
In order to enroll in this subject, students must have passed at least 70% of the credits of the previous courses and requires the registration of all pending credits or their recognition.
This subject requires the student to assume the responsibility to carry out an academic work consequently and to accept opinions different from his/her own and integrate them in his/her work. The student is the main protagonist of the DFP and, given that the result of their work will depend to a great extent on the order, clarity and punctuality in the completion of their tasks, they should strive to meet all formal requirements (deadlines, documents, etc.), as well as follow the indications received from their director in relation to the design, development and elaboration of the DFP. It is important to know and consult general regulations on the TFG of the University of Zaragoza, available at: http://www.unizar.es/sg/pdf/acuerdos/2014/2014-09-11/5.1.%20TFG%20y%20M%20aprobada%20CdG.pdf and the specific regulations of the Faculty in which the degree is being studied, available in their respective web page.
http://www.unizar.es/sg/pdf/acuerdos/2014/2014-09-11/5.1.%20TFG%20and%20M%20approved%20CdG.pdf and the specific one of the Faculty in which the degree is being studied, available in its respective web page.
5. Assessment system
5.1. Type of tests and their value in the final grade
The preparation and defense of the Final Degree Project will be in accordance with the regulations on DFP/MFP in force at Universidad de Zaragoza (https:// zaguan.unizar.es/record/30630/files/Texto_refundido_2018.pdf).
Students must demonstrate that they have achieved the intended learning outcomes by means of the following assessment activities
ACTIVITY A. Preparation of a report
The topic of the DFP will be established by mutual agreement between the student and his/her director, based on the lines proposed by the departments involved. As a guideline, the modalities to which can respond to the DFP are indicated:
Theoretical review on a specific topic. It can be a study that involves a theoretical analysis of a topic as a basis for its exposition or argumentation in depth. This is a report on the state of the art, integration of concepts related to the chosenobject of study , comparative analysis, historical review, etc.
Professional intervention. It can be a project of contextualized educational intervention, of design of didactic sequences that incorporate aspects of educational innovation, of elaboration of didactic materials, of critical description of classroom experiences, etc.
Empirical research. It can be a qualitative or quantitative analysis of data, obtained through data collection techniques, to answer a previously formulated question or to contrast a working hypothesis.
In any case, it should be clear that the DFP is not the final report of the school practices or a practical work or essay linked to any of the subjects. In any of the modalities, the works will include sufficient elements of personal creation.
The report shall be between 10,000 and 18,000 words in length, not including annexes.
The format of the DFP report shall be in accordance with the following rules (based in general terms on the aPA Standards 7th Edition):
Times New Roman font, 12 point,
1.5 Point spacing
Justified alignment
Spaces between paragraphs are not used.
Margins of 2.54 centimeters (Top, Bottom, Left and Right).
In the same way, the report will have a general indicative structure containing:
Table of contents. Pointing out headings and subheadings.
Summary. It will be a maximum of 200 words and will be followed by a maximum of six words keywords that will allow the reader to quickly locate its content.
Introduction and justification. Relevance and reasons for the choice of the topic, justification at in relation to the professional practice of the corresponding degree.
Development of the work. It will contain the necessary headings for the orderly exposition of the work according to the chosen modality.
Conclusions and personal assessment. Novel or original aspects, strengths and weaknesses, difficulties encountered, future prospects (continuity, implementation, improvement).
Bibliographic references.
The assessment of this evaluation activity corresponds to the director of the work and represents 60% of the final grade.
ACTIVITY B. Involvement and participation of the student in the development of the DFP
Each student will be assigned a DFP director who will elaborate a work plan and will carry out its follow-up, assessing the student's involvement and participation in the fulfillment and development of the plan.
The assessment of this evaluation activity represents 10% of the final grade.
ACTIVITY C. Public defense of the report
The DFP will be defended in a public session before a tribunal or director according to the regulations of the Center and the University of Zaragoza.
This defense shall be carried out within one of the periods established by each center in their respective Regulations, which shall be at least two and may not coincide with the examination periods. In the same academic yearthe student may only use two of these periods.
In order to be able to attend the public defense of the DFP it is necessary to have obtained a grade of 5 out of 10 in each of the activities A and B.
The student will have a maximum time of 15 minutes to present his/her work, being able to use the graphic, audiovisual and computer media that he/she considers appropriate. The panel may then ask the candidate any questions it deems appropriate in relation to the work presented for a maximum of 15 minutes.
The evaluation of this evaluation activity is the responsibility of the panel or director before whom the defense and it represents 30% of the final grade:
5.2. Qualification criteria
When the grades for each of the activities A and B are equal to or higher than 5 out of 10, the director of the DFP will approve the public defence of the work by sending the grades to the body indicated in the Regulations of each Faculty.
In the event that the grade for any of the assessment activities A or B is lower than 5 out of 10, the director of the DFP will inform the student of the defects detected, indicating the modifications to be made in the
the work or involvement in it, in order to be able to defend it in a later call.
The grade of the students who attend the public defence of the report is the sum weighted sum of the grades obtained in the assessment activities A, B and C. Those students who do not perform the public defence, either because they have not passed the assessment of activities A and B or because they do not attend the public defence event on the date on which they have been summoned, will receive a grade of "Not Presented".
When the panel and/or director considers that there is total or partial fraud or plagiarism in the DFP presented for its defence, it will result in the failure of the subject with the minimum grade, in addition to the disciplinary sanctions that the guarantee committee adopts for these cases.
If, after the defense of the DFP, the final grade is higher or equal to 5, the student will have passed the subject. If, on the other hand, it is less than 5, the examining board will inform the student of the changes to be made in the public defense of the DFP with a view to passing it in another call.
5.3. Assessment criteria
The following criteria will be taken into account to evaluate the evaluation activities:
ACTIVITY A. Preparation of a report
1. Adequacy, learning and originality. The adaptation of the work to the contents and skills acquired in the degree is valued , as well as the acquisition of new and relevant knowledge and skills as a result of its deepening in the chosen subject, considering also the presence of a greater or lesser degree of personal contribution and originality. It represents 40% of the grade of the report.
2. Foundation and academic rigor. The internal coherence of the work as a whole is valued together with the application of the chosen methodology and the adequate use of primary or secondary sources and the acknowledgement of other authorships and influences where relevant. It represents 40% of the grade of the report.
3. Formal and structural aspects. Grammatical and spelling correctness will be assessed, together with a clear, coherent and comprehensible style from the parameters of academic discourse, taking into account respect forthe formal requirements established in the teaching guide and, where appropriate, those indicated by the centre where it istaught, both in terms of presentation and bibliographical citation style. It represents 20% of the grade of the report.
ACTIVITY B. Participation in tutorials convened by the director of the DFP
1. Ability to work autonomously.
2. Ability to critically evaluate their own work and the suggestions of the DFP director.
3. Ability to plan their work, attending scheduled tutorials and meeting deadlines and planning goals.
ACTIVITY C. Public defense of the report
About the exposure phase
1. Clear, structured and intelligible presentation of the DFP.
2. A reasoned exposition of the main contributions of his work, pointing out its interest and importance.
3. Use of the most appropriate resources to make the presentation more enjoyable and meaningful.
About the discussion phase
1.Identification of the most significant issues raised by the evaluators and a solvent response to them.
2. Responses in which he expresses himself with conviction and ownership.
3. Critical justification of their approaches to most of the objections raised.
Fifth and sixth calls
Students in the 5th and 6th call will be assessed using the same assessment system as the rest of students, but their assessment will be carried out by a panel of judges.
Finally, it must be taken into account that the Regulations of the Rules of Coexistence of the University of Zaragoza will apply to irregularities committed in the assessment tests by means of academic fraud, as well as the application of article 30 of the Regulations of the Rules of Learning Assessment in relation to irregular practices other than academic fraud.