Academic Year:
26544 - Content and language integrated learning (CLIL)
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
26544 - Content and language integrated learning (CLIL)
Faculty / School:
107 - Facultad de Educación
202 - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación
301 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
301 - Degree in Nursery School Education
302 - Degree in Nursery School Education
303 - Degree in Nursery School Education
First semester
Subject type:
1. General information
The goals of the subject are to enable the student to implement the integrated teaching model of language and content (CLIL) in the Early Childhood Education classroom by providing the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge through observation, analysis and reflection on teaching practice in the particular context of CLIL teaching . In turn, after the observation, analysis and reflection activities, the student will have the opportunity to design and implement materials, activities, lessons and CLIL didactic units in the Early Childhood classroom.
Students wishing to take this subject are recommended to have a minimum level of B2 in English according to MCERL. It is recommended to attend classes and participate in the proposed activities.
2. Learning results
The student, in order to pass this subject, must demonstrate the following results...
1. Knows and knows how to explain and apply the context and theoretical foundations of bilingual teaching programs, specifically Content and Language Integrated Learning.
2. Can plan CLIL teaching sessions (activities, tasks, lessons and teaching units) within the framework of the early childhood curriculum.
3. Select and adapt materials (either materials used in English-speaking countries, CLILmaterials designed for other educational stages, or EFL materials) suitable for carrying out CLIL methodology in the early childhood classroom.
4. Knows and uses appropriately the language of the classroom, using the appropriate resources and strategies to promote the exposure to an understandable input, as well as makes use of different scaffolding techniques that allow students to integrate the learning of language and content.
5. Knows and knows how to explain the social, cultural and political context in which CLIL teaching programs have arisen both at the more general European level and in the more familiar context of Spain and the Autonomous Community of Aragon.
6. Knows and knows how to apply the variety of didactic resources that contribute to a better implementation of the methodology CLIL in the early childhood classroom: use of ICT, TPR, visual aids, etc
Both the theoretical contents of the course and the development of specific didactic skills are a fundamental part of the training of a future English Language teacher in the Early Childhood Education classroom. They represent a necessary initiation, a starting point for lifelong learning.
At the end of this subject, future teachers should be able to adapt and design activities and materials that are adequately adapted to the Early Childhood Education curriculum and that respect the principles of integrated learning of content and foreign language.
3. Syllabus
Unit 1. Theoretical foundations of CLIL
1.1. Key concepts
1.2. Origins. History. Evolution
1.3. Europe
1.4- Spain
1.5. Aragon
1.6. Theoretical frame
Unit 2. The methodology of CLIL
2.1- Communicative approach
2.2- Bilingualism
2.3- Content?Culture?Cognition-Communication
2.4- Design of units of work and lesson plans
Unit 3. Meaningful learning and the language of the classroom
3.1- Integration of content and language
3.2- Resources to improve the input/output of students
3.3- Language in the classroom
Unit 4. Types of activities and resources
4.1- Materials and activities: Where? Which? How?
4.2- Analysis of CLIL materials (focus on Infant Education, 3 different areas)
4.3.Creation of CLIL materials (focus on Infant Education, 3 different areas)
Unit 5. Students? Assessment in the CLIL context
5.1- Different methods of assessment
5.2- Examples
4. Academic activities
The teaching-learning process is developed in lectures and more practical classes. For example, some of the activities carried out are: Analysis, reflection and discussions on readings related to the contents of the program; individual, pair and/or group exercises to work in a practical way on the different theoretical aspects that make up the subject; analysis of the different methods of language teaching through video observation; planning and design of activities, sessions and didactic units following the models offered by the teacher; evaluation of didactic and evaluation materials; and creation of didactic and evaluation materials, which include the SDGs considered relevant at this educational stage.
5. Assessment system
Modality A - Continuous Evaluation
1. A written test of a theoretical-practical nature where students demonstrate their understanding of key theoretical conceptsand apply them to analyze, evaluate and complete specific examples of activities (40 %)
2. A portfolio of the subject containing a series of assignments both in class and by the student during his/her autonomous work and reflection and original materials created by the students that demonstrate their ability to facilitate integrated English learning through CLIL methodology (30 %)
3. A public oral presentation of a didactic sequence or several of the activities designed for the portfolio to their peers in which they demonstrate their ability to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired to the design of CLILactivities and materials (30 %)
Modality B - Global Assessment and Second Call for Bids
Students will be able to take advantage of this evaluation modality, which will include the following activities:
1. A written test of a theoretical-practical nature where students demonstrate their understanding of key theoretical conceptsand apply them to analyze, evaluate and complete specific examples of activities (50 %)
2. Submission of a series of written assignments, analysis, adaptation and design of materials by students that demonstrate their ability to facilitate integrated English language learning through CLIL methodology. (30 %)
3. An oral presentation of a didactic sequence or several of the activities designed in Assessment Activity 2 to the teacher in which they demonstrate their ability to apply the theoretical knowledge acquired to the design of CLIL activities and materials. (20 %)
Assessment criteria
In the evaluation activities the following aspects will be assessed
- Clarity of expression, appropriate use of language and understanding of content in written tests.
Rigor and depth in the analysis of the didactic activities, adjusting to the fundamental principles of CLIL/CALEC teaching and to the Early Childhood Education curriculum.
- The student's ability to make a critical analysis of the theoretical foundations of CLIL, demonstrating that they have understood and integrated the main theories seen in class.
- The student's ability to integrate in a coherent manner the theoretical and practical parts of the subject.
- The learner's ability to select, adapt and create teaching and assessment materials in the CLIL/CALEC environment in the following ways
Early Childhood Education.
- The student's ability to include the SDGs mentioned in the Introduction in the design of didactic materials.
In order to pass the evaluation activities, both written and oral, the student must demonstrate an adequate and correct knowledge of the English language corresponding to a level B2 of the CEFR.
In both modalities, a minimum average of 5 is required after adding the three types of activities of evaluation. The student must obtain a minimum of 5 in two of them and is allowed to obtain a minimum of 4 in only one of the three to be able to add up the grades that can lead to a passinggrade.
The test of the second call coincides in content and percentages with the global test (B)
In the fifth and sixth summons the tests, percentages and minimum requirements are the same as in the ordinary summons in which the student is evaluated. The tests will be evaluated by the corresponding Tribunal.
Finally, it must be taken into account that the Regulations of the Rules of Coexistence of the University of Zaragoza will be applicable to irregularities committed in the evaluation tests through academic fraud, as well as the application of article 30 of the Regulations of the Rules of Evaluation of Learning in relation to irregular practices other than academic fraud.
6. Sustainable Development Goals
1 - End of Poverty
4 - Quality Education
17 - Partnerships for the Goals