Academic Year:
268 - Degree in Information Management
25763 - Modern Language I for Information and Documentation (German)
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
25763 - Modern Language I for Information and Documentation (German)
Faculty / School:
103 - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
268 - Degree in Information Management
3 and 4
First term
Subject type:
1. General information
The general goal of the subject is to initiate students in the study and practice of the phonetic-phonological, lexical-grammatical and discursive aspects of the German language from a beginner's level, so that by the end of the term they achieve an instrumental command of the German language equivalent to level A1.1. The indicated level is reached when the student is able to understand and use everyday expressions of very frequent use as well as simple sentences aimed at satisfying immediate needs in the most common communicative contexts.
2. Learning results
In order to pass this subject, the students shall demonstrate they has acquired the following results:
1. Ability to communicate orally at an elementary level in German.
2. Ability to communicate in written form at an elementary level in German.
3. Ability to identify the nature, purpose and structure of simple documents written in German.
4. Ability to understand very simple oral texts in German.
5. Ability to understand very simple written texts in German.
6. Ability to synthesize, transfer and exchange elementary information in written form in German.
7. Ability to synthesize, transfer and exchange elementary information orally in German.
8. Ability to write in German simple expressions and phrases specific to their specialty.
3. Syllabus
Unit 1: Greetings and introductions. Countries and languages.
Personal pronouns. The verb: present indicative. Affirmative and interrogative sentences.
Unit 2: Free time and work.
Present tense of haben and sein. The definite article. Nouns: the plural. Interrogative sentences.
Unit 3: Orientation in the city.
Irregular verbs in the present tense (lesen, fahren). The indefinite article and the negative article (kein-). Imperative sentences.
Unit 4: Food and beverages.
Irregular verbs in the present tense (essen, mögen). The accusative: determiners. Verbs with complement of accusative. Syntax of the simple sentence.
Unit 5: Daily activities.
Modal verbs (müssen, können, wollen): function and syntax. The possessive article. Temporal indications.
4. Academic activities
The program offered to the student to help them achieve the expected results includes the following activities Directed, supervised and autonomous activities include the following tasks and exercises: a. Written comprehension and expression tasks and exercises.
b. Homework and comprehension exercises of oral texts and audio-visual material.
c. Oral production and interaction tasks and exercises.
d. Tasks and exercises for learning grammatical, lexical and sociocultural content.
e. Assignments and exercises dedicated to developing learning strategies and self-assessment.
f. Specific assessment tasks and exercises.
These activities will be carried out both individually and in groups.
5. Assessment system
a) Continuous assessment
1. Assessment of active and regular participation in class tasks and activities, as well as those exercises that are performed in a supervised and autonomous manner. 25%.
2. Completion of specific evaluation tasks and exercises developed during the term. 75 %.
b) Global assessment
It will consist of a final written test and a final oral test:
The written test will include tasks that evaluate the skills of comprehension and production of written texts, as well as exercises corresponding to the lexical-grammatical and discursive contents at an elementary level. 60%.
The oral test will assess the student's ability to understand, express him/herself and interact orally in the German language at an elementary level. 40%.
Global assessment
This test will have the same characteristics as the global assessment test of the first call.
General criteria for the assessment of the different evaluation activities:
Ability to comprehend global and specific information, both oral and written texts, at an elementary level (level A1)
Ability to express oneself orally and in writing, taking into account the addressee and the type of text, at an elementary level (level A1)
Ability to use self-learning and self-assessment strategies.
6. Sustainable Development Goals
4 - Quality Education
5 - Gender Equality
17 - Partnerships for the Goals