Academic Year:
268 - Degree in Information Management
25731 - Creating and Assessing Thesauruses
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
25731 - Creating and Assessing Thesauruses
Faculty / School:
103 - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
268 - Degree in Information Management
3 and 4
First term
Subject type:
1. General information
Thesauri constitute one of the fundamental tools for the organization of knowledge, and the representation and retrieval of information. In the early days of scientific documentation, they were at the forefront of documentary techniques , and are currently regaining increasing prominence thanks to the semantic web. This sujbect focuses on teaching and learning the most current principles and tools for its creation, maintenance, dissemination and use so that the student is able to operate autonomously and professionally.
2. Learning results
- Identifies, analyzes and describes the objectives of a thesaurus, its components, its structure and the mechanisms for its creation, maintenance, dissemination and use
- Organizes the knowledge of a domain to facilitate its retrieval
- Identifies and argues the implications of the selection of terms for information search and retrieval - Incorporates information dissemination needs into thesaurus design.
- Plan and manage the construction of a thesaurus as a project.
- Evaluates thesauri
- Understands and uses the ISO-UNE 25964 standard
- Builds specialized thesauri using software applications
- Organize your work schedule
- Analyzes the ethical implications of their decisions
- Plans and executes work autonomously
- Improve your thesaurus by making innovative decisions
3. Syllabus
1. Introduction
2. Concept and evolution
3. Thesauri in the digital environment
4. Previous decisions: Design, maintenance and evaluation
5. Concepts and terms
6. Relations
4. Academic activities
- Master Classes
-Case study analysis
- Personal study
- Use of computer applications
- Personal and collaborative document writing
- Self-assessment and peer review of programmed activities
5. Assessment system
Global assessment test
- Essay presented in writing and in public on the evolution of thesauri in the context of documentary languages, information retrieval and technological change. (20% of the grade)
- Individual or group design of a thesaurus and writing and public defense of a report on it. The thesaurus must contain all the mandatory relationships of a thesaurus according to the 25964-1 standard - equivalence, generic - specific and associative - and at least sixty terms per person. The report shall specify the objective, scope, methodology, structure, presentations and evaluable characteristics of the thesaurus, as well as the alphabetical and hierarchical presentation of the thesaurus. It will be accompanied in a separate document by a work diary containing the plan, activities, problems, solutions and highlights. (80% of the grade).
They will be presented through the teaching platform and in the case of oral presentations, they will be given in class.
Global assessment test: identical to that of the first call.
6. Sustainable Development Goals
4 - Quality Education
5 - Gender Equality
17 - Partnerships for the Goals