Academic Year:
278 - Degree in Fine Arts
25134 - Photography and Digital Image Workshop
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
25134 - Photography and Digital Image Workshop
Faculty / School:
301 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
278 - Degree in Fine Arts
4 and 3
Subject type:
1. General information
The objective of the photography and digital image workshop is to provide students with the basic theoretical and practical knowledge on which photography is based. To make known its expressive possibilities through its own methodology of analysis.
This subject introduces students to the field of photography, its uses and materials. Digital technology in photography brings new technical and creative possibilities in working methods and procedures. The subject focuses on achieving the following objectives:
- To know the theoretical aspects of the evolution of photography.
- To master the specific vocabulary of the photographic context.
- To enrich the critical understanding and analysis of a photographic image.
- To develop the capacity for analytical (self-)reflection and (self-)criticism in artistic work.
- To obtain technical knowledge: camera handling and lighting work on set.
- To know the current means, techniques and materials for the production, enlargement and mounting of photographs for their correct exhibition.
- To work in a team and autonomously.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
- Gender Equality. 5
- Alliances to achieve objectives. 17
2. Learning results
In order to pass this subject, students must demonstrate the following results:
- To be able to evaluate and develop communication skills and have a critical understanding of their own work. (In relation to competencies: 3, 4, 23, 25, 27)
- To be able to analyse the different interdisciplinary possibilities that photography brings with it in the field of Fine Arts. (In relation to competencies: 5. 14. 28. 33.
- To be able to master the vocabulary and concepts inherent to the photographic medium. (In relation to competencies: 7, 9, 27).
- To be able to use in a creative and experimental way the fundamentals of photographic language with its different technical and compositional resources in order to obtain images that allow the exploration of this means of visual expression. (In relation to competencies: 7, 9, 12, 14, 20, 27, 29, 36, 42, 48, 49)
- To be able to express personally and creatively through photography, developing their critical capacity, habits of observation, analysis and valuation. (In relation to competencies: 3, 4, 23, 25, 27, 36, 42, 49.
To be able to work in a professional environment and correctly apply the different technical knowledge for the handling and operation of materials and specific photographic equipment. (In relation to competencies: 28, 29, 32, 33, 42, 48, 49)
3. Syllabus
- Safety, hygiene and good practices in the subject: protocols for the use of facilities, machines and tools of the subject.
- The origins of the camera.
- Technological fundamentals of digital photography (general and specific):
- Anatomy of the digital camera.
- Digital graphic formats.
- Optics: The camera lens (features and characteristics)
- Basics of the exposure.
- Image control: Aperture opening, shutter speed, ISO sensitivity.
- Depth of field.
- Law of reciprocity.
- The exposure meter.
- Fundamentals of Lighting in photography:
- Light in photography.
- Measuring light.
- Qualities and types of light.
- Photography as a tool for creation
- Lighting procedures and resources. (still life, portrait, landscape, reportage)
- Contemporary photography. (Created image and pictorialism)
- Enlargement and editing techniques and materials
- Enlargement of digital photographic images.
- Photofinishing.
4. Academic activities
THEORETICAL CLASS: Classes taught by the teacher with the support of audiovisual material. Discussion of the proposed topics and resolution of doubts raised by the students.
Face-to-face. Note taking. Questions (20 hours)
Non-face-to-face: Study of the subject and resolution of the proposed exercises (30 hours)
PRACTICAL CLASSES: Carrying out the practices proposed by the teacher in the photography workshop (set). Individual and group practices.
Face-to-face: (individual and group) Class participation, raising doubts, preparation of work plan and oral presentation (50 hours)
Non-face-to-face:: development of individual or group work. Field work and autonomous work, documentation and bibliography search (80 hours)
PRESENTATION OF WORKS. Presentation by the students of some of the proposed practices.
Face-to-face. Oral expression and use of communication tools (10 hours)
Non-face-to-face: Script development, technical vocabulary, creative process and references used (10 hours)
5. Assessment system
Photography and digital image workshop" has a practical nature and given the technical particularities it is necessary to follow up the learning process through the timely delivery of specific practices on the contents to assess the knowledge acquired.
The training method used is that of continuous evaluation where learning is enhanced. The evaluation tests are developed through specific practices that are proposed with each didactic unit.
These specific practices serve to assess the knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies of the students. In this way, a continuous formative evaluation can be carried out, which leads to a more exhaustive follow-up and helps the students to achieve the objectives set.
Practical classes will be used to work on theoretical and practical knowledge. Corrective activities such as: viewing of class work, monitoring of practices, comments and constructive criticism are encouraged. In addition, there is the possibility of recovering the practices to achieve better results and the objectives set. Ultimately, the aim of this subject is for students to successfully achieve the training objectives with the highest possible motivation.
There are approximately 12 practices throughout the term and they are evaluated with a grade from 0 to 10. The delivery of a practice after the deadline is penalized by subtracting 20% from the final grade, in order to promote commitment and professionalism.
What is evaluated and how (out of a total of 100%/10):
- Training and diagnostic purpose or function: through direct observation (skills, abilities, competencies, evidences, attitudes): 10%/1 of the practice grade.
- Continuous or processual evaluation: through different evaluation rubrics on how are the quality indicators of attitudes, skills and knowledge: 40%/4 of the practice grade.
- Heteroevaluation: through practical exercises, specific tasks of the contents of the subject: 40% /4 of the practice grade.
- Global extension: oral exchanges such as the viewing and presentation of the work carried out, sharing, dialogues and debates: 10% /1 of the practice grade.
The global test for students who have taken the continuous evaluation by handing in more than 80% of the practices and have not passed the subject or want to improve their grade will consist of:
- Students who want to improve their grades:
- Theoretical knowledge (100%): it will consist of completing, listing and marking correctly each of the questions about the theoretical/practical contents developed in the subject.
- Students who, even though they have followed the continuous evaluation, have not passed the subject:
- Theoretical knowledge (50%): it will consist of completing, listing and marking correctly each of the questions about the theoretical/practical contents developed in the subject.
- Practical knowledge (50%): delivery of the practices not passed during the term.
The global test for students who do not undergo continuous assessment. This test will only be taken by those students who have not delivered 50% of the practices during the term and therefore, have not complied with the continuous evaluation process.
- The global evaluation test will consist of two parts:
- Theoretical knowledge (50%): it will consist of completing, listing and marking correctly each of the questions about the theoretical/practical contents developed in the subject.
- Practical knowledge (50%): preparation of a portfolio containing 35 photographs in jpg format. For each of the proposed activities related to the practices carried out during the term (depth of field, reciprocity, lighting techniques on set (high and low key), portrait lighting techniques, photographic project on self-portrait). In order to carry out these practices, if they have not been performed during the term, the teacher should be consulted beforehand.
Test grades will be from 0 to 10 and will be obtained by averaging the practical test (50%) and the theoretical knowledge test (50%)
The global test for students in second call.
- The global evaluation test will consist of two parts:
- Theoretical knowledge (50%): it will consist of completing, listing and marking correctly each of the questions about the theoretical/practical contents developed in the subject.
- Practical knowledge (50%): preparation of a portfolio containing 35 photographs in jpg format. For each of the proposed activities related to the practices carried out during the term (depth of field, reciprocity, lighting techniques on set (high and low key), portrait lighting techniques, photographic project on self-portrait). To perform these practices, if they have not been performed during the term, it is recommended to consult the teacher beforehand.
Test grades will be from 0 to 10 and will be obtained by averaging the practical test (50%) and the theoretical knowledge test (50%)
Plagiarism will result in the failure of the course.
The use of generative AI in the projects will always be done explicitly and in coordination with the teacher. If the use of AI is not reported and detected
If the use of AI is not reported and detected, it will penalize in the evaluation of the corresponding work proportionally to its use.
All students will have the right to take the global test to pass the course or to improve the grade obtained. The
students who attend the exam must be punctually present on the day and at the time indicated in the call, otherwise it will be considered as “No Show”.
will be considered as “Not Presented”.
The evaluation in second call, to which all the students who have not passed the course will have the right to, will be carried out
by means of a global test that will take place in the period established in the academic calendar, to that effect, by the Governing Council.
6. Sustainable Development Goals
5 - Gender Equality
17 - Partnerships for the Goals