Academic Year:
617 - Master's in Global Health: Integration of Environmental, Human and Animal Health
66864 - Master's Dissertation
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
66864 - Master's Dissertation
Faculty / School:
105 - Facultad de Veterinaria
617 - Master's in Global Health: Integration of Environmental, Human and Animal Health
Subject type:
Master Final Project
1. General information
The objective of the subject is to carry out a research work in the field of Global Health. The work will be carried out individually and will deal with either of the two specialties of Global Health: Public Health or Translational Research. The work may also consist of an exhaustive bibliographic review on a specific topic related to the subject of the master's degree. Students will have a tutor (or tutors) who will supervise the development of the work at all times.
Due to the thematic variability of the Master's Final Project (MFP), the approaches and objectives can be aligned with any of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda (, so that the acquisition of the learning results of the subject provides training and competence to contribute to some extent to their achievement.
2. Learning results
Upon completion of this subject, the student will be able to:
- Perform the necessary bibliographic search to know the state of the art of the research topic on which the MFP is going to be carried out.
- To propose the starting hypothesis and the experimental planning of the MFP together with the tutor.
- To reflect in the MFP report the methodology used in its development, the results obtained in the experiments carried out and the interpretation and discussion of these results with those of other works related to the subject.
- Communicate and orally defend the results and conclusions of the research carried out, before the MFP tribunal.
3. Syllabus
There is no specific program for the Master's Thesis. Each student will establish a work plan with his/her tutor and it will depend on the chosen line of research. These research lines will be offered at the beginning of the academic year by each director in a public session. They will also be available on the centre’s website. The master´s teachers belong to research groups with very diverse lines of research related to animal health, environmental health, public health, welfare (One Welfare), human medicine and multiple lines of translational research.
4. Academic activities
Tutor activities:
- To propose a specific topic to the student for the development of their MFP.
- To guide the student in the bibliographic search, planning of activities or experiments, drawing-up of a work plan and writing of the report.
- To train the student in the necessary tools for the production of the work.
Student activities:
- To independently perform the research work or literature review.
- To discuss the results with the tutor and members of the research team and, if necessary, rethink new analyses and experiments.
- To write a scientific-technical report and prepare the presentation for the oral defence of the same.
5. Assessment system
The subject is assessed through the defence of the Master's Final Project. Students will deposit the MFP in electronic format at the secretary's office of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine on the dates proposed by the centre and through telematic registration. The work will be publicly presented and defended before a board of three examiners of the master's degree to be appointed by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. The presentation of the Master's Final Project may be carried out in two of the calls scheduled by the centre.
The written report will account for 60% of the final grade and the oral presentation for 40%. The grade awarded by the tutor will be delivered in a sealed envelope for consultation by the board of examiners.
Written report of the MFP.
Writing guidelines will be provided through Moodle.
Oral presentation of the MFP.
The oral presentation will have a maximum duration of 20 minutes. The members of the board may ask questions about the work for15 minutes.
Tutor´s assessment
The tutor will assess the work carried out by the student throughout the completion of the work and the writing of the report.
Rubrics will be used to help the director of the work assess the activities carried out and to help the board of examiners assess the written document and the presentation and oral defence of the MFP (