Academic Year:
63320 - Educational Guidance Processes
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
63320 - Educational Guidance Processes
Faculty / School:
107 - Facultad de Educación
584 - Master's Degree in Teaching Compulsory Secondary Education
604 -
Second semester
Subject type:
1. General information
The objective and meaning of the subject is to understand the nature of the Educational Guidance processes in order to respond to the demands in complex educational contexts. These objectives will be structured around two fundamental axes: to understand the communicative process in guidance from scientific and collaborative perspectives, in order to manage the basic proposals for personal and social development in educational guidance and to know the psycho-pedagogical evaluation process as an essential tool in the educational guidance process. These approaches and objectives are aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations Agenda 2030 (, Goal 3: Health and wellness; Goal 4: Quality education; Goal 5: Gender equality; Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions, so that the acquisition of the learning results of the subject provides training and competence to contribute to some extent to their achievement.
2. Learning results
The following learning results proposed:
1. To know and analyse the characteristics, organization and functioning of the educational guidance services and psycho-pedagogical counselling that operate at the different levels of the educational system (Pre-school, Primary, ESO, PT and Bachillerato)
2. To know resources and know how to identify and analyse the demands and needs of educational centres
3. To know how to establish objectives and participate in the design of intervention plans in accordance with the results of the institutional analysis of educational centres and related systems.
4. To collaborate in the establishment of collaborative work structures with teachers and other members of the school community, as well as with other professionals involved in educational centres.
5. To coordinate the actions that may be developed in educational centres in collaboration with other services in the area or sector and with all educational agents, with special attention to social, health and labour services for a coordinated intervention.
6. To know, use, and know how to find and evaluate diagnostic and evaluation techniques.
3. Syllabus
Module 1. Processes of educational guidance.
Topic 1. Psychological processes involved in educational guidance contexts.
Module 2. The psychological dimension in the educational guidance process.
Topic 2. The emotional and communicative dimension in educational guidance. Actions, plans and programs for prevention and intervention in educational guidance (attention to diversity, tutorial action and professional guidance).
Module 3. The psycho-pedagogical evaluation in the educational guidance process.
Topic 3. The psycho-pedagogical evaluation. Individual and group diagnostic tools and techniques, reports and technical documents . Protocols and strategies for dealing with cases. Management of communication, collaboration and coordination with the different members of the educational community and with external agents.
4. Academic activities
The teaching methodologies to be used in the learning activities will consist mainly of expository sessions, active learning methodologies through practical classes in which real case studies will be applied, simulations and role-playing, oral presentation and discussion of papers and personalized learning through tutorials.
The program offered to the student to help them achieve the expected results comprises the following activities: :
- Large group expository sessions by the faculty that include the key elements and reference material of the subject
- Active learning methodologies based on practical activities that include oral presentation and discussion of work through real case studies, simulations and role-playing, text analysis, videos and other elements that illustrate aspects of educational guidance. They will be organized with groups with similar availability. For their presentation, they can use a variety of formats such as large group presentation, web resources, group discussions or peer review formats.
- Tutorials to monitor students' work throughout the training process.
5. Assessment system
The evaluation of the subject consists of two parts, one theoretical and one practical. The theoretical part will be evaluated by means of a written test . This part will account for 50% of the final grade. The practical part will be evaluated through the delivery of a portfolio that must include two to five evaluable practical activities.
Fraud or total or partial plagiarism in any of the evaluation tests will result in the failure of the course with the minimum grade, in addition to the disciplinary sanctions that the guarantee committee adopts for these cases. For a more detailed knowledge about plagiarism and its consequences please consult:
5.2. Evaluation criteria
In the theoretical part, the theoretical and practical knowledge related to the learning results will be assessed and in the practical part the procedural and process contents related to the knowledge of each one of the blocks and their application in real or hypothetical cases in which the formal aspects, the level of reflection, and the bibliography consulted and cited will be assessed.
5.3. Grading criteria and requirements for passing the subject
The requirement levels imply obtaining a minimum grade of 5 in the average of the practical part and the theoretical part of the subject, as well as in each of the parts. The completion of the practical activities of the portfolio involves the public presentation and discussion with peers by a group spokesperson of the most relevant aspects of the cases, materials or observations made. Two to five presentations will be given throughout the term and will correspond with the group assignments. If a student has not completed any type of evaluable practical activity before the middle of the teaching period, it is understood that they must undergo the global evaluation.
5.4. Global test and second call
In the case of students who opt for the global evaluation, a theoretical test equivalent to the ordinary test of the rest of the students will be carried out and will represent 50% of the global grade. The practical part (50%) will be evaluated according to the problems or topics worked on throughout the term, which will be hosted on the Moodle platform. Students who have passed one of the two parts with a grade equal to or higher than five in the first call may save the grade of this part and will only have to take the second exam of the part they did not pass. The same evaluation system will be maintained for the third and fourth calls.
5.5. Fifth and sixth calls
It will consist of a practical work and its presentation and defence before the teacher or board of examiners. The grade will be from zero to ten points and will consist of the following sections:
a.The object of the work. Design of an educational orientation or tutoring program. Only the design will be required (based on a needs analysis), and the application will be optional. The work refers to the programming of a psycho-pedagogical intervention , therefore, didactic programming of curricular areas or subjects is excluded
b.The target(s) of the programming can be any of the following: the class group, the families, the teaching team of a group, a cycle or a stage, other groups in the community environment
c. The agents of the Orientation. They should put themselves in the place of one of the following guidance agents: the tutor of a group, the guidance counsellor of the Guidance Department, the guidance counsellor of a sector team, the guidance counsellor of a socio-community service or even the guidance counsellor of a human resources department of a company.
d. Spheres of action. The topic of the work can be any specific aspect on which it is considered relevant to intervene in order to satisfy the orientation needs detected in the potential recipients.
e. Programming should always be based on an analysis of the needs of the target audience and their context. This analysis should include, among other factors, the collection of information considered relevant to design an effective, efficient and functional intervention, justifying the techniques and instruments used.
f. Writing of the work that includes, the justification of the intervention and the presentation of the elaborated programming, including the objectives, contents, activities, resources, timing and evaluation of the proposal.
Finally, it must be taken into account that the Regulations of the Norms of Coexistence of the University of Zaragoza will be applicable to the irregularities committed in the evaluation tests by means of academic fraud, as well as the application of article 30 of the Regulations of the Norms of Evaluation of Learning in relation to irregular practices other than academic fraud.