Academic Year:
63305 - Emotional Education for Teachers
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
63305 - Emotional Education for Teachers
Faculty / School:
107 - Facultad de Educación
584 - Master's Degree in Teaching Compulsory Secondary Education
590 - University Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Geography and History
591 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Philosophy
592 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Business and Economics
593 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Mathematics
594 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Technology and Computer Science
595 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Biology and Geology
596 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specialization in Physics and Chemistry
597 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Spanish Language and Literature. Latin and Greek
598 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specialization in Foreign Language: French
599 - Master's Degree in Foreign Language Teaching: English
600 - University Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Music and Dance
601 - University Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Industrial and Construction Processes
602 - University Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Administration, Marketing, Tourism, Services to the Community and FOL
603 - Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Sanitary, Chemical, Environmental and Health Processes Agri-food
First semester
Subject type:
1. General information
Approach and objectives of the subject
Socio-affective education is the driving soul of the school, since the teaching-learning process cannot be conceived without the participation of emotions
1.- Acquire a better understanding of one's own emotions and those of others.
2. Develop the ability to manage one's own emotions and prevent the harmful effects of negative emotions
4. Learn to generate positive emotions and acquire self-motivation skills
The approach and objectives are linked to the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Goal 3: Health and wellness
Goal 4: Quality Education.
Goal 5: Gender Equality.
Goal 10: Reduction of Inequalities
Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong institutions
2. Learning results
I.1. Competencies
Upon completion of the subject, the student will be able to:
1.Develop strategies favouring equity, emotional and values education, equal rights and opportunities between men and women, citizenship training and respect for human rights that facilitate life in society.
2.Develop the ability to regulate one's emotions, preventing the harmful effects of negative emotions
3.Develop the ability to generate positive emotions, the ability to self-motivate and adopt a positive attitude towards life.
I.2. Learning Results
In order to pass this subject, the students shall demonstrate they has acquired the following results
To know, identify and develop the psychological resources that lead to socio-personal well-being.
To understand the relevance of emotions in school and in everyday life.
To deal with students in a more efficient and satisfactory way, taking into consideration the emotional dimension.
To identify one's own emotions and the emotions of others in social interactions.
To become aware of how we regulate our emotions.
To develop the ability to generate positive emotions.
I.3. Importance of learning results
The learning results of this subject are essential for students, who will be future teachers, to be competent to foster a formative and stimulating classroom environment, contribute to the development of students at all levels, and to guide them academically and professionally, based on their psychological, social and family characteristics.
3. Syllabus
Block I.- Introduction and emotions
1.- Stress
2.- Emotions, neuroscience and emotional intelligence
Block II.- Emotional management
3.- Assertiveness
4.- Dealing with irrational behaviour
5.- Anger management
Block III.- Emotional education
6.- Positive psychology and health
7.- Emotional education as an educational challenge
4. Academic activities
1. Expository sessions.
2. Participatory seminars, with general discussions of ideas on the fundamental concepts of the subject
3. Work in class, in groups or individually, of studies, readings, articles, texts or exercises related to the contents
The calendar of face-to-face sessions, presentation of papers and key dates will be communicated through the Digital Teaching Ring (ADD) at the beginning of the teaching period.
5. Assessment system
1.-Written exam (60% of the final grade): it will be assessed through a multiple-choice test (4 alternative answers) in which only one of the alternatives will be valid. For its grading, the formula will be applied by chance correction, and it will be necessary to obtain a minimum of 5.0 points out of 10.0.
2.-Work related to the practical classes and directed work (40% of the final grade): these practices will be carried out in class in the time allotted for this purpose. They shall be submitted prior to the written examination. Students must obtain a minimum of 5.0, and attend 80% of the sessions.
1. Global test and second call
Students who have not completed the evaluable activities will take a single test to pass the subject, to be held on the dates established by the centre and will incorporate both theoretical and applied elements.
The second call will be in the format of the final global evaluation if both parts are failed. If the written test or evaluated tutored works are passed, their grade will be kept until the second call.
2. Fifth and sixth calls
There will be a single test incorporating both theoretical and applied elements.
Finally, it must be taken into account that the Regulations of the Rules of Coexistence of the University of Zaragoza will apply to irregularities committed in the evaluation tests by means of academic fraud, as well as the application of article 30 of the Regulations of Rules of Learning Assessment in relation to irregular practices other than academic fraud.