Academic Year:
63280 - Internships II (Drawing, Image and Plastic Arts)
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
63280 - Internships II (Drawing, Image and Plastic Arts)
Faculty / School:
301 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
584 - Master's Degree in Teaching Compulsory Secondary Education
586 - Master's Degree in Teaching Compulsory Secondary Education
Subject type:
External Placements
1. General information
The subject and its expected results respond to the following approaches and objectives:
The main objective of this subject is that students acquire the competences to work in a Secondary School from the interaction and coexistence in the classroom and the teaching-learning processes, as well as to know not only how to plan a curricular and instructional design for the development of learning activities, but also to suggest proposals for improvement from research and / or teaching innovation in the subjects corresponding to the specialization in Drawing, Image and Arts.
This is a subject fundamentally based on the observation and improvement of the programming of a subject or module of the student's specialty, making reference to the context and the academic/professional profile of the competencies.
For this reason, very close coordination mechanisms will be established between both parts: the theoretical and the practical, as well as the Master´s Final Project.
The aim is to facilitate the acquisition of experience in planning, teaching and, with special emphasis on the evaluation of the subjects corresponding to the specialization; to act with respect to the teaching action itself from different perspectives of innovation and research. These aspects should be reflected in a Master's Final Project, a compendium of the training acquired throughout all the teachings described.
These approaches and objectives are aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations Agenda 2030 (, so that the acquisition of the learning results of the subject provides training and competence to contribute to some extent to their achievement: Goal 4: Quality education.
2. Learning results
The student, in order to pass this subject, must demonstrate the following results....
1. Regarding Drawing, Image and Arts subjects:
Is able to plan the subjects corresponding to the specialization.
Is capable of teaching the subjects corresponding to the specialization. Designs the evaluation of the subjects corresponding to the specialization.
Acts regarding their own teaching action from different perspectives.
Participates in psycho-pedagogical assessment, counselling other educational professionals, students and families
Identifies situations in a formal educational context. Orients this material to the Master's Final Project.
2. Regarding Educational Innovation and Research:
Select an aspect that affects a didactic unit, subject or module of one of the subjects taught by the tutor of the Centre and develop a research project or teaching innovation, justifying its relevance and adequacy, the objectives to be achieved, the actions to be carried out and the results to be achieved
Knows how to make an analysis of the classroom performance during the internship period, indicating the aspects that have been easier and more difficult to apply; theory-practice relation, new training needs, etc.
Continued familiarization with a formal educational context. They orients this subject to the Master's Final Project.
The student must demonstrate that they has achieved the intended learning results through the following assessment activities:
1.- Classroom activities are mandatory and are a sine qua non condition to be able to evaluate the subject.
1.1. Stay at the destination centre during the established period.
1.2. Attendance at tutorials scheduled by the faculty tutor, centre tutor and/or both.
2.- Autonomous work activities of the student, individually or in groups:
2.1. Preparation of a diary in which the different activities carried out during Practicum II, both in the centre and outside it (readings, analysis of documents, meetings, etc.) will be outlined , emphasizing the reflection on the classroom practice carried out during this Practicum.
2.2. Elaboration of an educational research and innovation project. Through direct observation in the classroom, detect intervention needs through a research project and educational innovation according to the guidelines of the subject: Innovation and educational research.
2.3. Development in the classroom of learning and evaluation activities, within the framework of the programs of the specialty of Drawing and Plastic Arts, selecting various teaching-learning activities that, due to their characteristics, lend themselves to the application of different active and collaborative methodologies: case studies, problem-based learning , projects, including an assessment of the impact of the use of ICTs to support these methodologies.
Specify how the assessment of learning will be carried out, including examples of assessment activities.
These activities will be presented in a common template for the design of activities delivered by the University tutor.
3. Syllabus
Students must adjust the timetable at the school to the working day of the corresponding tutor teacher (according to the regulations in force). Students must accompany the teacher in class sessions, at the levels in which they teaches , in department meetings, in faculty meetings (if they are allowed access), etc. Implementation of the activity designs and innovation developed in the subject “Design of learning activities in drawing, image and plastic arts” and “Innovation and educational research in Drawing, Image and Plastic Arts.” For this purpose, students should contact to find out from their school tutors what subjects they are expected to teach during the internship period. The number of classes to be taught by the students shall correspond to that indicated in the regulations in force.
Observation and analysis of the dynamics of the educational centre. It is advisable for students to meet different groups, years and stages. Contact with teachers and other educational agents to learn about the operation and resources, analysis of documents, etc. Attendance to the meetings with the university tutors of the Practicum II. A minimum of 3 meetings should be held , structured before the beginning of the internship, during and at the end of the internship.
There is no specific program for the Practicum.
4. Academic activities
Attendance to classes with their subject tutor. They will attend the corresponding classes of their specialty and observe the work methodology. They will also know all the educational levels where subjects of their specialty are taught in the centre (ESO and Bachillerato / High and Medium Professional Training Cycles) and the existing institutional programs in the centre (Basic Learning, Curricular Diversification, and Initial Professional Qualification).
Development of learning activities and innovation project of a subject or module of the student's specialty, with reference to the context and the academic/professional profile of the competencies. Design of activities and development of materials. Classroom application.
Discussion seminars with colleagues in the field, in the context of the subject “Design of activities” and “Disciplinary contents;” presentation and sharing of the activities implemented and the experiences of the Practicum II
5. Assessment system
The report will be submitted to the university tutor professor, in Moodle, with the deadline date of the official call. The document will have a minimum length of 15 pages and a maximum of 20 pages (not including annexes); Arial 10 font size, 1.5 line spacing, justified text and 2.5 cm margins.
The report should include the following sections:
1st Introduction (to the report).
2nd Context of the centre and classroom (Type of centre, studies taught, characteristics of the neighbourhood and students; Groups with which we have worked and relevant aspects to highlight, constitution of the Department)
3rd Brief reflective journal of the student, outlining the different activities carried out during the Practicum, both in the centre and outside it (including readings, analysis of documents, meetings, etc.)
4th Observation and comparative study (groups to be compared, number of students, number of boys and girls, needs, etc. special needs of students; teaching methodologies of teachers and variety depending on the different groups, teacher-student interaction, teacher's role in the classroom, attention to diversity, conflict resolution...)
5th Proposal of didactic intervention and/or innovation, application, evaluation and improvement proposal (chosen topic; justification of the design, methodology and innovation; relevance of the contents, objectives and activities in terms of the competences to be developed in the students; organization of the activities; resources used; teacher-student interaction; student evaluation; analysis of the results of the application; proposal for improvement; specific didactic bibliography)
6th Conclusions of the Practicum (Final reflections on the Practicum)
7th Annexes (Optional)
Finally, it must be taken into account that the Regulations of the Norms of Coexistence of the University of Zaragoza will be applicable to the irregularities committed in the evaluation tests by means of academic fraud, as well as the application of article 30 of the Regulations of the Norms of Evaluation of Learning in relation to irregular practices other than academic fraud.