Academic Year:
63273 - Innovation and Classroom Research in Music and Dance
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
63273 - Innovation and Classroom Research in Music and Dance
Faculty / School:
107 - Facultad de Educación
584 - Master's Degree in Teaching Compulsory Secondary Education
600 - University Master's Degree in Teaching, specializing in Music and Dance
Second semester
Subject type:
1. General information
The objective of the subject is that students, future teachers, acquire skills for the continuous improvement of their teaching practice, through self-evaluation, the design of educational innovation projects, as well as training in research and permanent scientific updating, within the specialty of Music and Dance. For this purpose, the methodological principles of educational research in general and musical research in particular are studied . The students carry out a contextualized educational innovation experience design under guidance. Likewise, the subject emphasizes the value of the SDGs and promotes their integration in the proposals and projects developed by the students. These approaches and objectives are aligned with the development of SDG 4: Quality education.
In order to qualify for continuous evaluation, systematic attendance is recommended, with active and positive participation in the debates and individual and group proposals, as well as the completion of the proposed tasks.
2. Learning results
1. Recognize, describe and evaluate innovative teaching proposals in the field of the corresponding specialty, identifying the theoretical assumptions to which they respond and the problems related to teaching and learning that they attempt to solve.
2. Explain the most important approaches and methodologies to evaluate the educational activity in all its aspects and apply some of the most consolidated evaluation instruments to concrete teaching-learning situations.
3. Differentiate the different paradigms of educational research in the corresponding specialty and use them to evaluate research articles.
4. Know and effectively use bibliographic and documentary resources related to educational innovation and research.
5. Design innovation and/or research proposals in a critical, creative and coherent manner; integrating technological updating and contributions towards attention to diversity, interculturality, gender equality and equity, among other topics, in their proposals.
3. Syllabus
1. Concepts of evaluation, innovation and educational research.
2. The role of the teacher in innovation processes.
3. The teacher as researcher.
4. Innovation and educational research in the field of music education.
5. Relationships and differences between innovation and research in music and dance education.
6. Methodologies of educational research in music and dance.
7. Documentary and bibliographic sources of teaching innovation in music and dance.
8. Description and critical analysis of some current lines of research.
4. Academic activities
- Lectures: sessions where the teacher will explain the topics mentioned in the syllabus.
- Problems and cases: sessions to solve practical cases presented by the teacher.
- Study of the subject; class preparation; practical activities.
-Assessment tests.
The program offered to the student to help them achieve the expected results includes the following methodologies and activities: Expository-dialogical and discussion sessions, active learning methodologies with technological integration adapted to the needs, guided work development, oral presentation and discussion of work, and tutorials.
5. Assessment system
a) Continuous evaluation
A minimum of 5 out of 10 points must be achieved in each of the two sections in order to be graded: 1. Student participation and work (60%)
Evaluation of the participation and work done by the student proposed in class, of the application of the contents developed in the subject; carried out individually and/or in groups in the face-to-face class sessions, together with the personal work commissioned by the teacher on models and reflections on innovation, evaluation and research in the topic.
- Participation in class activities (30%)
Evaluation procedures: systematic observation, completion of short questionnaires.
Assessment criteria: Active participation, adequate use of communication skills: adequacy, clarity and originality, correct use of specific terminology, enthusiasm and conviction of the ideas presented, justification and argumentation of the decisions taken, relevance and originality of the resources used, correct answer to questions on the contents worked on.
- Individual and group work proposed in class (30%)
Evaluation procedures: Analysis of oral and written productions.
Assessment criteria: Active participation, clear, realistic and adequate structure, coherent articulation of the sections, correct use of specific terminology, relevance and originality of the resources used.
2. Directed work: Individual innovation project (40%)
- Written project report (30%)
Assessment criteria: Originality, level of reflection and general foundation, clear, realistic and adequate structure, coherent articulation of the sections, adequacy to the established indications, optimization between the means and the ends, between what to teach and how to teach it, realism in the proposal of the goals, precision in the determination of the available resources, justification and argumentation of the decisions adopted, correct use of the APA norms. - Oral presentation (10%)
Assessment criteria: Use of communication skills: appropriateness, clarity, originality and rhythm in the presentation, correct use of specific terminology, enthusiasm and conviction of the ideas presented, justification and argumentation of the decisions taken, relevance and originality of the resources used.
b) Comprehensive test, second and subsequent calls, including the fifth and sixth calls
The student must achieve in each of the two sections a minimum of 5 points out of 10 in order to be graded: 1. Knowledge test. On the topics developed throughout the subject. (50%)
Objective written test with 10 open and short answer questions (in general, between 5 and 10 lines) on the contents covered in the program of the subject. There will be 60 minutes for its realization.
2. Individual innovation project. It will be delivered before or on the same day of the exam. The same criteria detailed in the continuous evaluation will be followed. (50%)
Finally, it must be taken into account that the Regulations of the Norms of Coexistence of the University of Zaragoza will be applicable to the irregularities committed in the evaluation tests by means of academic fraud, as well as the application of article 30 of the Regulations of the Norms of Evaluation of Learning in relation to irregular practices other than academic fraud.