63138 - Trainer skills
330 - Complementos de formación Máster/Doctorado
573 - Master's in Lifelong Lerning: Introduction to Research
573 - Master's in Lifelong Lerning: Introduction to Research: 1
330 - Complementos de formación Máster/Doctorado: XX
1. General information
The objective of this subject is to know, analyse and reflect on the main topics of research on the competencies, in general, of a good trainer: the specific, personal and transversal. In addition, the contents and activities included in the subject favour the student's own self-knowledge as a supposed (or real) trainer. Topics: training models, teacher thinking, mental representations, attitudes, beliefs, personal competencies, transversal competencies, ethics, social responsibility, resilience, stress and conflict.
These approaches and objectives are aligned with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) No. 4 (Quality Education) of the United Nations Agenda 2030(https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/es/).
This subject is primarily introductory, since its content refers to the professional and personal competency profile that, in general, is demanded of the 21st century trainer. A considerable amount of research has already been generated on this topic. However, in order to be enriched and specified, it will need other more specific contributions.
5. Assessment system
The method applied will be continuous assessment, based on the following activities:
1. Reading of texts (at least one reading per teacher of the subject ). Students must present a summary and reflective-critical commentary on its content in writing, in paper format or through Moodle, relating it, in each case, with the contents previously presented in classroom session or through the digital platform. Grade %: 30% -
2. Production and defence, orally or in writing, of the student´s thoughts about some of the readings or contents exposed in session. Grade %: 50%.
* In the presentation of readings or any assignment presented orally or in writing, the following aspects will be taken into account: well-structured personal discourse, use of appropriate professional and scientific terminology, presentation, spelling and punctuation, clear and grammatically correct writing; citations, references and bibliography, if applicable, adjusted to orthotypographic standards. ·
3. Attendance and participation in discussions generated in class or on Moodle. Grade %: 20% -
Attendance to the sessions or participation in the assignments will not be considered enough to pass the subject. It will be necessary to complete all the assessment activities foreseen and demonstrate at least a sufficient achievement of the objectives in each of them.
- Since the subject is taught by more than one teacher, each of them will assess their part of the subject, with a percentage in the final grade equivalent to their teaching responsibility in number of credits/hours.
Overall assessment method (according to current regulations). This method will be applied to students who do not attend the sessions and have not submitted the activities listed in Moodle (both those specified as mandatory for attendees and those for not attendees). It is also an option for students who would like to improve their grade.
It will consist of an overall test divided into two parts:
- an oral or written test on key terms and/or topics in the subject on which the student will reflect by relating them to the readings of the subject.
- production of a general research approach on a topic covered in the subject, justifying the choice and outlining purpose and objectives.
**The overall assessment test will be carried out on the official date of the exam´s call made public by the Faculty of Education.
It should be noted that the University of Zaragoza's Rules of Coexistence will apply to irregularities in the assessment tests through academic fraud, and article 30 of the Rules of Learning Assessment will also apply to irregular practices other than academic fraud.