Academic Year:
374 - Master's in Social Gerontology
61127 - Management
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
61127 - Management
Faculty / School:
127 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
374 - Master's in Social Gerontology
Second term
Subject type:
1. General information
As a whole, this module should lead the student to knowledge of relevant aspects of the management of social health centres, ergonomic aspects of application in the field of care for the elderly, as well as legal aspects.
The objective of this subject is to acquire the relevant knowledge and ability to apply the new aspects of management in the elderly care home field to the professional context.
The subject “Gerontological ergonomics in the elderly” aims at acquiring relevant knowledge and skills that allow the student to apply the new aspects of ergonomics and anthropometry in the future professional context, including assessments and problem solving in both home and care home settings.
The subject "Relative law for the elderly" has a twofold objective: on the one hand, to acquire relevant knowledge and the ability to apply the aspects of civil and criminal law that concern the elderly in a professional context, and on the other hand, to be able to identify the different types of employment contracts that they may have in their professional practice.
These Subject Objectives are linked to the following healthy Development Goals SDGs of the agenda 2030 of the United Nations (, so that the acquisition of the learning results of the subject provide training and competency to contribute to some extent to their achievement.
Objective 3. Health and Wellness
2. Learning results
In relation to the module "The social and health care centre: Integrated management".
1.-To identify, analyse and discuss the contributions of management to the gerontological and geriatric field, managing documents, protocols and care records in social and health care centres.
To identify, analyse and discuss costs, profitability and Cost-Expenditure balance, analysing the organization of economic and human aspects.
In relation to the module "Anthropometry and ergonomics".
1.-To identify, analyse and discuss the contributions of ergonomics to the gerontological and geriatric field.
2.-To identify, analyse and discuss the usefulness of anthropometric assessments in the elderly.
3.-To analyse, discuss and make a proposal on the solving of external architectural barriers and those at home.
In connection with the module "Law relating to the elderly".
1.-To identify, analyse and discuss the contributions of law to the gerontological and geriatric field.
2.-To identify, analyse and discuss the contributions of civil and criminal law in relation to the elderly.
3.-To analyse and discuss employment possibilities in relation to the care of the elderly.
4.-To analyse and discuss the contributions of labour law in relation to employment possibilities in the care to the elderly.
3. Syllabus
Gerontological Ergonomics:
- Introduction to ergonomics
- Anthropometric assessment of the elderly
- Architectural barriers
The socio-health centre: comprehensive management:
- Organization of social and health services
- Resource design and management
- New resources
- Economic and financial management
- Introduction to accounting and finance.
- Structure and cost analysis in geriatric institutions
- Quality control systems
- Control and distribution of human resources
Law relating to the elderly:
- Elderly people as subjects of the law
- The elderly in criminal law
- The elderly in civil law
- The right to work and workers in the elderly care sector
4. Academic activities
- Theoretical classes: lectures and explanatory sessions of contents, including discussion sessions.
- Seminars: problem-based learning and case solving. Defence of the results obtained.
- Guided studies: the ability to obtain relevant information and respond to it is worked on with the student.
- Individual work: it includes the study of contents related to the theoretical classes, preparation of seminars, data analysis, search for information as well as complementary readings and writing of papers.
- Group work: it includes the preparation of seminars, data analysis, information search and complementary readings.
Tutoring/assessment: direct assistance to the student. Identification of learning problems. Guidance on the subject. Both the skills learned and the attitudes that have been detected as deficient in the rest of the training activities are assessed
5. Assessment system
- Attendance and participation in classes, seminars, guided study and tutorials (20%).
Attendance: the reason for assessing attendance is to encourage it, since learning is associated with the student's presence in the different activities programmed by the teacher. Attendance of all sessions is mandatory.
Participation: mere attendance is not considered as participation. To participate means to contribute to the development of the different programmed activities in an intelligent and useful way for both classmates and teacher. "Wrong" contributions will not be negatively assessed as they also help to clarify difficult concepts.
- Solving of practical cases in the classroom sessions. This activity may be developed individually and/or in interdisciplinary teams (60%).
- Individual work (20%): an individual work must be done on a practical case provided by the teacher.
It is mandatory to pass each of the modules in order to pass the subject. For the final grade, the average grade of the activities of the three modules will be taken into consideration.
- Those students who have not passed any of these modules will be able to take a multiple-choice test of the corresponding module.
- - Students who wish to obtain a higher grade may opt for an overall test of the subject.