Academic Year:
470 - Bachelor's Degree in Architecture Studies
30744 - Undergraduate Dissertation
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
30744 - Undergraduate Dissertation
Faculty / School:
110 - Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
470 - Bachelor's Degree in Architecture Studies
Second semester
Subject type:
End of Grade Dissertation
1. General information
The Degree Final Project (DFP) is a subject of 6 ECTS credits.
The objective of the TFG is to train the student to carry out, present and defend an original academic work carried out individually related to any of the disciplines studied in the Degree in Architecture Studies. It is intended that the student carries out an original work, under the supervision of a professor, in a complete way, including the elaboration of the work, presentation of results, discussion of the same, elaboration of a report and public defense.
In accordance with the commitment to the 2030 Agenda, the TFG will explicitly show its direct contribution to the SDGs and their targets.
The successful completion of this course will be accredited for the Degree in Architectural Studies, according to the current regulations and procedures.
2. Learning results
Be able to elaborate, present and defend individually an original exercise of academic research in the field of architecture as a demonstration and synthesis of the transversal and specific competences acquired in the architecture studies.
Apply the acquired competencies to the performance of a task in an autonomous manner.
Identify the need for continuous learning and develops its own strategy to carry it out.
Be able to develop an analytical, creative and critical spirit at the time of defining and carrying out a job.
Be able to know, analyze and critically use sources and bibliography.
Communicate clearly and efficiently in oral and written presentations on complex topics, adapting to the situation, the type of audience and the objectives of the communication. A coherent summary of the work carried out must be correctly presented in the student's own language, or inEnglish.
3. Syllabus
The program of the work to be carried out as DFP (TFG), as well as the most appropriate typology for its development, is established by mutual agreement between the student and his/her director.
The TFG proposal is evaluated by the academic committee of the degree, which may approve, reject or request, complementary information.
The modifications requested with respect to an approved proposal must once again have the favorable report of the academic committee of the degree program . The DFP proposal, once approved, will remain in effect as long as the student, with the approval of the director, does not expressly request its modification or cancellation.
4. Academic activities
The student must agree with his/her TFG director on the training activities, which may consist of academic work, tutoring sessions, evaluation of the follow-up of the work done, depending on the proposed topic and its scope.
Regular meetings will be held to follow up on the work and solve any doubts.
5. Assessment system
The assessment of the DFP will be based on the following aspects:
- The quality and depth of the work itself, in accordance with the scope and objectives set forth in the proposal and the deposit made by the student, and considering the workload foreseen in the degree's verification report, - the evaluation made by the director, co-directors and, if applicable, the lecturer, in the report, and
-the public presentantion of the work.
After the defense of the DFP, the members of the examining board must issue an individual evaluation report, from which the final grade will be assigned.
In the case of a failing evaluation of the DFP, the examining board must issue a report detailing the deficiencies, both methodological and content, that justify such a grade, indicating also the modifications that need to be introduced in the work, and a new defense of the work will be carried out.