Academic Year:
470 - Bachelor's Degree in Architecture Studies
30735 - Urbanism 3
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
30735 - Urbanism 3
Faculty / School:
110 - Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
470 - Bachelor's Degree in Architecture Studies
Second semester
Subject type:
1. General information
The main objective of this subject is the acquisition of knowledge related to urban and territorial planning instruments . The student is expected to be able to apply the concepts and techniques of urban planningand the regulatory framework to urban design.
This main objective is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs, of the United Nations 2030 Agenda ( to the extent that a correct application of the urban planning instruments and standards allows efforts to be directed towards sustainable cities and communities (Goal 11), to reduce inequalities (Goal 10), and to propose sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources (Goal 12).
2. Learning results
- Ability to approach urban planning with a broad perspective, which means understanding the essential vocabulary of urban planning.
- Understanding of the disciplinary complexity and relevance of urban interventions in different spatial and temporal contexts.
- Acquisition of knowledge of urban analysis and the identification of the essential characteristics of urban planning elements.
- Ability to identify, formulate and solve elementary problems of urban planning in a multidisciplinary context, individually or as a member of a team, through a design intervention.
- Ability to generate argued responses to the challenges of urban planning. Articulate these responses through coherent and integrative strategies.
- Evaluate particular forms of urban intervention and assess what can be learned from past experiences.
- Appreciate the importance of urban design.
- Ability to integrate urban design and building design.
3. Syllabus
Unit 1. Introduction to Urban Planning 3
A. Basic urban planning instruments.
Unit 2. Development planning instruments. The urban development process.
Unit 3. General planning. Land qualification. Urban development
Unit 4. Digital tools for planning in Aragon: Notepa, SIUa and IDEAragón.
B. Planning of the consolidated city.
Unit 5. Urban fabric and urban land. Management parameters
Unit 6. Special Plans for the Protection and Regeneration of Historic Centers. Case studies
Unit 7. Special Interior Reform Plans. Case studies
C. Urban sprawl management
Unit 8. Development and management of land for development.
Unit 9. Partial plans. Case studies.
D. Management of peri-urban spaces and landscape
Unit 10. Management of undeveloped land. Introduction to landscape. Sustainability
Unit 11. General plans, landscape plans, strategic plans. Case studies.
4. Academic activities
Lectures: theoretical and practical sessions in which the contents of the subject will be explained. 15 hours.
Problems and cases: sessions to solve theoretical and practical exercises related to the lectures. 15 hours.
Laboratory practices: workshop sessions on urban analysis and design. 24 hours.
Special practices: field work, visit to the municipality where the work of the workshop is developed. 6 hours.
In the first weeks of the subject, the specific dates for mid-term exams, assignments and presentations will be set in view of the academic calendar although they may be modified, with the supervision of the Course Coordinator, according to the activities and exams scheduled in other subjects.
5. Assessment system
The subject will follow the global assessment mode, according to the following distribution:
Block 1, theory (30% of the grade, minimum 5 out of 10): a partial mid-term exam (voluntary, first part of the subject) and a final exam (complete for those who failed or did not take the mid-term exam, and of the second part of the subject for the rest). Both tests will deal with the topics developed in the master classes and in the theoretical-practical exercises, answering open questions, using short answers, diagrams,graphs, etc.
Block 2, workshop (70% of the grade, minimum 5 out of 10): two workshop exercises, carried out in teams. The first consists of a operational analysis of a municipality and its general planning instrument (PGOU) and selection of a detailed area of work ( 20% of the final grade), and the second exercise consists of a proposal for urban planning and management in a specific area of the municipality analyzed (50% of the final grade). The first exercise will have a delivery and its corresponding public correction . In the second exercise, an intermediate delivery with public correction is proposed.
In addition to the quality of the proposals, the active participation during each of the phases of the work, the quality of the theoretical and practical exercises delivered and the ability to work as a team will be evaluated, which may qualify the grade of the different members of the teams in the collective work.
The grade obtained in each block in the first call is kept for the second call, as long as it has been obtained within the same enrollment of the subject.