Academic Year:
442 - Degree in Odontology
29325 - Oral Surgery I
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
29325 - Oral Surgery I
Faculty / School:
229 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte
442 - Degree in Odontology
First semester
Subject type:
1. General information
The general objective of this subject is that the student knows the basics of the surgical act in oral surgery that will allow them to practice a basic surgical act such as exodontia successfully, and to understand the need to consider a more complete professional learning as they feel attracted to more complex procedures.
These bases have been outlined in other subjects such as introduction to surgery, radiology, anatomy, pharmacology.
Now is the time to bring together concepts and add to them the knowledge of specific surgical techniques applied for example to simple exodontia or to the surgical treatment of apical lesions.
These approaches and objectives are aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations Agenda 2030 ( in such a way that the acquisition of the, learning results of the subject provides training and competence to contribute to some extent to their achievement: Goal 3: Health and wellness.
It is advisable to have passed the first two years of the degree and to review the following:
- General Anatomy and Physiology
- Morphology of the head and neck, physiology of the stomatognathic apparatus
- Dental Radiology
- Medical and Surgical Pathology block subjects
2. Learning results
1. Recognizes the consequences of errors during examination, record taking and radiography and their correction.
2. List the stages of the surgical procedure and the factors that condition it.
3. Correctly lists all the variables that must be known to achieve a loco-regional anaesthesia that allows treating any intraoral pathology.
4. Correctly practices basic incisions and sutures on plastic and animal models.
5. Performs exodontia of different degrees of complexity and apicoectomies in plastic models.
6. Identifies the consequences of dentoalveolar trauma and reasons the choice of appropriate treatment.
7. Reasons the choice of different diagnostic techniques and treatment plans, in the presence of various underlying pathologies, at the level of the contents covered in class
In a context of mostly liberal practice, the knowledge of the bases for the development of the profession acquired by taking the subject allows the student to be effective in the treatment of specific oral surgical pathology.
The application of such knowledge is indispensable for most professional specialties, even for those called non-surgical, because they share many common elements for both surgical and general dentistry practice, for example:
- the basis for establishing the diagnosis
- sequencing of the treatment plan
- the sterilization chain and systems to avoid cross-contamination
Contact with the patient requires progressive training in basic manual techniques that are studied and worked on preclinical models. It also requires intellectual work, diagnosis and planning, which is studied through selected readings and reasoned in seminars.
3. Syllabus
1. -Clinical record and examination
2. -Intraoral radiology technique with positioners
3. -Interpretation of radiographs.
4. -Recognition of radiographic errors and their correction
5. -Surgical instruments.
6. -Loco-regional anaesthesia
7. -Basic incisions and sutures.
8. -Simple exodontic techniques
9. -Complex exodontic techniques.
10. Techniques of exodontia of included teeth.
11. Dentoalveolar trauma and reasoning for adequate treatment choice
12. Apicoectomy
13- Odontogenic infections.
The theoretical program will be completed with preclinical practices and individual work.
4. Academic activities
1. In the first group of activities we work with materials and processes of a symbolic nature. In them the student listens, reads, writes, collects, orders, reflects, analyses, argues and debates information. The instruments to be used will be:
- Lectures by the teacher through master classes.
- Seminars.
- Student study of the recommended texts.
- Written work by the student, individually and in groups.
2. Activities during which contextualized situations are also contemplated. The student observes, analyses and diagnoses different real cases in preclinical conditions (presentation of radiographs and photographs of real patients).
The instruments to be used will be:
- Seminars with presentation and group analysis of real surgical patient data.
- Preclinical practice in real dental chair with student as patient for simulation of surgical technique
(loco-regional anaesthesia).
- Attendance to a course or seminar outside the university faculty taught at the University or its surroundings.
- Viewing of videos of different surgical techniques, accompanied by group analysis and comments.
3. Finally, there are also activities that involve activities in real or close-to-reality contexts. The instruments to be used will be:
- Preclinical practices with different animal models.
- Preclinical practices in a practice room with plastic models.
5. Assessment system
Activities or concrete achievements in which the student will demonstrate that they has reached the expected learning results.
- Participation in theoretical classes
- Participation in seminars
- Work during practical sessions
- Preparation of practical guides
- Preparation of action guides
- Partial and global objective tests
Possibilities of accumulating points for the final grade:
1. Pass partial objective tests and participate constantly in the programmed activities.
2. Pass a single final objective test and a final individual practical exam.
Track 1:
Class participation: 1 point
Participation in practices: 2 points
Final objective test: 6 points
Continuous evaluation work: 1 point
Track 2:
Final theoretical exam: 5 points
Final practical exam (with presentation of papers and guides): 5 points
Theoretical objective test
The test consists of 50 questions with five answers of which only one is true. Each wrong answer subtracts 0.2 points from the final grade. They will be answered during a maximum time of 2 hours
Quality level to be required for the evaluation criteria.
Requirement to pass the practices:
Attend, work and participate during seminars and practices (Only two excused absences from internships and/or seminars are allowed as long as they can be recovered, i.e. the student can attend another scheduled group. No individual practices or seminars will be scheduled )
Those who do not meet this requirement shall take the individual practical examination.
Attendance to practices and seminars is compulsory but does not in itself earn a grade.
Passing theory in objective testing
The minimum grade to pass the subject is a 5.
If the student repeats the subject, they need to retake the entire subject, theory and practice, even if they has passed one of the two.