Academic Year:
29110 - Tourism: Psycho-Sociology
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
29110 - Tourism: Psycho-Sociology
Faculty / School:
177 - Escuela Universitaria de Turismo
445 - Degree in Tourism
616 - Degree in Tourism
First semester
Subject type:
Basic Education
1. General information
The subject and its expected results respond to the following approaches and goals:
Introductionto the sociological dimensions of the tourism phenomenon, especially the social dimensions of tourist behaviour and the social consequences of this phenomenon on both tourists and host societies .
This is a subject within the "Basic Training" of the degree course and in the first year so that the student understands the great scope of an activity without parallel in the history of mankind, with multiple repercussions and responsible for profound and complex social changes: tourism.
These approaches and goals are aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda: goal 16: peace, justice and strong institutions
2. Learning results
a) Analyze the origins of tourism in western countries, its relationship with leisure and its international dimension.
b) Study the conceptual development of the social studies of tourism and leisure.
c) Know the multiculturality that it presents in the present societies e) Understand the impacts of tourism and its social problems
f) Determine the risks of tourism in leisure societies.
g) Learn the basic concepts and methods of sociology
h) Learn how to historically situate the phenomenon of modern tourism leisure
i) Learn to detect (and become aware of) differences in tourism behavior according to sociological variables j) Learn to detect (and become aware of) the social impacts of tourism
3. Syllabus
UNIT 1. Object and método of Sociology.
UNIT 2. Work, leisure and tourism from a historical perspective.
UNIT 3. Conformación historicalconformationof mass tourism: socioeconomic and cultural components.
UNIT 4. Economic, social and culturaltransformationsin the mature capitalism: differentiated tourism products.
UNIT 5. Tourist motivationśsticas.
UNIT 6. Tourism and Global Society. Tourism impacts
UNIT 7. The particularities of tourism as asocioeconomicalactivityof services.
UNIT 8. The future of tourism: Social Networks and Tourism
4. Academic activities
Attendance to theoretical classes: 45 hours.
Attendance to practical classes: 15 hours.
Attendance to tutorials: 23 hours.
Preparation of theoretical classes: 30 hours.
Conducting examinations: 7 hours.
Preparation of practical classes: 15 hours.
Attendance at various activities (seminars, conferences, company visits): 15 hours.
5. Assessment system
CONTINUOUSASSESSMENT: Knowledge will be assessed through objective tests. In order to be eligible for this type of assessment, active student participation in the classroom is essential.
AND EXTRAORDINARY CALL: Knowledge will be assessed through objective tests.