Academic Year:
429 - Degree in Public Management and Administration
29001 - Administration and public policy sciences
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
29001 - Administration and public policy sciences
Faculty / School:
228 - Facultad de Empresa y Gestión Pública
429 - Degree in Public Management and Administration
Subject type:
Basic Education
1. General information
This subject provides a series of basic knowledge on the Science of Administration, its methodology, ideologies and the political system as conditioning factors of the activity of the public authorities and particularly of the Administration. It also presents an approach to contemporary public administrations, with mention to the history of the Spanish Administration and an introduction to the analysis of public policies, by means of an identification of their different phases and actors. The approaches of this subject are oriented towards the achievement of SDGs 4.7 and 17.14, 17.15 and 17.17.
2. Learning results
1. Knows the basic theoretical framework in which contemporary public administrations operate (SDG 17).
2. Relates and interprets theoretical proposals on public policy analysis (SDG 17).
3. Understands the dynamic and changing nature of management and public administration (SDG 17).
4. Expresses facts, ideas or concepts correctly and synthetically.
5. Solve simulations and case studies involving the understanding of the fundamental concepts of the subject and their application(ODS 4).
3. Syllabus
Block I. Administrative Science (first four-month period)
Unit 1. Introduction to Management Science.
Unit 2. Public administration as an object of scientific knowledge.
Unit 3. The Administration as an element of the political system.
Unit 4. Political and social pluralism.
Unit 5. Collective interests and Public Administration.
Unit 6. Bureaucracy.
Unit 7. Generic vision of administrative organizations.
Unit 8. Organization.
Unit 9. Administrative functions and administrative factors.
Unit 10. Political-administrative system.
Block II. Public policies (second four-month period)
Unit 11. Theoretical framework.
Unit 12. Keys for analysis.
Unit 13. Actors.
Unit 14. Resources and institutional rules.
Unit 15. Public policy management.
Unit 16. Public issues and public agenda.
Unit 17. Programming and decision making in public policies.
Unit 18. Implementation.
Unit 19. Assessment
Unit 20. Termination.
4. Academic activities
Master class: 75 hours (theoretical-practical sessions in which the contents of the subject will be explained).
Practical exercises: 45 hours (problem solving and case studies, assignments and face-to-face tutorials).
Personal study and preparation of practical assignments: 170 hours.
Assessment tests. 10 hours.
Synchronous and asynchronous activities: 30 hours (theoretical-practical sessions [videoconferences and/or learning pills] at where the contents of the subject will be explained).
Distance learning activities: 30 hours (virtual network work or activities on the Moodle platform or online tutorials).
Personal study and preparation of practical assignments: 230 hours.
Assessment tests. 10 hours.
5. Assessment system
A. Intermediate tests: consisting of 4 individual written exams (70%, minimum 5 out of 10). The exams will consist of multiple choice and/or short answer or essay questions related to the content of the program.
B. Periodic theoretical and practical exercises: case studies, papers and document analysis. Delivery in due time and form of the exercises set by the teacher, with a minimum of 6 per term (30%, minimum 5 out of 10).
C. Virtual course on the Moodle platform on Basic Digital Competence: learn to inform, create and communicate digitally (basic level), taught by staff from the Center's Library. Therefore, as an essential requirement, student must have a grade of APTO in this course in order to pass the subject.
5.1.2. GLOBAL PRESENT ASSESSMENT: students who do not opt for continuous evaluation, who do not pass the subject through continuous evaluation or who wish to improve their grade, will have the right to take the global test,which has the same structure as the intermediate tests, and consists of a global final test in the official calls (100% of the grade [70% theory, 30% practical], minimum 5 out of 10, in both sections).
Assessment criteria: The following will be assessed in the conceptual tests: degree of coincidence with the theoretical reference texts and conceptual rigor. In the practical activities the following will be valued: comprehension of texts, relation with the content of the subject, critical contribution of the student, reflection of what has been learned in the theory sessions and rigor in the approach to the debate questions.
The evaluation system for the virtual modality is the same as for the face-to-face modality. The main difference lies in the fact that the intermediate continuous assessment tests will necessarily be carried out online, through ADD-Moodle, with the tools tasks and questionnaires.