Academic Year:
428 - Degree in Labour Relations and Human Resources
28533 - French Specific to Labour Relations and Human Resources
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
28533 - French Specific to Labour Relations and Human Resources
Faculty / School:
108 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y del Trabajo
428 - Degree in Labour Relations and Human Resources
4 and 3 and 2
Second semester
Subject type:
1. General information
The subject focuses, through knowledge of French language and civilisation, on increasing the prospects of students not only with regard to the labour market, but also in relation to French culture, by providing them with the basic tools for these purposes.
This is an optional instrumental subject that confirms the need for communication in the French language, given the geographical situation of the Aragonese community, as a work tool for companies and institutions, widening the scope for students in their search for employment.
All of the approaches and goals of this subject respond to Objective 5: Gender Equality, one of the primary Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), so the learning results of this subject provide training and competence to contribute to this achievement.
2. Learning results
- Knowledge, handling and fluency in essential French vocabulary for Labor Relations and Human Resources.
- Development of grammatical and functional competence.
- Comprehension and production of written and oral texts from the world of work in French (telephone conversations, job interviews, job advertisements, oral presentations, company management documents, etc.).
- Expressing a point of view, acquiring and conveying information in French.
- Ability to apply knowledge to practice.
3. Syllabus
1.- Se présenter.
Simple sentence structure. Determiners (definite, indefinite, partitive, demonstrative, possessive). Le présent.
2.- The demand for employment. Recruitment of personnel.
Compound sentence structure. CD/CI Pronominalization. Negation, interrogation, comparison. Express the time. L'imparfait, le passé, le plus-que-parfait.
3.- L'entretien. The négotiation.
Indicators of point of view expression. Conditionals. Le futur, le conditionnel.
4.- Organiser.
Indicators of discourse organization. Active-passive. Writing letters, telephone conversations. Organize meetings and gatherings. Le gérondif.
4. Academic activities
- Lectures on the theoretical knowledge of the subject.
- Practical classes of analysis, commentary and interpretation of the chosen texts.
- Individual work focused on the student's practical activity, reflection and assimilation of theoretical contents.
- Group work: development of critical reasoning through interpersonal relationships.
- Tutorials: follow-up of assignments related to the work and resolution of doubts.
5. Assessment system
First call:
- Continuous assessment (it is recommended that students, given the characteristics of the subject, opt for this system of assessment.) 60% of the grade will be the sum of the practical activities, exercises related to each thematic block -individuals and groups- carried out throughout the course. The 40% will be developed in a final test of global comprehension of the subject (to pass it the student will have to obtain 60% of the total). Classroom participation will also be taken into account in the overall result of the grade.
- Global assessment test: those who are unable to attend class will take a written exam comprising sets of grammatical exercises corresponding to the thematic blocks and a practical situation-setting exercise (Labour Relations), which must be defended in an oral test previously arranged with the teacher.
Second call:
- This round will correspond to the Global Assessment Test of the First Round.