Academic Year:
428 - Degree in Labour Relations and Human Resources
28504 - Administrative Law elements
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
28504 - Administrative Law elements
Faculty / School:
108 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y del Trabajo
428 - Degree in Labour Relations and Human Resources
Second semester
Subject type:
Basic Education
1. General information
The main goal of the subject is to transmit the knowledge that makes up the subject in a systematic, clear and applied manner, so that students identify the constitutional framework in which the life of the State takes place, taking into account the position of the Administration within it, the status of citizens in their relations with the Administration, the system of sources of Administrative Law and essential administrative action.
It is an instrumental objective that students understand the mechanisms of the legal-administrative relationship and know the essence of the legal framework in which they develop their actions as citizens.
These goals connect with the SDGs:
Goal 4: Quality Education.
Goal 5: Gender Equality.
Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
2. Learning results
The mastery and application of the concepts, categories and fundamental institutions of Administrative Law will allow students to be aware of their position before the public administration, knowing the legal environment that frames it and its possibilities of action and response to administrative decisions. Ultimately this will enable you to exercise your rights and fulfill your obligations as a citizen in your dealings with public administrations.
Upon passing this subject, the following results will be obtained:
Know and understand the constitutional and legal framework of the actions of public administrations and the rights of citizens.
Know, understand and distinguish public legal relationships, differentiating them from private ones, and correctly handle the appropriate techniques and methodology for their interpretation, application and problem solving.
Being able to adapt to new situations arising from regulatory changes.
Learn to consult and handle theoretical and practical legal documentation on a pre-professional basis, and to improve in the oral and written presentation of legal topics.
Know and understand the actions of public administrations, the functioning of administrative procedures and the systems of guarantees against administrative actions.
Be able to elaborate and present applications, allegations, petitions, appeals, etc. before the Administration, and to make other writings before competent bodies in a systematic and rigorous way.
3. Syllabus
- BLOCK I: Spanish constitutional regime: general approaches. Rule of law, rights and duties, basic institutions, territorial organization, distribution of competences. Position of the Public Administration.
- BLOCK 2: Elements of the legal-administrative relationship:
1. The public administration: subjects, organization and principles of action
2. The citizen: rights in their relations with the Administration
- BLOCK 3: The sources of Administrative Law, with special mention to the Regulations.
- BLOCK 4: The actions of the public administration: administrative powers, theory of the administrative act, administrative procedure.
- BLOCK 5: Legal guarantees against the actions of public administrations: administrative appeals, contentious-administrative appeal.
4. Academic activities
The teaching-learning methodology is based on the active participation of the students, guided by the teaching staff. will deepen the criteria of active learning and critical attitude in legal subjects.
The learning activities are articulated around two models:
- Presentation/discussion of the contents of the program (T1 and T6): explanation by the teaching staff of the theoretical contents and deepening of the same from the perspective of the autonomous work of the students, under the supervision of the teacher.
- Analysis and resolution of problems and specific cases (T2): resolution by the students of practical cases through the application of the relevant.
5. Assessment system
They must be overcome:
- Theoretical exam (C1), which will evaluate the knowledge of activities T1 and T6.
- Overall test
- Composed of multiple-choice test items with one or more valid answers and a maximum of ten short questions to be answered in a space provided.
- It will value the clarity, conceptual rigor and ability to relate the contents of the program.
- 50% of the final grade (5/10). It will be passed with 2.5 points or more.
- Practical exam (C2), which will assess the competencies acquired in the T2 activities.
- Global test:
- It will consist of solving a case by applying the corresponding regulations.
- 50% of the final grade (5/10). It will be passed with 2.5 points or more.
The final grade will be the sum of the grades obtained in the two tests (C1+C2), provided that C1 and C2 are greater or equal to 2.5. Otherwise, the final grade will be the minimum between C1+C2 and 4.
The course will be passed with a final grade higher or equal to 5 out of 10.
In order to be eligible for an Honors Degree, those who obtain an Outstanding must pass an oral test that will assess the precision and depth of the knowledge and their verbal presentation.
Grades are not saved between sessions.