Academic Year:
28445 - Undergraduate Dissertation
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
28445 - Undergraduate Dissertation
Faculty / School:
105 - Facultad de Veterinaria
107 - Mobility for Degree
332 - .
451 - Degree in Veterinary Science
451 - Degree in Veterinary Science: 5
332 - .: XX
Second semester
Subject type:
451 - End of Grade Dissertation
332 - Compulsory
1. General information
The degree aims to provide society with quality veterinary professionals in any of the profiles of veterinary practice, such as, for example, clinical and production of livestock, companion animal clinic, food safety and quality, public health, teaching, research. Through the grade final pro (GFP), the student demonstrates the competencies acquired throughout the degree, learns to integrate them and apply them autonomously to deepen a specific topic. The development of projects in collaboration with livestock farms, veterinary clinics and companies will be encouraged in order to promote the acquisition of skills that prepare for the exercise of professional activity.
These approaches and objectives are aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda: Goals 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6, 8, 9, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15.
2. Learning results
Upon completion of this subject, the student will be able to:
1.- Face a topic of veterinary relevance, understand it, develop it and apply the most appropriate strategies to achieve the objectives proposed in his GFP.
2.-Carry out a GFP of a level required from a professional capable of integrating into the labour market in the veterinary field.
3.- Produce a coherent report that includes the chapters indicated in the Assessment section of this guide, meets the required standards and has an adequate level of presentation, readability and comprehension.
4. Defend their project by means of an oral presentation before an board of examiners, following the specific rules and using the usual resources for this purpose. The student must demonstrate the ability to develop a public presentation addressed to a scientific forum, in a clear manner, with the ability to synthesize their work and hold a reasoned discussion in response to the questions posed.
3. Syllabus
The GFP modalities will be the following:
Specific academic works, such as bibliographic reviews.
Specific work performed in the laboratory, field, Veterinary Hospital, Pilot Plant or other facilities that allow students to develop their activities or acquire their competencies.
Specific work carried out as a result of internships in companies or institutions, or within the framework of the Practicum subjects of the degrees of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.
Equivalent work carried out as a result of a stay in another university, through an agreement or mobility program.
In the case that the GFP to be carried out involves research with animals, data or their biological samples, it must have a previous review by the Ethical Advisory Committee for Animal Experimentation of the University of Zaragoza. The information available in this regard can be found in the section on teaching practices:
In the event that the GFP to be carried out involves research with people, personal data or human biological samples, it must have a prior review by a Research Ethics Committee, which in Aragon is the CEICA. The information available in this regard can be found at:
4. Academic activities
The student must agree with the Director(s) of the GFP the training activities, depending on the proposed topic and chosen modality (see section Assessment System).
The subject has been assigned 6 ECTS in the syllabus, which means that the student will have to dedicate 150 hours to pass it, which will be distributed among the following concepts:
Student meetings with the subject coordinator
Tutoring of each student with their director
Personal work of the student
Presentation and defence of the work before the board of examiners.
5. Assessment system
The student will develop a report or written work according to the established requirements and must defend it orally in a public session before a board of examiners constituted according to the rules and requirements established by the University of Zaragoza and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.
The report must have a minimum length of 25 pages and a maximum length of 40 pages (excluding cover page and table of contents). Calibri 11 font with 1.5 spacing should be used. Justified alignment and margins in normal format.
The report should include the following aspects:
Cover: In the established format. It will include the title of the GFP in English.
Abstract: in Spanish and English (maximum 300 words each).
Introduction (will include the bibliographic review).
Justification and Objectives
Results and discussion *
Conclusions (in Spanish and English)
Personal appraisal. Identification of the learning contributions that have resulted from this subject
Bibliography. Citations and references should be formatted in APA style (
Annexes (only if necessary)
* In those works of literature review modality, the results are the review itself. Reasons for exclusion
Failure to comply with one or more of the following criteria will result in the report not being eligible for deposit:
Deposit of the report or proposal after the deadline established by the Centre
Title of the report different from the one indicated in the GFP proposal. Length above or below the established.
Summary and conclusions are not in Spanish and English
The defence will consist of the presentation of the final project for a maximum of 15 minutes and the subsequent discussion period with the members of the board, which will last a maximum of 15 minutes.
The defence should include the main aspects of the project. In all these chapters, the following will be assessed, among others:
The ability to analyse, understand and interpret the literature, the material and methods and the results obtained
The ability for autonomous learning
Innovativeness and creativity
Ability to synthesise
The correct use of language, both in Spanish and English
Clarity and order in the expression of concepts
The formal aspects, especially the presentation and defence
For the assessment of the aforementioned skills, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine provides the board of examiners with a system of rubrics that can be found on the following website
The report will account for 45% of the overall grade; the defence of the work, taking into account both the presentation and the discussion with the board, 35% and finally the Director's report 20% of the final grade. A minimum grade of 5 will be required to pass this test.