Academic Year:
579 - Degree in Classics
27998 - Latin texts I: Historiography
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
27998 - Latin texts I: Historiography
Faculty / School:
103 - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
579 - Degree in Classics
First semester
Subject type:
1. General information
This subject will provide the student with the necessary strategies for the comprehension of Latin texts belonging to the genre of historiography. To this end, grammatical structures already known are reinforced, lexical learning is improved, and the historical and literary context of the texts is taken into account. Likewise, the subject will help students to progress in the application to Latin texts of the resources of translation and philological analysis.
These approaches and objectives are aligned with the SDGs of the United Nations 2030 Agenda (, in such a way that the acquisition of the learning results of the subject provides training and competence to contribute to some extent to their achievement.
Specifically SDG 4: Quality Education, 5. Gender Equality, 10. SDG 10: Reducing Inequalities. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions Alliances to achieve objectives.
2. Learning results
1. Knowledge and mastery of classical Latin in both phono-morphological and morpho-syntactic terms.
2. Ability to analyse classical Latin texts from both the rhetorical-stylistic and political-literary standpoints
3. Deepening the knowledge of the genres of classical Latin literature, as well as its themes and loci.
4. Increasing ability to relate themes from classical Latin literature to themes from later literature.
5. Fluency and ease of understanding of classical Latin texts of medium difficulty, as well as the ability to put them in writing in clear, correct and acceptably elegant Spanish.
6. Adequate use of bibliographic tools, databases and other ICT media, ability to review editions and monographs.
3. Syllabus
1. General characteristics of the historiographic genre.
2. Archaic Historiography.
3. Late Republican Historiography: Caesar, Sallust.
4. Augustan Historiography: Titus Livius.
5. Altoimperial Historiography: Tacit.
6. Late Antique Historiography: Amiano Marcelino.
7. The biography: Nepos, Suetonius, the Historia Augusta.
4. Academic activities
The subject combines the method of detailed explanation in class of the syllabus with the practice of translation, whose objective is the reinforcement of grammatical skills in Latin language and the acquisition of lexical knowledge, together with the subsequent literary, cultural and historical commentary of historical texts. Both aspects will be the product of personal and individual work.
It is understood, therefore, that these activities include:
a) Translation and commentary of Latin historiographic texts for review in class.
b) Self-translation of an extensive passage of imperial historiography.
c) Representative readings of imperial historiography.
5. Assessment system
First call:
Students must achieve a minimum of four out of ten points to average into the grade in all the tests. In all of them, clarity, presentation and correct Spanish spelling will be valued.
a) If necessary, the teacher will offer the continuous assessment system:
1.- Written test on the required readings (10%). Development of questions on one or several plot episodes of that work or on transversal aspects of its content. Criteria: the correctness of the answers will be assessed.
2.- Written test on the theoretical program (20%). Development of theoretical and practical issues. Criteria: knowledge and understanding of the concepts, expository order and terminological rigor will be assessed.
3.- Written translation test with dictionary (50%): translation with dictionary of a text not seen in class.
4.- Written translation test without dictionary (20%): translation without dictionary of a text prepared by the student.
Assessment criteria for the translation tests: knowledge of Latin grammar will be assessed, as well as the fidelity of the translation to the original and the mastery of the vocabulary.
b) Global assessment test (to be taken on the date set in the academic calendar)
Identical assessment criteria to those described in the continuous assessment and the same number of tests.
Second call:
Assessment with the same characteristics as in the first call.