27636 - Service Marketing
450 - Degree in Marketing and Market Research
1. General information
The main goal of this subejct is that the student learns the main knowledge, concepts and tools for the design of the marketing strategy in the service sector. Specifically, the student will learn how to characterize the sector itself and then define the specificities and particularities required by the Marketing mix when dealing with intangibles. In addition, this subject delves into customer management, the importance of customer service as a key to differentiation, satisfaction, quality and customer service.
These approaches and goals are aligned with goal 4: Quality Education, within the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations Agenda 2030 ( ) (https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/es/), in such a way that the acquisition of the learning results of the subject provides training and competence to contribute in some extent to their achievement.
3. Syllabus
UNIT 1.- The importance of services
UNIT 2.- Marketing mix of services
UNIT 3.- The process in services
UNIT 4.- Physical evidence in services
UNIT 5.- People in services
UNIT 6.- Customer service in services
UNIT 7.- Perceived quality of services
5. Assessment system
In the first call there are two evaluation systems: Continuous and global evaluation.
A. Continuous assessment and evaluation criteria: Consisting of the performance of ALL of the following activities:
T1: Oral presentation of a summary of readings and news related to the subject. They will be debated and discussed in class.
The evaluation will assess the implementation of the theoretical contents of the course, the ability to synthesize and opportunity with the chosen theme. This activity will account for 10% of the final grade (1 point).
T2: Delivery of a case study by the student. The student must solve and defend the solution to the questions posed at in relation to the case study. Its evaluation will be based on the adequate use of the contents studied in the subject, as well as other complementary contents that the student considers appropriate and adequate to the subject of the proposed case . This activity will account for 5% of the final grade (0.5 points).
T3: Analysis and presentation of the experience of a specific customer service case. For its evaluation, will take into account the use and linkage with the theory studied, and the reasoned judgment issued by the student about its assessment as appropriate . This activity will account for 5% of the final grade (0.5 points).
T4: Final work that deepens in the topics seen in class for the case of a specific service company. The results will be presented in writing and orally and discussed in class. The evaluation will be based on the difficulty of the subject , the sources of information consulted, the correct application of the contents developed in the subject, the structure and coherence, the written presentation of the work and its oral defense. This activity will account for 30% of the final grade (3 points).
E1: Written test on the first three theory topics. Closed theoretical-practical questions will be asked on the contents seen. The evaluation will take into account the student's ability to demonstrate understanding of theoretical concepts and their applicability to a real business context. This test will account for 15% of the final grade (1.5 points).
E2: Written test on the seven theory topics. Closed theoretical-practical questions will be asked on the contents seen. The evaluation will take into account the student's ability to demonstrate understanding of the theoretical concepts and their applicability to a real business context. This test will account for 35% of the final grade (3.5 points).
All students who opt for continuous evaluation must take all the tests that compose it. If a student decides not to take any of them, they waive all those previously taken. This will mean that in order to pass the subject, the student will have to take the Global Test. Students who opt for continuous evaluation must obtain a minimum of 35% of the assigned grade in each of the tests in order to pass thesubject.
B. Overall assessment and assessment criteria:
Written test with closed theoretical-practical questions on all topics. 70% will deal with the theoretical and practical contents of the course. The other 30% will be open-ended questions related to activities T1 and T2. For the evaluation of this global test, the student's ability to demonstrate understanding of the theoretical concepts and their applicability to a real business contextwill be taken into account.
In order to pass the subject through the Global Test, students must obtain a minimum of 25% of the grade in the part of the theoretical-practical contents of the subject. Similarly, 25% of the grade must also be obtained in the part related to activities T1 and T2.
Second call:
It will have the same structure, evaluation system and conditions as the global test of the first call.