Academic Year:
27345 - Foreign Language for Business (French)
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
27345 - Foreign Language for Business (French)
Faculty / School:
109 - Facultad de Economía y Empresa
228 - Facultad de Empresa y Gestión Pública
448 - Degree in Business Administration and Management
458 - Degree in Business Administration and Management
First semester
Subject type:
1. General information
The main objective of this subject, taught in French, is for students to improve their oral and written communicative competence in this language in order to be able to develop in their profession or in the French-speaking professional field, . Starting from level A2 of the MECRL, the subject will be approached from the point of view of specific approaches and objectives, reinforcing the practice of the language in its five skills, situations and professional conventions.
Its approaches and objectives are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations Agenda 2030 (, so that the acquisition of the learning results of the subject provides training and competence to contribute to some extent to the achievement of Objectives 4.7 of Goal 4 and 11.4 of Goal 11.
2. Learning results
- Solve communicative situations, simulations and practical cases in French that involve the understanding of the fundamental concepts of the subject and their correct application.
Show fluency, correctness and confidence in oral expression in French.
Master the specific vocabulary of the French language, with special attention to the formal register of the language and the conventions used in the business field
Read, understand and handles different types of texts in French, including ICT and audio-visual media, valuing them as sources of information necessary for the professional activity.
Express themselves in writing with coherent discourse and clear language on topics related to the future profession
Identify socio-cultural aspects and differences of international partners in the professional business environment
3. Syllabus
1. Prendre contact: Salutations, usages interculturels. Le téléphone. Messages. L'interrogation. Temps verbaux. Pronoms personnels. Les nombres, l'alphabet.
2. L'administration: Fonctions, organisation. La lettre administrative. Démonstratifs et possessifs. Relatifs. Pays et nationalités. Prépositions. The négation.
3. L'emploi et les conditions de travail: Offres et demandes d'emploi. CV, lettre de candidature et entretien. Imparfait and passé composé. Participes. Subjonctif.
4. Où et quand: Situation dans l'espace. Orientations et directions. Le lieu de travail. Communiqués internes. L'expression du temps. Pronoms complément.
5. Voyages internationaux: Réservations. Confirmations et annulations. Invitations. Agenda, rendez-vous. Transformation nominale. Expression de la cause et conséquence. Concordance des temps.
4. Academic activities
The program offered to the student to help them achieve the expected results includes the following training activities:
Explanation of concepts, presentation and exemplification of tasks.
Performance of individual / group tasks.
Participation in simulation activities.
Search for materials and resources.
Preparation of evaluable tests.
Student presentations.
5. Assessment system
GLOBAL evaluation TEST of theoretical-practical character, face-to-face and individual, for all the calls of the subject. It will consist of the following activities:
- Written activities: (5 points)
Of communicative situations, grammar and vocabulary (2 points).
Written expression and interaction (2 points).
Reading comprehension (1 point).
- Oral activities: (5 points)
Oral expression and interaction (3 points).
Listening comprehension (2 points).
The final exam will be considered passed when at least half of the points assigned to the written and oral activities are reached (a minimum of 2.5 out of 10 points in the written and oral tests ). If not achieved, the final grade cannot be higher than 4 out of 10.
Oral (50%) and written (50%) competencies will be evaluated according to these criteria:
- The level of preparation of the tasks.
- The use of vocabulary and register appropriate to the communication situation.
- Comprehension of different types of written documents and oral situations.
- Syntactic and morphological correctness.
- Fluency, correctness and pronunciation.
The detection of plagiarism or copying in an activity will result in a grade of 0 points for that activity