Academic Year:
27343 - E-business
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
27343 - E-business
Faculty / School:
109 - Facultad de Economía y Empresa
228 - Facultad de Empresa y Gestión Pública
448 - Degree in Business Administration and Management
458 - Degree in Business Administration and Management
454 - First semester
448 - First semester
458 - Second semester
Subject type:
1. General information
This subject is focused on providing the student with the knowledge, skills and resources necessary to be able to function efficiently in the use of information technologies throughout life. Both throughout their training and, subsequently, in their workplace, the student will have to regularly use computer tools that help them manage information, tools that are constantly changing and evolving; The objective is, therefore, to train you to make efficient, safe and responsible use of these tools and to prepare you to adapt to change.
These approaches and objectives are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda (, in such a way that the acquisition of learning results of the subject will contribute, to a certain extent, to the achievement of objectives 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 17
2. Learning results
• Know fundamental notions about ICT and adequately use computer terms related to the use of technologies in their work environment.
• Collect, send and present information through the network in a safe and responsible way. Know the possibilities of Internet services and their professional application in the company.
• Understand the need for good ICT governance in order to guarantee security and quality in the use of the company's computer system; in particular, to know the importance and basic purpose of the computer audit.
• Elaborate quality digital documents efficiently, integrating textual, numerical, graphic information... from various sources.
• Carry out data processing with a spreadsheet, using your own business management examples (simulation, resolution of objectives, use of advanced functions, graphics, dynamic tables, macros, data analysis...).
• Use computer tools to support oral and written communication. Design and create publications (brochures, infographics...), including image editing.
• Use tools for collaborative work and the management of shared documents.
• Design and create a website with texts and images. Know criteria to analyze the quality of a website (in particular, the usability and accessibility of the site, as well as its implication in the positioning).
3. Syllabus
• ICTs and their involvement in the business environment.
• Advanced document design.
• Professional use of the spreadsheet in business management. Advanced functions (count, conditionals, search functions…), date management, pivot tables, advanced charts, maps, data analysis, macros…
• Multimedia tools. digital presentations. Publication design.
• Image editing tools.
• Tools for collaborative work.
• Publishing content on the web. Design and creation of websites. Quality evaluation of a website: Evaluation criteria
• Other complementary tools.
4. Academic activities
Participatory master classes: 12.5 hours
Theoretical-practical sessions in which the contents of the subject will be explained, incorporating active methodologies that favor the participation and involvement of the student in the development of the class.
Practical classes in the laboratory: 17.5 hours
Computer sessions in which exercises will be solved with the computer tools that the student must learn to use.
Personal Study: 41 hours
Tests Evaluation: 4 hours
In principle, the teaching and assessment methodology is planned to be based on face-to-face classes. However, if circumstances so require, it may be carried out online.
5. Assessment system
The subject will be assessed in the continuous assessment modality throughout the semester through the activities indicated below. If the student does not pass the subject by continuous evaluation, they will have the opportunity to pass it in the corresponding official calls, in which the global evaluation will be carried out as specified below.
Continuous assessment
It will consist of:
• A written test consisting of a series of questions (test type or short answer) on the theoretical contents. At least a 3 (out of 10) will be required to pass the subject; It will contribute 15% to the final grade.
• Two practical tests consisting of carrying out exercises on the computer similar to those carried out in class. At least a 5 (out of 10) will be required in each of the practical tests. The first will contribute 45% to the final grade; the second will contribute 20%.
• Activities developed in the classroom (solving exercises, practices with applications,...), which will contribute 20% to the final grade.
Students may waive this last part, it being understood then that the written test and the practical test will increase their weight in the final grade (20% for the written theory test, 55% for the first practical test and 25% for the second practical test).
The student who does not reach the minimum requirements in the continuous assessment tests must take the corresponding part in the final global test.
Overall evaluation
It will be carried out in the official calls established by the Center. It will consist of:
• A written test consisting of a series of questions (test type or short answer) on the theoretical contents. At least a 3 (out of 10) will be required to pass the subject; It will contribute 20% to the final grade.
• A practical test consisting of doing exercises on the computer similar to those done in class. At least a 4 (out of 10) will be required to pass the subject; It will contribute 80% to the final grade.
In the event that the student does not reach any of the minimum requirements, his or her grade will be failed and the numerical grade will be, at most, 4.5.
In the evaluation, the mastery of the tools worked on in the course and the quality of the solutions will be assessed.
In the first call, students will be able to pass the subject through continuous evaluation or global evaluation, with the highest grade always prevailing.