Academic Year:
26762 - Human Anatomy I (Musculoskeletal)
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
26762 - Human Anatomy I (Musculoskeletal)
Faculty / School:
104 - Facultad de Medicina
229 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte
304 - Degree in Medicine
305 - Degree in Medicine
Second semester
Subject type:
Basic Education
1. General information
The subject of Human Anatomy I (Locomotor System) is part of the basic training of the Medical Degree. Its objectives are :
- Learn anatomical language, axes, planes and basic structural elements
- Recognize with macroscopic methods the morphology and function of the locomotor system
- These approaches and objectives are aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations Agenda 2030 (, such that the acquisition of the learning results of the subject provides training and competence to contribute to some extent to their achievement: of Goal 3: Health and wellness
● Goal 4: Quality Education.
● Goal 5: Gender Equality.
In order to take the subject, students are recommended to previously acquire the knowledge of General Anatomy in the first semester
2. Learning results
In order to pass the subject, the student must obtain the following learning results:
- Locate anatomical structures, using anatomical plans and nomenclature
- Identify the characteristics of bones and their radiological image
- Describe the different characteristics of all types of joints
- Identify by their characteristics the muscles, arteries, veins, lymphatics and nerves
- Locate topographically the most important structures of each region
- Identify in the cadaver muscles, arteries, veins, and nerves of each region
- From the anatomical-functional knowledge obtained, they will be able to deduce how the different types of movement are produced
- From the anatomical-functional knowledge obtained, they will be able to deduce the possible alterations that can cause the injuries of the different locomotor structures
- Know how to recognize the palpable bone points of the body
- Know how to recognize the muscle masses of the body
- Assess the degree of mobility of the different regions of the body according to the mobility of their joints
3. Syllabus
Block I. Trunk : Back, thorax, shoulder girdle, pelvic girdle, abdomen, perineum.
Block II : Lower extremity : Buttock, thigh, leg and foot.
Block III. Upper extremity : Shoulder, armpit, arm, forearm, hand.
Block IV : Skull and intracranial fossae. Collar
In each of the blocks :
Skeleton, joints, ligaments. Neuromuscular systems. Vascularization and innervation. Topographic anatomy.
Areas of special clinical or surgical interest.
In each of the blocks :
Skeleton and joints in trunk, upper extremity, lower extremity. Skull and intracranial fossae.
Dissection of anterior and posterior panorama in trunk, upper extremity, lower extremity, neck.
Dissection of areas of special clinical or surgical interest.
4. Academic activities
THEORETICAL FACE-TO-FACE CLASSES: They combine expository and active methodology, with presentations by the faculty and group discussions.
PRACTICAL FACE-TO-FACE CLASSES: Practices carried out in the dissection room with the appropriate infrastructure , through the study of human remains (bone and cadaver). models, radiological images Active and participatory methodology, working in small groups, supported by the teaching staff. Compulsory attendance (at least 80%)
SEMINARS : Application of theoretical anatomical knowledge with orientation to the clinic and problem solving. Work in small groups with teacher guidance and supervision.
Sharing, presentation and discussion of results.
TUTORIALS: Interview with the teacher for academic orientation, and consultation of questions regarding the subject.
5. Assessment system
Evaluation activities include:
1.- Evaluation by exams (90% of the final grade):
Written exams can be in paper or digital format. They will consist of questions of theoretical content (including multiple-choice and short answer questions) and practical questions, using images to comment, identify or locate anatomical structures. The grade for the theoretical questions will be 70%, and the grade for the images will be 30% of the total grade of the exam.
At the teacher's discretion, the completion of one or more midterm exams covering blocks of content of the subject will be assessed. A grade higher than 6/10 in a midterm exam, will allow the student to eliminate such contents for the final exam.
The final exam is passed with a grade of 5/10 or higher for each of the blocks of contents. .
2.- Continuous evaluation : (10% of the final grade). They will be assessed during the term:
-Attendance to theoretical and practical classes (the latter are mandatory).
-Intervention in theoretical classes and group discussions.
-Attitude, involvement and participation in practical activities
-Participation in seminars and written assignments.
Students who voluntarily waive the scheduled activities that give rise to the evaluation during the term must take an oral theoretical-practical exam at the final call for exams.