26696 - School Internships
298 - Degree in Primary School Education
299 - Degree in Primary School Education
300 - Degree in Primary School Education
External Placements
1. General information
Objectives of the subject
The purpose of the School Internship in English Language is to put into practice in the Primary Education classroom the competences acquired in all the subjects that make up the Specialization of the student's specialty. They will also serve to to observe, analyze and evaluate the relationship between the two areas, theory and practice.
These approaches and goals are aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations Agenda 2030 (https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/es/), so that the acquisition of the learning results of the subject provides training and competence to contribute to some extent to their achievement:
- Goal 4: Quality Education. By 2030, significantly increase the number of young people and adults who have the necessary skills, particularly technical and professional, to access employment, decent work and entrepreneurship. This will significantly increase the supply of qualified teachers.
Context and meaning of the subject in the degree program
The subject is of utmost importance, since it allows the student to establish connections between theory and practice, as well as to develop didactic skills essential for his or her professional future as an English teacher in Primary Education.
Recommendations for taking the subject
It is recommended to have passed all the subjects that make up the English Language Minor.
2. Learning results
The student, in order to pass this subject, must demonstrate the following results...
1. Uses in practice the contents taught in the subjects of the mention
2. Knows the field of action and functions of the specialist teacher and becomes familiar with the reports, resources, material, activities and methodological strategies used by this professional.
3. Observes, analyzes, interprets and evaluates different aspects related to teaching practice and identifies the different disorders, alterations and learning difficulties of students, analyzing their causes and establishing implications for the teachingprocess.
4. Designs, implements and evaluates learning activities appropriate to the school context and the individual characteristics of elementary school students.
5. Knows innovative experiences and is able to develop proposals for improvement in the field of action of the teacher specialist.
6. Identifies and uses techniques and strategies for action in the classroom and collaboration with families, tutors and, in general, with the entire educational community, to foster a communicative climate that helps the development and learning of students.
And more specifically
- Knows how to put into practice the theoretical and practical contents acquired in all the subjects of English Language.
- Carries out the proposed observation and reflection tasks without any problems.
- Is capable of adapting and innovating some aspect of the program(s) of the assigned subject(s) in a partial or substantial manner, according to the needs and evolutionary performance of the students of Primary School.
- Knows how to design activities appropriate to the context of the classroom and the school, aimed at the learning of the students in the classroom of English as a foreign language in Primary Education.
- It creates an environment of respect, discipline, trust and motivation for knowledge in the classroom.
- Regularly and adequately interacts with the teaching staff of the school, participates in the activities assigned in relation to his/her specialty, and knows how to coordinate with both tutors (of the school and of the faculty).
- Knows how to correctly write and coherently structure an academic paper in English where he/she analyzes, evaluates and contrasts his/her learning, providing professional criticism and personal assessment.
5. Assessment system
Type of tests and their value on the final grade and evaluation criteria for each test
The student must demonstrate that they have achieved the expected learning outcomes through the following assessment activities.
ACTIVITY A. Elaboration of an academic paper.
This academic work will consist of three parts:
1. Observation and research. (20% of the final grade).
2. Design and implementation of activities. (20% of the final grade).
3. Reflection and self-evaluation on their teaching practice (10% of the final grade).
It accounts for 50% of the final grade.
Format of the academic work. The format of the report should follow the following standards: Times font or similar, 12 point, 1.5 point spacing and 3 centimeter margins. It must contain an index. The following information should be specified on the cover page: title of the work (Internship Report I); degree; Faculty and University; academic year; first and last name of the student; student's NIA; school and teaching group where the internship is being carried out; first and last name of the internship tutor; first and last name of the Faculty teacher
The academic work must be presented in the following form:
- It shall be written in English.
- If citations or bibliographical references are included, they should be made in an academic manner.
- If books, articles, discs, films, web sites or didactic materials of any kind are cited, all references will be included in a final references in a final section of bibliography and materials, arranged alphabetically by author.
- Length: between 3,500 and 4,000 words, excluding table of contents and bibliography.
- It must also be sent by email to the faculty tutor, in PDF format.
- The length of the report shall be between 30 and 40 pages, excluding annexes.
Activity B. Participation in tutorials and seminars convened by the teacher of the subject and discussion of the report.
The student's participation in tutorials and seminars convened by the teacher represents 5% of the final grade. The discussion of the report is 5% of the final grade.
Activity C. Student involvement and performance in the school.
To evaluate this activity the teacher of the subject will take into account the information provided by the tutor teacher of the school center. The evaluation of this activity represents 40% of the grade.
Assessment criteria
In the evaluation activities the following aspects will be assessed
ACTIVITY A. The report should follow the guidelines outlined in the description of the document and meet the following criteria:
1 Rigor in the observation and analysis of the performance of the English classroom teacher in Primary Education.
2 Adequacy of the reflections and analysis of the materials used.
3 Creativity and effectiveness in the design of teaching activities and the application of teaching strategies
4 Correctness in the structuring, writing and, if necessary, oral defense of the academic work in English with a level of proficiency equivalent to at least a B2
ACTIVITY B: Participation in the seminars organized by the teacher of the subject and discussion of the report a) Student's interest and involvement in the activities proposed by the teacher of the subject in the seminars.
b) Argumentative consistency and appropriate oral expression in the discussion of the report.
ACTIVITY C: Student involvement and performance in the school center
a) Assessment of basic professional compliance: Regularity in attendance, punctuality and compliance with schedules, knowledge of the rules and uses of the center, respect for confidentiality.
b) Assessment of professional skills and abilities: capacity for empathy, correctness in dealing with others, ability to analyze and solve problems, ability to work in a team, responsibility, ability to apply knowledge, critical sense.
c) Assessment of attitudes and dispositions: interest, motivation, participation, voluntary activities, autonomy and initiative.
d) Assessment of knowledge acquired: performance in teaching practice during the internship period
Requirements to pass the subject
In order to pass the subject, it is required to obtain at least a 5 out of 10 in each of the evaluation activities. If in any of the evaluation activities the minimum requirement is not met, the final grade will be equal to 4.0 or the sum of the grades obtained in activities A, B and C if it is less than 4.0.
If the above requirement is met, the final grade will be the weighted sum of the grades obtained in activities A, B and C. The subject will be passed when this final grade is equal to or higher than 5
Those students who, not having passed the subject, have fulfilled the prerequisite of attendance at the
and have a grade equal to or higher than 5 out of 10 in the evaluation activity C, they will not have to repeat the attendance at the internship center.
Attendance at the internship center during the entire established period is a necessary condition to be evaluated in the subject. Both justified and unjustified causes must be notified (and justified if applicable) to the tutor at the University and to the school tutor. All student absences must be made up in order to ensure the 168 hours of attendance at the school. However, unexcused absences, apart from the fact that they must be made up at, subtract 0.25 points from the final grade for every three hours or fraction thereof of absence.
Exceptionality in the evaluation of the subject matter
This subject complies with the provisions of Article 9.4 of the Regulations of the Learning Assessment Standards of the University of Zaragoza, which states: Exceptionally, those subjects that due to their special practical or clinical dimension and in which students must necessarily demonstrate their knowledge or competencies in facilities or locations outside the conventional classroom, may be evaluated only by the continuous evaluation modality. This exceptionality must be declared by the Undergraduate Studies Commission, applying, in any case, only to the practical dimension of the subject.
Second Call
Students will not be eligible for a second call, when any of the following reasons apply:
- Failure to arrive at the internship center on the date established for this purpose, without a justified cause and implying the abandonment of the internship.
- Abandonment of practices once they have begun.
- Failure to obtain at least the minimum required score in Activity C (Student involvement and performance in the school).
The second call is therefore contemplated only when:
- Failure to meet the grading criteria established for activities A and/or B, but the student has at least the minimum grade required in activity C, but the student has at least the minimum grade required in activity C.
In this case, the student must re-submit the internship report (Activity A) and/or participate in the seminars and discussion of the report (Activity B) on the dates agreed upon with the professor in charge, which must be at least 7 days before the official closing date of the second call.
Fifth and sixth calls
Students in 5th and 6th call will be evaluated with the same evaluation system as the rest of the students, but their evaluation will be carried out by an examining board.
Finally, it must be taken into account that the Regulations of the Rules of Coexistence of the University of Zaragoza will be applicable to irregularities committed in the evaluation tests through academic fraud, as well as the application of article 30 of the Regulations of the Rules of Evaluation of Learning in relation to irregular practices other than academic fraud.