Academic Year:
26610 - French in Primary School I
Teaching Plan Information
Academic year:
26610 - French in Primary School I
Faculty / School:
107 - Facultad de Educación
202 - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación
301 - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
298 - Degree in Primary School Education
299 - Degree in Primary School Education
300 - Degree in Primary School Education
Second semester
Subject type:
Basic Education
1. General information
The main goal of this subject is to improve oral and written proficiency in the French language by enhancing oral and written interaction, comprehension and production skills.
This subject responds to the need to improve the teaching and learning of French through bilingual programs in schools.
The subject will be taught in French. It is recommended to have acquired the communicative competence equivalent to level A2 of French language according to the MECR.
These approaches are aligned with some of the SDGs of the 2030 Agenda:
Goal 4 Quality education to promote sustainable development
Goal 5 Gender equality: end all forms of discrimination against all women worldwide.
Goal 11 Cities: protect the world's cultural and natural heritage.
2. Learning results
In order to pass this subject, the students shall demonstrate they has acquired the following results:
- Apply the phonetic and grammatical rules of the French language to oral and written discourse.
- Shows fluency, correctness and confidence in oral expression in French.
- Expresses him/herself in writing with coherent discourse and clear language on everyday and current topics.
- Read, understand and handle different types of texts in French, including ICT and audiovisual media, valuing them as sources of information necessary for professional activity.
- Solve communicative situations, simulations and practical cases in French that involve the understanding of the fundamental concepts and their correct application.
3. Syllabus
Communicative and linguistic contents :
- Introduction to French phonetics: The voyelles and the consonants. Discrimination auditive.
- Communication situations: characterizing relationships, expressing emotions, family, school and lodging.
- Situations of communication: getting information and participating in exchanges: work, hospital, professions, use of time, new technologies.
- Communication situations: talking about habits, daily life exchanges, etc
- Communication situations: talking about leisure, tourism, vacations, transportation.
- Grammar: review of conjugations, simple phrases, personal pronouns, possessives and demonstratives, interrogation, negation, relatives.
4. Academic activities
In order to improve oral and written communicative competence in French for the future profession, the subject will be approached in a practical way. It will be developed through expository sessions and the application of the linguistic contents and communicative.
The program offered to the student to help him/her achieve the expected results includes the following activities: - Explanation of concepts, presentation and exemplification of tasks.
- Performance of individual / group tasks.
- Participation in oral and written simulation activities.
- Search for materials and resources.
- Preparation of evaluable tests.
- Student presentations.
5. Assessment system
It will be evaluated, in all the calls of the subject, by means of a global and presential individual test that represents the 100% of the grade and will include several evaluation instruments. It will be held on dates to be communicated through the usual means. The individual on-site test will consist of the following activities:
Written activities (50%)
* Phonetics, grammar, vocabulary, communicative situations (2 points)
* Written expression (2 points)
* Reading comprehension (1 point)
Oral skills will be evaluated according to the following criteria: the level of preparation of the tasks, fluency, correctness, pronunciation and the use of vocabulary appropriate to the communication situation.
Oral activities (50%)
* Oral expression and interaction (3 points)
* Listening comprehension (2 points)
Writing skills will be assessed according to the following criteria: the level of preparation of tasks, the comprehension of different types of written documents, the grammatical correctness of written productions and the use of vocabulary appropriate to the written situation.
The final test will be considered passed when at least half of the points assigned to the written (50%) and oral (50%) activities are reached to make the average between the two parts.
Finally, it must be taken into account that the Regulations of the Norms of Coexistence of the University of Zaragoza will be applicable to the irregularities committed in the evaluation tests by means of academic fraud, as well as the application of article 30 of the Regulations of the Norms of Evaluation of Learning in relation to irregular practices other than academic fraud.}
Students in 5th and 6th call will be evaluated with the same system as the rest of the students, but their evaluation will be carried out by a board of examiners.